
in #mindfulness5 years ago


I now follow these steps at least once every day in the middle of the day:

  1. Turn off my cell phone
  2. Close all browsers on my computer
  3. Turn off my computer
  4. Unplug all routers, cable boxes, fire sticks, slings, TV's and anything cell service or
    WiFi related.

The first time I did this was a few days ago. As soon as I shut off my phone, I felt a wave of relief. When I closed all my browsers, I felt another. Turning off the computer in the middle of the afternoon felt so good it was almost sacrilegious, but it wasn't until I pulled the plug on my modems and router so that wifi and cell service were no longer being sucked into my house that I understood: without all these electronic accouterments, I stood all alone.

It felt weird.

It seemed a simple enough challenge at first - to see how long I could stand to exist without being bombarded by EMF rays. I found it lasted about five minutes before I had to fight the urge to turn it all back on. That first time I persisted, but not for much longer. I had to activate my AA acquired skills, and just put my fix off for just a little while longer.

Each day I have increased my time unplugged. Today I made it for three hours! I spent the time doing all the things that do not require being bombarded by EMF rays: housework (without listening to music which I can only access on spotify now), writing (I wrote by hand! Imagine that!), and cooking. I could practice music, I could do yoga, I could write a letter, I could go for a walk, I could sit quietly with myself under a tree, O could play with my dog, I could remove my shoes and feel the shape of the earth under my feet, I could raise my eyes and my arms to the sky and feel joy.

When I came back in today I wrote this poem:

The hazards of walking outside barefoot
include a leaf stuck to the foot -
no mat will remove it -
and you have to
stoop and bend
to remove the offending object
from the bottom of your foot

Try unplugging for twenty minutes a day. If you don't have twenty minutes, unplug for an hour.

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The image is mine of a painting by Chris Randolph


Power House Creatives Logos FINAL_float.png


I am trying to unplug (not to the extent you do) on Sundays. But my God! Is it challenging!? I am little by little implementing a light thing each weekend. No social media on Sundays, I don't really watch TV (TV channels), but I do watch movies. I might go up a notch tomorrow and just reach for my books :)

It's a nice challenge to take on!
Have a wonderful Sunday evening and Sunday tomorrow @owasco :)

Thank you same to you!
Unplug it all! My next notch up is to turn off all electricity to my house, just flip that switch labeled "main". This is something every single one of us can do and it's not only free, you get to stick it to the man for a few minutes. I can not understate the difference this has made in my overall feelings of well being. Headaches are gone, eyesight is improved, tinnitus is improved and I remember how I used to feel.

I love your poem. I love all your poetry.
You can have my telephone and my television. Just don't touch my computer :))

Thank you for liking my poetry! I just started writing that again, so I'm a bit shy about it.
And shut off both your computer and phone for 20 minutes. Try it! You will be amazed first by how hard it is to do, and second by an urge to do it more and more because you feel noticeably better and can't wait to do it again. Getting off electronic radiation, even for just a few minutes, is liberating.

My phone...I've always hated the telephone. Just took 1/2 hour away from the computer to exercise. Does that count?
I will try to turn everything of and see what happens...:) for 20 minutes.
Keep writing. If I could write poetry the way you do, I would.

Oh yes it counts as long as you turned it off. It's about not drawing in the radiation, existing free of the radiation. I am so happy you do this! It's important to me that we all, all around the world, do this at least now and then.

Welcome to my one man club @owasco.
The Wi-Fi craze never really stood a chance to grab my interest.
I am not a chatty guy, so no Twitter and all of the other chat things.
We have no TV and I spend every opportunity that I get out in nature, where human noise is not very welcome.
I see silly people walking around smiling at something on their mobile phones and bumping into poles and trash cans and I can only but wonder what could be so funny that you will risk your life blindly crossing a street.
My world and the technology world are two very different places.
Call me an alien if you like, but I am a peaceful alien hahaha

Today as I stood barefoot in the grass in my suburban neighborhood I actually thought "I remember feeling this way!" And it carried over even as I sit at the computer talking on my phone. I am happier ! Just getting away for a bit. I can not believe I let my life deteriorate to being addicted to a computer. I was like you just a few years ago. No sanity can ensue until a great many of us unplug. It's my new crusade.

Great and you deserve a medal my friend!
It's called self preservation and sanity restoration.
There is nothing better than to live life in full freedom.
I call it "unshackled"
All strength to you!

My WiFi router has a schedule that can be set which turns off the radio signal automatically. I have it set to turn off at bedtime and come back on in the morning. Wired ethernet connections still continue to work even when the WiFi radio is off.

you know I have been thinking about doing that! It's time to upgrade my router - I'll look for one with a timer. Thank you so much for telling me about that. Even if it's just a few hours in the middle of the night. Have you noticed if you sleep better?

I haven't noticed a difference but, my understanding is that small reductions have a positive effect and add up. I've had my smartphone in airplane mode for about a year now. I also use a wired ethernet connection instead of WiFi for my main computer. Another thing to look at is the WiFi radio power output level. Often this is configurable, so you can reduce the output so that it covers whatever area you want covered without blasting your entire neighborhood or garden.

Oh my thank you so much for your input! I have my phone in airplane mode most times, and change that to check in. But that seems so silly! I should just tell people to use the land line, no? I'm usually home. Do you know if there some way to hard wire an ipad? or a cell phone? These are problems because my son is on his ipad all night, and I;d like to listen to music when my wifi is off. If I could hard wire these it would make life easier. The computers and TV I can do. Or I'll just get a turntable to listen to all these damn records my deceased hubby left me.
wifi radio power output level. How do I look at that? Maybe I could get my neighbors to reduce theirs too!
I have noticed huge differences in my emotional levels when the wifi is off - they are more and more genuine, feelings I USED to feel. I did not know they were ever gone until they came back. I fear a great many of us are just like me, operating at wacky frequencies because of electronic radiation messing with our natural frequencies.

Generally, you would check the power output setting by connecting to your router and logging on as admin and then seeing what settings are available. If this seems too technical to you then I'd recommend asking your son for assistance. Maybe it could be a fun project for you both to work on together and also improve the quality of your home environment.

Regarding music, I have a Sonos speaker which I hardwired to the network and turned off the WiFi on it. So, I have Internet based music but no EMF from that device. It's likely that there are other Internet enabled speakers as well but I'd recommend researching their capabilities before purchasing one to make sure it has an Ethernet port and that the WiFi can be turned off.

The turntable sounds fun too!

thank you!

yes, this is a BEAUTY-FULL feeling. Luckily for us, we have super regular power outages (sometimes all day) and NO smart meters, so we are often without not just wifi, but electricity and tap water (need pump in a country with no mains pressure). yes, always wonderful for the soul. And creativity.

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Oh thank you!
The next thing I have to try is turning off the electricity altogether. I would have to skip a lot of housework though and just sing instead. Sure could be worse!

And if that leaf is very sticky
its removal can be tricky
while bending down you could fall
and crack your bonce against a wall
So heed my warning people, do!
and don't go out without your shoe(s)

Here's the thing that blew my mind
I could do it! I stooped and I bent.
Nary a trace of doubt in my heart
thanks to my making like an Ent.

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I think i should follow your example, i feel like i am plugged all day and is very stressful sometimes.

Do it! You will remember how you USED to feel. My next step will be to turn off the electricity throughout the house, I'll just skip step four and flip that switch labelled "Main".

What a great idea, I can feel the connections to the outside world dropping away. I think I could benefit from just shutting off the cell phone and computer though. We have bitcoin mining machines running, and it would drive me crazy to turn off the power to them, lol.

Reducing it makes a huge difference, and I'd suggest that you walk far away from your house if you're mining, without your phone, and stand barefoot. You will be amazed at how you feel.

Great idea! It's a chore to do these days, since everything we do seems to be 'connected' somehow. I even feel naked when I go to the grocery store without my phone! Good for you!

Try it! It's not ones imagination that one feels much better! And I had to rethink how I did things - I actually got a lot done without stopping to check my electronic devices every few minutes and doing whatever tasks came up on them.


@owasco I love being on the river in places where you do not even hear a car go by. All the sounds are nature. When my sister would go fishing with me she would pull out her phone and turn it to music and I would make her turn it off. I like your poem, my husband never wears shoes unless he is made to by going in a store.

Yes going out in water without devices is probably safer than being on land. Until they start putting 5G EVERYWHERE. Thank you for liking my poem. Ya never know with poems if it's just you that gets it.

@owasco I do not get some of your or anyone else's poems but I could relate to this one.

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