Milestone Post!! 1000 followers, 4000 posts, almost 70 rep!

in #milestone7 years ago (edited)

I Never really Thought I'd be Achieving so Much on Here!

On July 22, 2016 I finally got to join this thing called Steemit after being told about it from @winstonwolfe. Since then it's pretty well taken over large chunks of my life. While often the things I 'crack out' on come and go without a huge takeaway...this time things are SOOOO different.

This time my year of being rather obsessed has led to:

  • My writing skills progressing pretty well (in my opinion)
  • Having almost 40 recorded @steemittalk podcasts saved for posterity
  • Shared parts of my soul the internet had never known
  • Found how much I enjoy tech writing (guides, faqs, etc)
  • Been able to help SOOO many people
  • Met AMAZING and Brilliant individuals on here

Long story short...


Bear in mind that I started off here knowing one person, not being a terribly social person, rarely bearing my soul to others and hadn't written anything of substance for at least a decade. I was exactly where so many of you newbies are today! I remember the months of posts often under a nickel, I remember the hours of trying to market myself...often taking more time than the post I wrote. I remember questioning myself over if it's worth putting in all this time and effort.

!New and struggling users of Steemit...I want you to know it IS possible to build up from nothing!

I've never been the popular one, instead that good friend willing to share in your successes or be the metaphorical shoulder to cry on. Rarely did I take the forefront on things, preferring simply blend in, unnoticed. Especially after starting down my path of pondering and eventually traveling on my gender journey. (Yes, for those that don't know I am transgender.)

Typically only those select few people that I was comfortable with got to hear my full on rants, babble and general goofiness. But thanks to Steemit, I've gotten to share HUGE parts of myself as I've gotten to build my voice, refine my skills and pay it forward to others in spots I remember being in.

Bear in mind that before I started on here, my only exposure to cryptocurrency was hearing of Bitcoin...that's it..hearing of it. I'd never had one, never had a wallet, never been on an exchange, never mined, never really even thought about it. Now here I am breaking the top 100 in post rewards in the Steemit rankings for the last couple weeks.

While I still won't claim to being the creme de la creme among the crypto intelligentsia, I do feel like I can hold my own about Steemit pretty well. I'm also proud to say I've been trading for some months, read up on currency exchange markets, lost some money at first only to slowly make it back and more!

So while these numbers of followers, posts and rep somewhat crept up on me...looking back over everything I've learned, gained and have as a takeaway from this last year of cracking out is shocking!!

I wanted to give a huge thank you to all of my supporters, followers, friends and crypto-colleagues! While the idea and infrastructure of Steemit are Revolutionary...the COMMUNITY is Unforgettable!!

I guaranty this is an experience that will continue to shape every last day of my life!

If only I could say the same thing about my years in World of Warcraft!

P.S. While I can't keep up with replying to everyone (especially since we can do that only once every 20 seconds) I do see you and appreciate all the 'Thank you' comments!

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Image Sources:
Think Big Quote
Bitcoin Dog
Never Forget You Quote


Congrats, encouragement for all :-)

Thank you! I definitely hope others know an 'average' person can make a large dent around here. I'm no whale by any means, but I've 'earned' a ton beyond the money. :)


It's also noteworthy that you deserve the success you have, because you've always taken the time to throw your hand back, to grab hold, and help new users climbing up the mountain behind you.

You're writings are a pleasure to read and full of energy. Keep up the great work!!

I truly appreciate the extremely kind words! Thank you!

While I definitely have my own interests and things to post about, there's not much comparison to the feeling of helping out other people. Especially remembering pretty vividly what is was like to be in their shoes.

The best part is being able to synergize what I do with all the other caring and giving people here on Steemit...yourself included! :D

Yay @sykochica, if memory serves me we joined around the same time so I've witnessed your journey, the hard work and participation.

Shows that dedication and determination still pay dividends. I too, did not really know anyone on here and started from scratch. It has been a long road but, well worth it. Keep up the good work.

Congrats, steem on!

Hehe..I took a look at you're steemd page and were were a week apart from joining! It feels like it's been forever versus the 10 months or so.

You've absolutely come a looong way as well between your two accounts. It's been great to watch! And of course we always need more east coast accent on the podcast. Lol

New Yaaaaark in the house! lol.

I can honestly say I'm glad you have more followers than me in that time period as you have been a constant interactive help to the community and new members.

It would not be right if it was reversed.

I add value sharing financial wisdom, but pertinent to steemit. You are absolutely a value add chica! That is more than ok with me. :-)

Yes, it does feel like it has been forever. I have been blessed to have a job throughout it, but boy did that make it even more exhausting lol.

Don't let yourself get stretched to thin between work and steemit. Trust me, its easy to let happen. Keep rested and Steem on!

Oh yea..I'm constantly watching out for the 'burnout.' It's already hit me a couple times over the year, forcing me to take small breaks. Hopefully I'm finding a good only sleep is lacking. lol

Oh goodness, yes sleep. I saw you signed up another friend! I upvoted them. I just had my first offline friend sign up, he's waiting for his autho email though I'm thinking about using @timcliff service to get an acct for him tomorrow.

My friend has 3 books of poetry published...I'm like, dude - you need to be on steemit...there is a whole poetry sub culture up on here!

Thank you!! I'm so happy he signed up on here. I've also had @dragons start a week ago and @ajnapanda just got signed up earlier today. MIDWEST is TAKING OVER!! lol

Oh hell yea...def get them on here! I'd seen timcliffs post to sign people up, just havent actually stepped through it myself yet. I have used anonsteem for about 5 people though.

Good to know, I saw that option as well!

With the price of Steem being where it is lately, it might be more cost effective to use anonsteem soon. Lol

Since then it's pretty well taken over large chunks of my life.

I can relate to that and many more things that you wrote. I have changed from a person that was very closed to an open person that is not even afraid anymore to share his feelings. It's a wonderful thing.

Steemit has changed my world too as I have never used any social media.
Your help in critiquing my blog recently was generous & informative.
It made me feel that I was on the right path albeit a bit raw.
You're awesome thanks again.

Congratulation :-) !!!

You deserve it @sykochica ... Trying my best to get to your level on steamit! Appreciate your content :-)

Thank you! Give it some time and I'm sure you can get there. :)

Congratulations!! Happy you are enjoying the journey!! You are an encouragement!!

Thank you! :D
I definitely have tried to spread the hope and general positivity. :)

Congrats, Well done mate!

And there's me thinking I'd be happy with a 100 followers and 51% Rep. :-D

Well Done.

That's still nothing to sneeze at! Congrats!
There's so much to taking baby steps and appreciating the little wins along the way. Before you know it, you look back to see the MASSIVE ground you've covered. :)

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