Turns Out People Are VERY Easy to CONTROL! Watch THIS!

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....” Chomsky

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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That's the U.S. political and mass media systems in the global-elite controlled world. The elites/Establishment controls all public opinion - mass media, education, even infiltrated major religious groups - and both major political parties; on political talk shows, they'd often pit 2 members of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) - e.g. the Invisible Government - opposite each other, and the moderator/journalist, might also be a CFR member/associate. These simple techniques are probably quite common. http://loveforlife.com.au/print/3059

They are so common, civilization wouldn't exist without them. The pyramids were not built by asking politely thousands of people to work for decades on stroking the ego of some ruler.

This is all fine and good, but at what point does the illusion of debate or choice beget actionable debate and choice - I believe that it can happen quite easily, and is not something that one may control; this, to me, indicates that any debate - real or not, will quite readily breed actual, beneficial debate and actions that in the long run will improve the system under which the debate was originally being faked.

Nobody is or should be completely free. We interact with others by reacting to what they do. Then, we throw in our personal beliefs. If we don't do that, we are out of topic.

I enjoy your content on YouTube and came here hoing this platform would be more free speech friendly. Thank you for bringing this site to my attention.

I learned hypnosis to help people lose weight, quit smoking... By the time I finished the course (serendipity, I was "red pilling" as I took the class...) I was HORRIFIED!!!
The class was all prim and proper enough, but I had learned to read between the lines at that point and I have NEVER tried to "help" anyone like that - ever. People who think "I can't be hypnotized" are SITTING DUCKS.

You don't lose most of the weight or completely stop smoking thanks to some miraculous magic potion or brainwashing method. Most of the work is done by you convincing yourself they work, and behave accordingly.

Yep. That is the EXACT attitude that a good hypnotist can use to WONDERFUL advantage... said the woman who TOOK HYPNOSIS TRAINING. Ignore my warning, I provided it un-requested and free of charge so nothing to gain or lose for me. As for you? Well, most people have to learn the hard way.
I am telling you, they can drop a person into deep, unconscious trance states with a literal snap of the fingers. I did not get that good, but even my first few little attempts to hypnotize people, once I had the beginner level "tricks of the trade" were quite creepy.

Shaping/molding public opinion is an ancient practice. While it is officially against the law for US gov't agencies to conduct psyop operations against the US public, there has been some ethical flexibility in this regard by at least one of the 3-letter agencies.

Frankly its amazing how much some perceptions have changed within just one generation, and not always for the better.

Good work raising awareness.

Free market works on buying cheap and selling high. Profit is all about exploitation. Exploitation is based on deception and lies. The world moves thanks to them, from believing in some religion, to being assured the state will give you a pension every time you pay your bills. The average man hopes all he is told will come true. Otherwise, there will be anarchy.

Well, the world works on the perception of reality - not reality itself. That said, profit is not inherently "evil", if you will. It is when the quest for profit goes unchecked at the expense of everything else that things spin out of control.

Frankly commerce is often the glue that keeps nations from going to war, when the economic consequences become too disastrous to be tenable.

But yes, it would be better if more people opened their eyes to see what goes on behind the curtains of power.

I wise man once said, take care of your needs, before you take care of you wants.

i watching your video dear really gd post . & thanx you @highimpactflix for sharing.

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Can't say enough good things about the content you create. Keep it coming! There is a great awakening happening in this country and without a doubt you are doing your part. Great work.

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