[Bilingual] Don’t kick against the pricks (Jangan menendang ujung yang tajam)

in #mindset6 years ago


English Version

Kick against the pricks ? Hmm... this sentence seems to express an anger and ignorance condition. That's what crossed in my mind when I heard an old man talking to someone who was angry today. This story began this morning, when I walked in the fish market. My goal here is to buy a fish and see how the people are doing in the morning on the market. I saw fish sellers peddling their fish, there was a process of bargaining prices and I saw the transporters of fish were sweating, but they still were doing enthusiastic in their activities.

My preoccupation in the market was stopped because in the corner of the market I saw a commotion and everyone looked there. I saw a young man very angry and argued with another young man. Actually I am lazy to interfere in other people's business, but for some reason this time I am very interested to be close, hear and see what happened. Because all this time I know this market is always comfortable to visit, the people there are very friendly and the place is also clean. So, the incident feels strange, it is not unusual to happen here.


The first young man was Jay, he was angry because he felt his place had been occupied by another young man named Freddy. I heard Jay was angry because he felt had been his place for a long time, so he felt the right man to sell fish there. Freddy also reasoned there was no regulation here, there was no rule as to who occupied the place, so he became the owner, it did not exist. Said Freddy. According to him, the facilities in this market are owned and provided by the government.

Who is wrong ? I don't know, because I think both of are right. But the debate between the two young man continues and no one wants to lose. Until finally an old man appeared, I see from what I had noticed, this old man always tried to break up the young man debate. One time he spoke loudly in one sentence. That sentence really make me silent and pondered, including the two young men. The old man said "Don't kick against the pricks". The sentence came out smoothly from the mouth of the old man. Two young men who were arguing were silent and finally one of them was Freddy who was willing to give up the place to Jay. What happened ? Freddy was a man who was willing to budge, and he realized that his opinion had provoked a commotion with Jay.


Let us look at the debate above carefully.

A good country certainly pay attention to the people, the State sometimes provides free facilities so that people's lives are better. But, as a people we also have to understand because these facilities not ours and anyone has the right to enjoy all public facilities. Here, Jay has given the wrong argument because as if he already has that facility. On the other hand, Freddy said that these facilities may be used by anyone, there are no rules and no restrictions on who should occupy the facility. When two reasons and two opinions contradict each other, debate arises. The result can be a damage and the uncomfortable atmosphere that has been built up so far.

But Jay argumentation also true, because he has been selling for a long time there and has been known by the people around there, according to usually law and has been valid for a long time. Jay is a person who is in that place, all his customers too. When Freddy comes up with another argument and tries to refute the law of the habit, what happens next is noise, debate and discomfort. Doesn't this damage a relationship that has long existed? Doesn't this make the atmosphere uncomfortable? Freddy's opinion is Legal Opinion and his opinion may be correct. Each of us must have legality because it is the initial position to act, if not, the next action is null and void.


Habbit Laws and Applicable Laws often occur in our lives. The story above is just my illustration, but the illustration often occurs today where two laws contradict each other. The role of the old man has become a mediator, facilitator and communicator so that the interests of the people can still run well, safely and comfortably. We can call it Legal/Law Communication and Legal/Law Communication never states who are wrong and right. But how can all interests run smoothly. This is the lesson I got today. Whoever you are, whatever position you have today, never make comfort into riots and disputes. The matters relating to the interests of each person are sensitive and very sharp problems because they are related to rights that must be maintained.

Wherever possible, don't change the comfortable to be noisy with new ideas, isn't it better to communicate well ?, Please give a good understanding so that people understand what you mean. Because "kicking" the rights of the others and "establishing" your rights just as you act stupid, emotional and finally what you get is your feet "bloody" and you regret having done stupid, careless and emotional. Just remember…!! Every thing you do emotionally will hurt yourself.


Please wait for my writing about life, motivation and philosophy next, I interspersed with few original my own photos. Hopefully this article adds to the treasure of science and the development of mindsets in social media and in real life. All the support, criticism and input will be very valuable to me and I hope you appreciate this original work. I was very impressed and happy to read some important things about life from @chbartist post, I hope I can follow his steps and start from simple things. Hopefully this article is useful.

Thank you

My best regard.



Bahasa Indonesia

Menendang ujung yang tajam ? Hmmmm… sepertinya kalimat ini mengungkapkan emosi dan kebodohan. Itulah yang terlintas di benakku saat hari ini aku mendengarkan seorang tua berbicara kepada seseorang yang aku lihat sedang marah. Cerita ini bermula saat tadi pagi aku mencoba untuk berjalan-jalan ke pasar ikan. Tujuanku kesana adalah untuk membeli ikan dan sekedar melihat bagaimana aktifitas orang-orang di pasar. Para penjual menjajakan ikannya, ada tawar menawar dan pengangkut ikan yang berkeringat tetap semangat melakukan aktivitasnya.

Keasyikanku di pasar tersebut berhenti sebentar karena di sudut pasar aku melihat ada keriuhan kecil dan semua pandangan mengarah kesana. Aku melihat seorang pemuda sedang marah dan beradu pendapat dengan pemuda lainnya. Aku sebenarnya malas untuk mencampuri urusan orang lain, namun kali ini aku sangat tertarik untuk mendekat, mendengar dan melihat apa yang sedang terjadi. Selama ini pasar ikan tersebut selalu nyaman untuk dikunjungi karena keramahan dan kebersihannya. Jadi, kejadian itu terasa ganjil, tidak lumrah terjadi disini.


Pemuda bernama Jay itu marah karena merasa tempat berdagangnya selama ini ditempati oleh pemuda yang lain yang bernama Freddy. Aku mendengar Jay marah karena dia merasa tempat itu telah menjadi tempatnya sejak lama sehingga ia merasa berhak berjualan ikan disana. Freddy juga beralasan bahwa disini tidak ada aturan siapa yang menempati tempat itu maka ia menjadi pemiliknya, fasilitas pasar dimiliki dan disediakan oleh pemerintah. Siapa yang salah ? aku tidak tahu, karena menurutku kedua-duanya benar. Namun perdebatan antara keduanya tetap terjadi tanpa ada yang mau mengalah.

Hingga akhirnya seorang tua yang dari tadi kuperhatikan selalu melerai perdebatan itu berbicara dengan lantang. Ada satu kalimat yang benar-benar membuatku terdiam dan merenungi kalimat itu. Seorang tua tadi berkata “Jangan menendang ujung yang tajam”. Kalimat itu mengalir dengan lancer dari mulut lelaki tua itu dan mampu membuat kedua pemuda yang berdebat tadi terdiam dan akhirnya Freddy mau menyerahkan tempat tersebut kepada Jay. Apa yang terjadi ? Freddy adalah lelaki yang mau mengalah dan merasa pendapatnya yang benar tadi telah memancing keributan dengan Jay.


Mari kita mencermati kejadian di atas dengan bijak.

Dalam sebuah Negara yang baik dan memperhatikan rakyatnya, Negara terkadang menyediakan beberapa fasilitas gratis agar kehidupan rakyat makin baik. Namun sebagai rakyat kita juga harus mengerti bahwa fasilitas itu bukan milik kita dan siapapun berhak untuk menikmati fasilitas tersebut. Disini Jay sudah salah memberikan argument karena seolah ia telah memiliki fasilitas tersebut. Di sisi lain, Freddy menjadikan alas an fasilitas tersebut boleh dipergunakan oleh siapa saja, tidak ada aturan dan larangan untuk menempati fasilitas tersebut. Akan tetapi ketika dua alasan, dua pendapat yang saling berlawanan ini memunculkan perdebatan dan merusak suasana nyaman selama ini.

Keadaan si Jay benar dia telah lama berjualan dan ini dikenal dengan menurut hukum kebiasaan dan telah berlaku dalam waktu yang lama, namun ketika si Freddy muncul dengan argument lain, mencoba membantah hukum kebiasaan itu dan yang terjadi adalah keributan, kerusuhan dan perdebatan. Bukankah ini merusak sebuah hubungan yang telah ada sejak lama, tidakkah ini membuat suasana menjadi tidak nyaman. Pendapat freddy adalah pendapat hukum dan pendapatnya adalah benar. Setiap kita harus punya legalitas karena dengan legalitas itu adalah posisi awal untuk bertindak, jika tidak punya legalitas maka tindakan itu batal secara hukum.


Hukum kebiasaan dan Hukum Berlaku terkadang sering terjadi dalam kehidupan kita. Illustrasi di atas kerap terjadi saat ini saat kedua hukum itu berhadapan. Disinilah peran Lelaki tua tadi menjadi mediator, fasilitator dan komunikator sehingga kepentingan orang-orang tetap bisa berjalan dengan baik, aman dan nyaman. Dapat kita sebut dengan komunikasi hukum. Pelajaran secara pribadi yang aku dapatkan juga adalah siapapun kamu, kedudukan apapun yang kamu miliki saat ini, jangan pernah membuat kenyamanan menjadi rusuh dan bertikai. Hal-hal yang menyangkut kepentingan setiap orang adalah permasalahan yang sensitive dan sangat tajam jika berkaitan dengan hak.

Sedapat mungkin janganlah kamu mengubah keadaan yang nyaman tersebut menjadi gaduh dengan ide-ide baru, bukankah lebih baik kamu mengkomunikasikan dengan baik, berikan pemahaman yang baik agar orang mengerti apa maksudmu. Karena “menendang hak orang lain" dan “mendirikan hak pribadimu" sama seperti kamu bertindak bodoh, emosional dan akhirnya kakimu “berdarah” dan menyesali karena telah berbuat bodoh, ceroboh dan emosi. Ingat…!! Setiap hal yang kamu lakukan secara emosional, akan merugikan dirimu sendiri.


Nantikan selalu tulisanku tentang kehidupan, motivasi dan philosophy diselingi dengan beberapa foto hasil jepretanku sendiri. Semoga ini menambah khazanah keilmuan dan perkembangan pola pikir di dunia maya dan di kehidupan nyata. Segala bentuk dukungan, kritikan dan masukan akan sangat berharga untukku dan Semoga kamu menghargai sebuah karya original dariku ini. Aku sangat terkesan dan senang membaca beberap hal penting tentang kehidupan dari @chbartist, semoga aku bisa mengikuti langkah-langkahnya dan memulai dari hal sederhana. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat.

Terimakasih dan salam hangat


All Pictures taken original by me, using Canon EOS 800D, Location : Aceh, Indonesia.

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I concord that good understanding makes good relation and peace in society.

yups... that right my friend @kamrunnahar. All can be dealed with good communication. thank for visiting my post.

It'd be great if you could detach yourself from your emotions and just use your head in these situations right?
Ah, but we humans are emotional beings :)
Thank you for sharing this story with us

absolutely right, emotional is natural thing, but we must put the emotion in the right place. Isn't it ? We must be angry when arbitrariness occurs, we must angry when women are humbled and discriminated without reason, angry when flags occur because cannot bring opinions. Unlike the case above, that we also have to read, observe and take time to understand the situation. Thanks for visiting my post @kaerpediem. God bless you

nice shots :)

Thank my brother @cityofstars. I very appreciate it.

my pleasure :)

another tgreat thought provoking post,
Good communication skills I fele is very important and one I am finding is less well tuned for many of the younger generation, espcially verbal communication as opposed to texts and tweets, having a full conversation seems ot be such a challenge for many

Yes, I also see it. In my observation, they only read but did not absorb the meaning of the writing. In this world two laws live, there are written laws and unwritten laws. This unwritten law sometimes safeguards our environtmen. so far. Thank for stopping by sir.

always a pleasure to visit, often people are in too much of a hurry to take the time to slow down and read things through and really think about it

have a great weekend

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I like your post! Your photos are wonderful! They're framed nicely and composed well. You also cited that they are your photos, and gave the camera and location. Your writing is good, and you told the story in an entertaining way. Your formatting is also very good, with "justify" codes and excellent paragraph formation. Bravo! I think you have done a fine job! 😊

I am very happy that you have read my writing, I'm glad you really tampered it geniusly. This is a valuable input for me and my spirit to be better. Just put me in your radar, and I will give the best content here. Thanks for your appreciation @thekittygirl. God bless you

I love it when you always go extra miles to type two languages. And your post is always neat and looks like you put alot of thought into it.

Great job to you. @khaimi

@iamjadeline : glad to see you here, I am sorry if my relation not good and send my link to you, likely its not good but finally you come and bring spirit appreciation for me.

Oke, for my post, I just want to show good and useful for myself, others and can be useful for future generations. The law is not only in the paper, even our behavior that has long been valid is a law too and we must respect.

Just put me in your radar, and I will give the best content with my lovely surfer @esteemapp. hehe. Thanks for visiting me my dear.

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Very interesting story, thank you!

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