A Serious Article about Serious Things

in #mindfuck6 years ago (edited)

So really, what is this life?

Is it some sort of game?

And if it is some sort of game,

then what kind of game is it? Is it a serious game? And by that I mean are we playing for 'keeps'? Opinions vary as to what the nature of the game is, yet most people agree that the game is afoot, and you better damn well play along. Savvy and aloof, we boast to our peers of our in-game knowledge, achievements unlocked, experience points, or merely the amount of gold pieces amassed.


We are quietly confident in our superiority - we feel good to have played the game better. Better than who though? Who are these other players? Who even set this server up? I want to have a look at the change log and see what the latest update was. I want to know who scripted it. I want to know who had such a big sense of humor that they set this whole thing up. Be they devil or saint they sure made a doozy in putting this game together.

Anyhow old chap it's imperative to keep it together. If we don't continue to play along, there MIGHT be some really big consequences. This game has reached sufficient seriousness, that it has literally become life and death. If you even think about saying my interpretation of the game is wrong, I have no choice but to destroy you. I am the almighty zealot, destroyer of all things contrary to my own perspective. I am the lazer beam of the truth, smiting all of my self polarized opposites.

My small set of ideas must be defended at any cost, so you better at least pretend you agree with me - given how loud I am yelling and how complicated I have made it for you to understand me. Then you can bitch about me later and never confront me. That seems to be the most adult and socially responsible thing to do, to completely disrespect each other and then cultivate a private version of in our heads which emphasizes the worst traits.



Like a high school student we will do anything to please our parents. If only we knew who our parents were though. Mom and Dad clearly don't have any answers, they are from another dimension - or at least another timeline (species?). Was our real heritage the simple play of genetics and time? Or have we arisen from some deep soup of consciousness, better yet were our progenitors similar in nature to us - yet a mite bit cheekier (and scalier?).

This game is for keeps folk, this game is for real. There is no reload button and we can't quick save. You can never undo what you've done, it's gone forever - leaving you with only memories to taunt yourself with. Let us rejoice and lament as we relive these memories like flacid sock puppets. Yay!

In all seriousness though, you don't even know if this is real or not. You don't even know who you are, and any evidence you can produce can be shown to be highly circumstantial. Don't make me get the law involved, because as the current insistent voice you are listening to I must be right mustn't I?


It's important for you to keep in mind how serious this whole thing is, because if you forget that then you won't be focused enough to win. You must win this game, because losing is the worst thing in the world. Have you looked around dammit? You must have noticed how seriously everyone else is playing this game. So you better damn well pay attention, and to the rules in particular. How could you know this game unless you spent your whole life studying the rules? Given the levity of the situation there is no time for day dreams.

How could you do this? Can't you see that your enjoyment of life is endangering us all. It's simply reckless use of time, this kind of play is what children do. We are adults, we are serious about life. We get things done in order to move towards a goal, that is our purpose - to be always on the way to something, our purpose is to be going from A to B. So you better have a plan, and you better know how to get there right? Because I can't think of anything much worse than not being able to get to the exact place I thought I was supposed to be.

How do children see this game though? Well they don't seem to think it's such a big deal until someone yells at them and makes them scared. I think mostly children understand that this game is a beautiful playground where magic is real, and you can be anything you want. That's the kind of game that children like to play, so they just play it. They don't really care what toys they have, they just make it work with sticks and mud if need be.


The child plays the game just how they want until of course the rules get introduced. It's a recurring theme and we begin to realize that things have changed without us noticing - we were the only ones not playing along with the big serious game.

What did it feel like to realise that everyone around you was literally deadly serious? What is it like for a child to suddenly perceive that everyone they know is afraid to die, and lives that out through a kind of madness. What is it like for a child to realise that they too will die?

Well for me it felt wide open and scary. It was like being thrown into the void. The child wasn't designed to be so alone, they were designed to play with others. So naturally fear came and the child went for the reassurance. The child was sad to leave the world of freedom and play, but it was a necessary price for safety.


The child returned much later with a full party of powerful adventurers. Having plumbed the depths of many difficult dungeons and defeating many powerful monsters, the child once again relinquished their seriousness. The party is disbanded and each hero finds a new game to play for a while, they each find a game just for the fun of it.

How could we know a thing about life if we always have a framework to view it through? How could we know a micro gram about anything if all we do is just project onto it our thoughts and ideas? I do know one thing though, we better take this whole thing very seriously if we are to get to the bottom of it. Because it's a serious game and FINDING THE ANSWER is the number one goal. Don't you remember school? It was all about getting the right answer, everybody knows its better to be right than wrong. You don't want to be wrong do you?

You don't want to be stupid do you?

Everybody knows what happens to stupid people, they fail in life and they are worth less. That means they are worth less than another person. Oh didn't they tell you? It's like this - we each have a worth like money. We each have a value. You could literally make a list or a spread sheet with everyones name on it and then just order them up. Some of us are worth more, just accept it, I mean everyone around you believes this right? It must be right, you don't want to be wrong do you? That would take you even further down the list, clinging to your wrong beliefs. I'm here to enforce the list foremost, I'm certainly not going to let my humanity get in the way of such an important role.


Hurry on old chap or you will never catch up.

There seem to be such dastardly competitive players. I do wonder where such bleak determinism has sprouted from. these blasted beggars just don't give up do they?

So I've seen some shit, yeah I admit it. And with this attitude of stoic pensiveness you can be sure to listen to what I say as I hang up my beret and take off my jacket and badges. Yeah, it was different back then, back before this moment that has never existed before. And I can't be too sure on the details but I fought a lotta battles and got a lot of hurts.

I can tell you one thing boys and girls I have felt those hurts, and they're real. That's one thing you gotta understand about this game is that it hurts. That's what my lifetime of weariness has taught me kids, that you better be prepared for the pain and you better expect it. You might even have to drop a few hurts to avoid catching a hurt your self. That's a cold one for sure boys and girls, but you gotta be prepared. You've gotta be ahead of the game. You've got to expect the worst.

You've got to protect yourself

You have to defend what is yours

Because apparently life is out to get you

And if this mad darwinian cesspool is all we have then you must at least 'get what you can' before you perish agonizingly into NOTHING. You may as well trade in your innocence for the few small pleasures that getting ahead can afford you. You may as well just play the god damn game like everybody else (sheesh you make such a big deal about everything don't you?), whilst you quietly suffer a life restricted to a rule set defined by some psychopath who was brainwashed by reptilians.

As you lay awake at night you can be sure that the psychopath who made this game has amassed far more doggie treats than you could ever get access to, yet you still agreed to be a good boy.

What kind of crazy beggar would go along with this? It's a mad world my friends, so let's not take it too seriously or it might literally destroy our minds and our souls.

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Damn man, this is also the real shit. You have a wonderful way of words to describe your keen observations at the underlying dynamics between people. Not sure I buy into the old soul stuff (I was tagged as such many years ago on AOL) but if it is a thing, you are one. You have much wisdom for a young man, much more than many will ever acquire. A testament to a strong heart.

Thank you for sharing my friend.

Thank you for your response @practicalthough, it means alot to be heard. I feel we have a connection over these (often uncomfortable) insights. When looking back over these words they seem to have almost a manic quality haha. Still it seems true. Sometimes I seem to write about light and love, and then sometimes its more like this. The sky has a lot of modes, including stormy.

If old soul means an insightful way of seeing, and a capacity to feel life intensely - then I would agree with that. Yes it's something to do with having a strong heart, which can face up to ugly things yet also allow a great deal of beauty into the world.


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I wonder if you have heard of the simulation theory?

The one supported by people like Elon Musk and some scientists?

Yes I have heard of this theory, and I feel as if there might be some truth to it. I would probably need to read more about it to comment fully.

My current sense is that it's a science-y way to say that we don't know what is going on and this could all be made up.

The word simulation seems to imply that we are simulating something else. What else could there be to simulate? From what position do we make this projection?

For sure we can doubt reality, but we can't doubt our experience of it and our ability to perceive. So in that sense maybe this is a simulation. But is that even a useful thing to know? Maybe in terms of tweaking the simulation and figuring out what 'simulates' it.

I agree that we should have a healthy amount of doubt. But I also think we should invest fully in our experience of life and pay full attention. I think that saying life is a simulation isn't super useful for me personally. I'm currently finding it more important to investigate who I am that is living the life - simulated or other wise.

The word simulation seems to imply that we are simulating something else.

Well, we actually have simulations all around us, if we could we would simulate our very own civilization, and if a more advanced species have the same likes, perhaps they could simulate a universe as complex as the one we are seeing.

But I also think we should invest fully in our experience of life and pay full attention

Agree, whether we are on a simulation or not, we should make everything to make the best possible life.

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