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RE: Review- Another Way to Earn Crypto

in #minds6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the mention, just wanted to add some more info about MInds and what it's like there, I've been a member for about a year now.

First and foremost, if you're interested in politics and you lean anything slightly left of 'hard right' then expect a lot of resistance - a fair amount of posts are far right, lot of swastikas, kill the jews / blacks / anyone who isn't white. All discussions about politics inevitably ends in 'hitler did nothing wrong' and 'race war now'.

There are a couple of liberalists on there, mostly of the Kekistani variety (of which I am one). There are no lefties, no feminists, no sjw and very few (openly) women. I pretend to be a guy on there. There are very few normies.

The mentality there is very 'chan, lots of younger members so expect a load of memes and reference to chan culture that you might not get. Most of the people there are there because they've been kicked off and banned from YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

Don't be surprised if any and all posts quickly turn into flame wars, because it happens a lot. Even posts about the most innocuous things can quickly turn into people calling you a jew and threatening to kill you. Remember, it's mostly just stupid kids and it's all chan culture, so take it all with a pinch of salt and just laugh...

There are no restrictions on copyright like here where copyright abuse is frowned on. On Minds, the largest members channels are entirely spammed stolen content from YouTube, without credits. That's one of the reasons why I chose to come here, because they dished out the crypto based on peoples points, where the spammers made off with hundreds of thousands and the genuine writers of articles got virtually nothing. It has the same level of corruption as the whales do on here.

Saying all that.. it's actually a good platform ! The interface is easy to use, pretty stable and looks nice. Pretty similar functions to here, but more like with notifications and other social media functions that Steemit is badly lacking.

The response rate to articles was very high (negative or positive) because there wasn't a negative effect by voting people up and decreasing the reward pool. There is a lot more user interaction on Minds with posts getting hundreds and hundreds of genuine comments, not "I follow you, follow me back" or vote begging like on here.

So that's it really, if you can stay out of politics then you'll do very well. If you're into discussions then being brought up on chans and chan culture will help, if you're a normie you'll be way out of your depth a lot of the time. Minds isn't a very 'nice' place, people don't hold back on their opinions of you, like they do on here.

Steemit is more for 'grown ups', Minds is the social media version of 4chan.


Wow response is great! Thanks for the tips. I look forward to the trying the platform.

Thanks. I just wanted to warn people that if they came from somewhere like Facebook to here, and then go on to Minds, it might be a bit of a culture shock, lol.

Thanks for this detailed review. At least I will go there ready to be shocked.

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