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RE: Anchored to Breath - A Path back to Creativity

in #mindfullife5 years ago

That's so interesting @porters. The piano playing especially, as I always find that if my thoughts become really anxious and take me over I can bring them under control by playing my guitar. There is so much we can learn from each other through sharing our experiences, and often it's finding that there has been a similarity in struggles that can remind you that we're all connected in this strange journey of existence.

If I focused on the negative thoughts it gave them power if I focused elsewhere, like meditating on breath, I gave them no power.

What you say about power is so true. I identify with my thoughts, and particularly injustices I see in the world, far too much even to this day. Also my health problems take me over in thought sometimes. It's a weird dichotomy as it's the identification that's the problem. If you can simply observe, even external injustices, then you've much more chance to actually change things.

Thanks for your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the post 🙂

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Yes that's a big lesson to learn to just observe and move more towards equanimity. Trying not to get too caught up in our thoughts and all the exterior distractions. So glad we have the #mindfullife group to support each other trying to live a more conscious life!

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