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RE: Mindful Monday - Helping Our Children

in #mindfulmonday5 years ago

There are people in this world that just shouldn't have had children. Those that don't have the time or energy to put into raising one. Honestly. What have we done to our society?

Is it the greed for more that moves us to make it impossible for most to have one wage-earning family? Once upon a time, there was one wage earner and even though there were some concessions made, life was good. Families were bonded by different things. Time well spent with our extended family, siblings, games without moving pieces and love. I can honestly say that I am distressed at the family model of today.

Must have a house and two cars. Must go on vacation. I am so off subject, but, part of the reason we are where we are as a society speaks for itself. I am alarmed at the rate of suicide and parents that don't talk to your kids. Some don't feel comfortable. Seriously? These are your offspring, Darlin.

Kids like when you pay attention and speak to them. More interaction with them frequently shows off fewer problems in the classroom and school in general. Why? Because they don't want to disappoint you.

They have a moral code. They care. They love you.

I am not saying if they do this they don't love you, I am just saying that if you bond with your kids early on, chances are, they are a lot different being influenced by you than Fast Eddie in the kiddie playground. Who do you want your kids influenced by? Now, we all know that the kids have to grow up, but, with the proper tools you have provided them, they are able to make better choices.

And I am so sorry I am off topic. These statistics are horrifying. Great post!



LOL you're brain works like mine. On @jayna 's post I did the same thing then figured just to start putting it into my own post and then it changed even more. I know this is unrealistic, but there should be some sort of test before people are able to have children or we're going to end up in a cross between WALL-E and Idiocracy

I know for a while it wasn't greed to have both parents work, it was the economy. It meant the difference between eating cereal for dinner and chicken. Or in some cases gas in the car (oh the joys or gas rationing) You're right now everyone has to have a house, have to have a car for each driver, have to go on vacation, have to buy big toys.

Bonding is everything. If your child knows they are loved, wanted and cherished no matter what it is the world to them and gives them such empowerment. No they don't want to let us down, but we do need them to know that even if they did it doesn't change your love for them.


They don't want to let us down, but, not going well in things or wandering off the path is exercising their growth. It would never change your love and because you have bonded so well, they would not be afraid to tell you about it.

I agree that there were times that working as a two-parent team was necessary, but, mostly not. We had nine kids in our family and we clipped coupons, my mom got inventive with what she cooked and she made meals that would stretch. Gas rationing? Yeah, that slightly sucked. For real. Excuse the french.

But, yes!! We agree on so many counts.

One of my kids really pushed me away. Or tried. It was really rough. But I stuck it out and remained constant and kept saying “I love you,” and we are much closer now.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think that is all so true, @dswigle. Having gone through the parenting thing and mostly come out the other side, I remember thinking many times that I would rather not approach my kids about some things and have uncomfortable conversations, and how hard it was to push through that. But I did it. I just think that the thread of connection starts to unravel otherwise. Parents must be a resource for their kids, and if they aren’t showing up as people who will talk about really hard stuff and set rules and keep providing guidance even when the kids act like they are too old to need it, that tether is going to break.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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