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RE: Mindful Monday - Moving Towards a More Positive Mindset...

What a great list!! I'm resteeming so I remember to keep looking back and adding some of these in daily. I love the first one as I use it often when working with my personal training clients. If you think an exercise is hard, it will be that much harder. Having a positive mindset really does make such a huge difference in being able to tackle challenges, whether they are big or small! Thanks for sharing these awesome ideas!


@plantstoplanks, It's so so wonderful that you did not hoard this information to yourself but rather thought it wise to share with friends (that care to stop by), I appreciate you and pray God to bless you richly.

Truthfully speaking, I haven't thought of going through the thirty tips because the first tip:
When talking, replace negative words with positive words. Instead of saying "This is too hard", say "I can do this" or "I accept this challenge". captures my attention.

Recently, I had a chat with one of my students in Senior Secondary One Class, whom I noticed that his grades were dwindling. When I asked why he did not improve despite all the encouragements. Guess what he said? "Sir, I read at night, copy my notes and most time pay attention in class. But in my quite time, I always hear my mind tell me that I can't succeed as a science student, hence I am contemplating switching to art because I am really confused and not sure of the future"
I was disappointed already hearing him say this but I snapped out the thought. Hence, I called him "Engineer", as I fondly use to address him. I told him that there's power in the spoken words. I equally told him that the human mind is like a system (Computer), as such takes instructions.

Going by this I explained to him that if he confesses that he can't succeed in the science courses and field, then he should just forget about wasting his fathers' money, because his mind would diffidently carry out the command he sends.
For instance, if I wish to save a document or any file on my computer or any other pc, all I need to do is send a short cut command/instruction Ctrl S on the keyboard to the CUP, the brain of the computer. Thus in a flash, a window pops up and I could save with the suggested name if I press Enter button on the keyboard, or change it to what I fell like and that settles it. Super simple you would say!

But the reality however is that the mind (our Mind) functions same way. If you command, speak or condition it not to succeed, then it would not fail to carry out that command.

In summary, I guess it won't be really odd if we could get a book where we write the negative thoughts, speeches and behaviours and on the opposite of each, we write the the positive things we wise to replace it. Then we could finally erase all the negative thoughts.

Thank you once again.
Looking forward to read such inspiring piece from you.

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