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RE: Pronoia: Are Forces Conspiring to Make Good Things Happen To You?

in #mind6 years ago

I'll learn about something, and if I forget it it comes back to me as a reminder.

Crazy, right? And the more you notice it, the more it happens.

Maybe share what you find out about breathwork? I could use some too.

Great comment! Thanks for reading.


this is the one I watched, but search Chek Breathing and he's got a ton more, the guy seems legit, totally into spirituality and fitness, I don't know that I'd pay what he's asking for some of the stuff though.

Basically it's belly breathing and allowing your diaphragm to do the work, not trying to breath, just finding the natural breath.

Combined with that matt kahn talk I found out just how shallow my breath was and the effect it was having.

Chek says(maybe not in this video) that breathing too rapidly, not allowing the body to use the CO2, (which is counter intuitive because I thought intake of oxygen was most important), can cause a lot of cracking and popping, like when you crack a joint, and also cause less right brain activity, so a slow out breath where we just relax is desired

Thanks, @jakeybrown. I will give it a watch. The way you guys keep talking about Matt Kahn, I'm going to have look into him as well. : )

He kind of weirded me out at first, but solid teachings in general, I haven't gone through too much of his work yet

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