Mindful Monday - Moving Towards a More Positive Mindset...

in #mindfulmonday5 years ago

Something worth developing is being more aware or mindful.

Once you are aware of something that opens the possibility for change.
If you have been caught up in a negative mindset and want to move towards a more positive mindset you can. Although it may not be easy with practice you can create a more positive outlook.

stop-and-smile-sign 1200 x 1200.jpg

Here's 30 ways to help you in the direction of being more positive. I got these from Alice Seba and thought they were wonderful so I'm passing them on...

  1. When talking, replace negative words with positive words. Instead of saying "This is too hard", say "I can do this" or "I accept this challenge".

  2. When thinking, use empowering words; those that make you feel strong, happy, motivated and in control.

  3. Journal your thoughts. Celebrate your successes. Document and analyze the losses. Find where you went wrong and plan to do better next time. Learn from your mistakes.

  4. Counter each negative thought with multiple positive thoughts. When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, take a moment to think two or three positive thoughts.

  5. Go somewhere that brings you peace and happiness. This might be a nature walk, a quiet place like a museum that is visually appealing, an area where you listen to music, a park where you can watch kids and pets play happily. As often as possible, visit this place where you feel peace and happiness.

  6. Practice positive affirmations. The more you practice, the easier it will become.

  7. Forgive yourself for missteps. It happens. The important this is not to dwell on them and keep moving forward.

  8. Surround yourself with positive people.

  9. Add inspiring visuals and colors to your home and work space.

  10. Look at things from a different point of view. When you can see both sides, you can eliminate a lot of negatively.

  11. Laugh aloud and often. There's always something to laugh about. Smiling and laughing releases 'feel good' endorphins in the body.

  12. Remember your "why". Why you are trying to be more positive, what your goals are, how things will be better once you meet your goals, etc.

  13. Practice gratitude. When you're feeling thankful, you'll feel more positive.

  14. Live in the moment. Stop worrying about yesterday or what's coming. Do what you can do today to get one step closer to reaching your goals.

  15. Indulge yourself occasionally. You are working hard to be a more positive person. You deserve a small reward.

  16. Carry a funny photo with you. Save a funny video on your phone to give you a boost when you're feeling down.

  17. Look at each challenge as an opportunity to grow. Strive for excellence.

  18. Relax. Sometimes you just need to step back, breathe deep and relax to get the good vibes flowing again.

  19. Get physically active to release more 'feel good' endorphins.

  20. Believe in yourself. The only thing keeping you from succeeding is your own negative thoughts. Stop getting in your own way.

  21. Stop making excuses and laying blame. Take responsibility for your actions and make the choice to do better next time.

  22. Observe your thought patterns. Are there certain times of the day when you're feeling more negative? What can you do to make those times more positive?

  23. Ask yourself, does this really matter? Will it matter next week or next month? If not, let it go. This called not sweating the small stuff.

  24. Practice proper posture. Standing or sitting up with the back straight, shoulders back and chin up will help the mind and body feel better.

  25. Be kind to others. Compliment a stranger. Do something nice for coworker or friend. Call a family member you haven't talked to in a while.

  26. Read something inspiring every day. Follow those who inspire you most and see what they do each day to make like the best it can be. Follow their lead.

  27. Dance and sing. It doesn't matter if you have two left feet or can't carry a tune. Crank up the music and give it all you've got.

  28. Look for the positive. Even in the worst of situations, there's always something positive if you just look for it.

  29. Have a personal mantra. No matter what it is, these will be the words you live by each day that reminds you to be positive.

  30. Meditate, do yoga, concentrate on your breathing and relaxing your mind.

If that last one strikes a cord with you then I would like to invite you to Mindful Life community in the @naturalmedicine server here. We run group meditations and support each other as we grow through conscious awareness. With much love!

Stop Image was from GraphicStock

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Grateful for the curation and support of @tribesteemup


Nicely written and very thought provoking. I found myself thinking about each one, wondering how I could implement each one. Thank you for the reminder to stop and have a better mindset.

What a great list!! I'm resteeming so I remember to keep looking back and adding some of these in daily. I love the first one as I use it often when working with my personal training clients. If you think an exercise is hard, it will be that much harder. Having a positive mindset really does make such a huge difference in being able to tackle challenges, whether they are big or small! Thanks for sharing these awesome ideas!

@plantstoplanks, It's so so wonderful that you did not hoard this information to yourself but rather thought it wise to share with friends (that care to stop by), I appreciate you and pray God to bless you richly.

Truthfully speaking, I haven't thought of going through the thirty tips because the first tip:
When talking, replace negative words with positive words. Instead of saying "This is too hard", say "I can do this" or "I accept this challenge". captures my attention.

Recently, I had a chat with one of my students in Senior Secondary One Class, whom I noticed that his grades were dwindling. When I asked why he did not improve despite all the encouragements. Guess what he said? "Sir, I read at night, copy my notes and most time pay attention in class. But in my quite time, I always hear my mind tell me that I can't succeed as a science student, hence I am contemplating switching to art because I am really confused and not sure of the future"
I was disappointed already hearing him say this but I snapped out the thought. Hence, I called him "Engineer", as I fondly use to address him. I told him that there's power in the spoken words. I equally told him that the human mind is like a system (Computer), as such takes instructions.

Going by this I explained to him that if he confesses that he can't succeed in the science courses and field, then he should just forget about wasting his fathers' money, because his mind would diffidently carry out the command he sends.
For instance, if I wish to save a document or any file on my computer or any other pc, all I need to do is send a short cut command/instruction Ctrl S on the keyboard to the CUP, the brain of the computer. Thus in a flash, a window pops up and I could save with the suggested name if I press Enter button on the keyboard, or change it to what I fell like and that settles it. Super simple you would say!

But the reality however is that the mind (our Mind) functions same way. If you command, speak or condition it not to succeed, then it would not fail to carry out that command.

In summary, I guess it won't be really odd if we could get a book where we write the negative thoughts, speeches and behaviours and on the opposite of each, we write the the positive things we wise to replace it. Then we could finally erase all the negative thoughts.

Thank you once again.
Looking forward to read such inspiring piece from you.

Love this @porters!! What a great resource to find simple ways to get the best out of life. At first I was like dang 30 things, and wow these are all so relevant and helpful. Many thanks for this wonderful resource. Made me feel good too because I am naturally doing many of these and gained some new ideas to add to my toolbox! Happy Mindful Monday 💜

I really like this list!! (:

Thanks for sharing.

Laughter is LOVE. So is dancing & singing & forgiving & relaxing & breathing (:

Resteemed ❤️

What a wealth of tips! Thank you for sharing. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

This is beautiful @porters. Each action is easy to do, it is just doing it. I have started again with affirmations. I do it before I go to sleep and I WANT to do things, which is amazing. I tell myself I AM successful. I AM happy. I WILL reach my goals. Plus a few others.

And silly me....I thought I had followed you a while ago and then noticed it didn't show that. All fixed now 😁

Happy you fixed the follow! I must check to see if I'm following you. I've been slacking off on that. Glad it could benefit you and that you're doing affirmations that are keeping you motivated and happy!

Good list! Who's Alice Seba btw?

Glad you liked the list! Alice Seba has been my coach on some of my online ventures for she is a content marketing expert.

This would be great in a print out or ebook? With some cool colors and designs for like a refridge magnet or for your refriderator? Love it....Thank You!

Actually I have it in as a nice one page printable and I have some other material to go with it that I could turn into an EBook. Good idea! I think I'll do that and put it in my Homesteaders Coop store to offer for Steem, sbd or bartering.

Wonderful what a beautiful list. I love lists. NLP or neuro linguistic programming talks about substituting positive words for all the negative ones we unconsciously use. Great strategy.

Great pointers to help put our minds in a more positive mindset and they aren't so difficult to apply either. Thanks for sharing.

Resteemed to help more people 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

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