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RE: Mindful Life - Mindful Monday Sleep or Lack Therof

Sleep is truly so important, yet even though we know this so many of us struggle to make the changes necessary to help improve in that area of health and wellness. I definitely try to do a lot of the things you listed to keep my sleep patterns similar throughout the week. Some days are a little tough when I have to get up earlier than usual, but for the most part I stick to the same bed time and waking time. :)

I actually did see a tip one time when I was having trouble with insomnia to eat a small handful of cherries before bed as they are one of the few natural food sources of melatonin. It might just have been placebo effect, but they do seem to help! I don't eat them every night, but if I seem to be having a few nights with little rest then it's a great natural option to try.


I hadn't heard of cherries before. We'll have to give that one a visit. My goal is to get some good suggestions, home remedies and use it for the next post I do.

I'll be looking forward to that one, as well! I am always happy to find new tips to get better sleep. I woke up just this morning at 2am and couldn't get back to sleep, grrr. Trying not to be a grumpy pants today, haha!

Me too. I have been doing that alot lately. Or I can't fall asleep until after 2 then wake up a few hours later.
I don't know why you saying grumpy pants makes me laugh, like 'that would ever happen' kind of thing.

Haha, oh I definitely wear those pants more than I'd like. I just usually save them for private moments at home rather than bringing my grumpiness out in public. ;)

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