On my road to minimalism | A minimalistic wardrobe

in #minimalism6 years ago

I am doing a kind of challenge to declutter all my stuff. I dream of being free to go where I want but all my stuff attached me at my place. But now, this will change !

I decided to declutter my wardrobe first as I showed in this video : https://steemit.com/fr/@roxane/w039omcu

But I couldn't start with my clothes... I was too emotionnaly attached to it; So I instead decluttered my library as you can see in this video. Much more easy. Especially because I wasn't really getting rid of it because I just returned all my books and comics at my mother's place.

Look at the video to see the amazing work we did with my husband : https://steemit.com/dlive/@roxane/ab093920-7597-11e8-827c-49f76fdbeab3

Decluttering the library was much more easy then that just give all my clothes to charities.

Hopefully, I finally started with the wardrobe :


So I am on my way. I know that I can do it. It will just take some times.

I wish you luck if you are also doing the challenge !

— Roxane


I kid you not, aside from miscellaneous articles of colored clothing for events or whatever, I have 10 pairs of matching black socks, 10 pairs of matching black underwear, 10 black shirts, 5 black pants, 2 pairs of black shoes, a black jacket, and 3 black sweaters.

Call me a minimalist jerk, but I really love wearing all black. I always feel collected, nothing is mismatched, and it's very easy to get dressed. I'm all about efficiency and being able to get dressed by grabbing one of each of what I need is a great feeling. I can go from butt naked to fully clothed and presentable in under a minute. Not that that matters, it's just always easy when all of my socks are matching so I can stick my hands into the drawer and always grab a matching pair.

It's a bit of a joke among my friends because unless there's some other reason I'm always wearing black. It's definitely not for everyone, but I have no regrets and plan to keep my wardrobe this way indefinitely. It's just a very simple, manageable way to dress myself in a way that I like and is respectable.

This is actually the secret of many successful people - to simplify their wardrobe much like you did. Too many people waste too much time with the “what to wear” decision. That’s creative energy that is better used elsewhere.

maybe I should start like you dear @ranahussnainali !
It's like Steve jobs 😅 It's better to have this like that so you don't have to focus on it and lose your energy with it !

Good luck with that. I've been trying to do this for a few years. I can't believe how emotionally attached I'd become to simple things like T-shirts I bought in Uni, or an old cap my dad gave me.
These days I just get rid of things before they become sentimental, and I don't buy new things much anymore unless I have to :)

We have al been trying for years ! Decllutering is so complicate (emotionnaly I mean) @adetorrent
I love the idea of getting rid of stuff before them being sentimental 😎 Will try that too 😅😂😂😂
Thanks for stopping by! Hope the NY trip was amaziiiing !

I am so guilty of being attached to my things, especially my memory things like the baby things or pictures which I have way, way too many.

I also love my books which I have a trouble of getting rid of.
So glad you are doing this challenge and I will have to do the same since we are going to be moving abroad so most of the things I have to get rid of.
Good luck @roxane. Hope you will enjoy your clean space.

Don't feel guilty @joalvarez, theses items are really emotionaly important. Getting rid of them is very hard. I had the same with all the cards / letters / present I got from my husband when we where teenager... It was impossible for me to get rid of it.
I understand about books, because by reading them, it created the woman you are now... But for me, it was a bit easier (a bit easier , not easier and it took me many yers to get rid of them ;)) : My husband showed me that I could buy them online if needed and have them with me everywhere in the world at any moment ;)
Traveling / going abroad is the best moment to make some space ;) Where are you going ?
Ps: and yes : I enjoy the clean space sooo much 😍

I've been slowly decluttering too! I can't start with the clothes either, there are just so many clothes everywhere, mostly thanks to my 2 little fashionistas :P We'll get there though! Hope you're well lovely <3

@redrica 😍 Decluttering with kids shouldn't be so easy indeed 😅
I am fine ! Hope you too lovely!

Less is more 😊

It is so interesting to see what you are trying to achieve with this.
Do you have places you intend to travel to soon? @roxane

Hello @limitlessfash,
thanks for your comment,
I would love to see the world ;) not a specific place !

I like that, 'not a specific place'

All the best in your adventure @roxane

my brother just moved into a RV a month or two ago, I talked to him today, he was in Vancouver, he was lamenting that his wife had not agreed to get rid of the cat.

Have taken the challenge of minimalism to make my life free and fast. Lets see how far I can success.

already discarded some old clothings. minimalizing going on.

So you’re decluttering by cluttering your mom’s home instead... 😄

And I see that when you say “wardrobe” you mean a whole “wardrobe room”! I understand what a challenge that is now... ;)

😅😅😅 yes that's true @connecteconomy,
Have you read the Marie Kondo book about Minimalism ? She says that decluttering by putting our stuff at our parent 's palce is NOT decluttering 😂😂😂 But really, I don't need anything of it, my mother can have everything and do what she wants with it.
And about the wardrobe... yeah... you are right lol an entire room 😅😅😅

I haven’t read the book - I have moved so much in my life that I’ve become a natural minimalist :) I really don’t like packing and unpacking 😄

Everything I own fits in one room and I’m not attached to any of it. I only need my passport and my laptop :) Not even the laptop since everything is in the cloud.

Okay there’s 2 paintings and my teddy bear from when I was 3 :) but that’s it.