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RE: Mindful Monday - Helping Our Children

in #mindfulmonday5 years ago

Oh that quote by Frederick Douglass is so good and true! I agree, we have a huge problem with mental illness today. If people are really bad off mentally there aren't any institutions for them anymore.

The jails are full of mentally ill people. Trust me I know from personal experience and they don't know what to do with them there, THAT is crazy in itself.

I don't know if anyone has any answers. But your advice is very wise!


Mental Illness and Mental Health are/is still a taboo subject and it shouldn't be. When I started to put this post together this is where my mind was ..

If people are really bad off mentally there aren't any institutions for them anymore.

The jails are full of mentally ill people. Trust me I know from personal experience and they don't know what to do with them there,

Then I ended up here while looking up information. I read 6 articles from the past year alone on suicides under the age of 13. Every single article I read had quoted WHO as stating that the rate had tripled in just the 10-13 age range and that in some areas far more than that. There was even a suicide of a 6 yr old girl.

I don't know about answers either, but at least we can get people talking and exchange thoughts, concerns and ideas.

Wow, those are some shocking statistics! So sad. Did those articles have reasons they think that is happening?

Varied reasons. The little girl had gotten into an argument with her mom and was sent to her room. Mostly being bullied in school and on social media for things like liking the wrong person, rumors that were made up about them just straight out lies someone made up.

I couldn't believe some of the reasons. One girl liked a boy that was someone's boyfriend and they just went to town on her. Said she was sleeping with people, was pregnant and had to get an abortion because she was too young. Of course none of it was true, she simply told someone she thought was a friend she like the boy and thought he was cute.

Wow that is vicious stuff they do to each other! Kids can be heartless. Social media has made things alot worse in many cases.

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