[Milestone] - 500+ Steemit + 250 Youtube + Enjoyment From Contributing To The Steemit Team

in #milestone7 years ago (edited)


It is true that the community here on Steemit is just like a sporting team, with the same type of loyalty, passion and fellow respect for each other, whilst we strive for a common outcome.

We all want to win at life and I feel that is done by just being who we really want to be, by sharing what we know, seeking to learn new things and growing as a person to the day we die.

Money is just a bonus in this game of life as it ensures we can buy cocktails by the pool and visit the 7 wonders of the world.

That is what it should be used for.

Experiences over material things.

This is what makes us happy in the end


Money does not buy us intelligence, awareness, integrity and freedom of speech.

That is a choice and we have it here on Steemit.

Humans sharing their truths and desire to be better.

Sounds like a great place to be when you look at it like this and it is a great concept and I am sure we can all agree on that.

Lets hope Steemit stays sustainable in the long term and lets keep supporting each other and seek truth and evolution within the community and from ourselves.

Information and knowledge is what brings down evil empires and progresses humans forward via higher states of consciousness.

My goals:

  1. Increase knowledge and reach higher states of consciousness.

  2. Visiting and building "energy healing" pyramids here in Australia and getting people to embrace frequency/energy based medicine, health and lifestyles.

  3. Dissolving 'government' and the 'deep state' as an ideology and installing and creating a decentralised, community driven, voluntary blockchain administration system using this technology to truly progress.

NOTE: Look up the Royal Rife machine and look into the origins of cures for diseases based on frequencies, energy and cellular health.

The truth is right there.

All we have to do is make it mainstream and teach our youth to embrace bio-spherical cellular health from the day they are born.


We don't have to always agree on the content nor do we have to truly love what each of us bring to the team.

Our contributions as individuals are unique, are specific to our personalities and are part of who we are.

Some people like art, some people like crypto news and some people just enjoy food, reading stories and looking at photographs.

All these things have their place here and what is great is although you are sharing these things to the world you are free and safe from scrutiny.

Expression does not have a critic other than yourself.

Don't be so hard on yourself and let it out.


Facebook, a dying platform dues to its centralisation and corrupted ideology, is full of paid trolls and expresses very low vibrations to the masses.

Mind numbing and harmful to our psychology.

It sickens me when I read how people speak to each other on there and I am moving away from it more and more every day.

So many labels and so much deliberate programming towards division and the fascist and marxist agenda of the rich and wealthy who are terrified of losing their so called position and want to maintain their billion dollar empires.

Wake up and follow the money trail.

Left, right, straight, gay, red, blue, libertarians, conservatives, feminists, republicans, and socialists.

Anti this and pro that.

Why do we have so many labels?

Is it a natural thing to do?

I find it rather stupid and I am embarrassed fro anyone who enters such debates with out logic and reasoning.

Regurgitating someone else's truth is not always the truth.

Humans are just humans with perspectives and opinions and that is all there is to it.

Be kind.


Divide and Conquer is a business plan by the elite.

This is a very real and well financed plan.

Media, hollywood and the music industry has been taken over by a very specific group.

Think about it.

Look and you will see.

When people wake up to this we can then move away from such narrow minded communication and perspectives of our fellow person.

We can truly learn how to communicate and seek to escape the corrupted system.

We can truly start living again, reconnect to our origins and become one with nature and the universe as it was intended.

Lets hope Steemit maintains its neutral position, remains supportive and I will be enjoying the good energy while it lasts and contributing where and when I can.


My journey here on Steemit has been great over the last 6 months and I have found my profile has evolved since I first started.

I first started with a series of time consuming posts about health, the universe and life which I was collating on my website - www.onlinecoachingaustralia.com.au - and it has since evolved into a passion for cryptocurrencies and sharing moments and perspectives in life.

I am just going with it for now.

I don't have a grand plan on here as I know it will change and grow with me.

I hope those who find value in what I am as a person and as a contributor to this platform will continue to support my content and passion for all things life and I appreciate everyone who connects with me and let it be known I only want the best for you.

We all deserve the best and that will come when we truly respect who we are as individuals.

Become a minimalist and life gets better.

I speak from experience.

I am grateful.



SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.

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Congratulations mate, the Universe will continue rewarding you for your great insights and content. Keep up the great work.

Thanks Gavin!! If we all did our bit, the world would be better. I am hopeful that we are on our way. The information war will be won when we all connect as one. do you have latest last Web Bot report?

Congrats, Sebastian.
I am 1 week new to Steemit and am finding the concept refreshing.
Do you have any words of wisdom for a newb like myself that is into bodybuilding and fitness with regard to growing a following like you have accomplished?

Be yourself. Be authentic. Patience and perseverance is important. Document your life and create content based on real situations. Express your passion and energy and just keep going.

This is how a [MILESTONE] post is suppose to be done!!!

Great Job @sebastianjago

Congrats on your 500+ Followers on Steemit.

You mate are a Good Egg...


Cheers Frank. Good egg! :) Only way to be.

Congratulations on your milestone, and thank you for promoting such a positive outlook on the Steemit community! :D



Thank you. Lets hope Steemit grows into a world changing, non trolling platform where we collectively advance our thinking. That is what I want to see.

You're very welcome.

I'm optimistic that your hope (also mine!) is an attainable goal! ;)

Great progress you are making, keep it up!

Thank you. Appreciate it.

Being your follower is a thing that is adding knowledge everyday to my life. I am also hoping that steemit remain free from trollers and specially those suggested pages ads like facebook.

Thanks mate, I am hopeful that this community will show that trolling is a manufactured government operation and the division that we see on Facebook is all by design.

congratulations on your success @sebastianjago
keep up the good work! following you now. 😘😘😘

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Thank you very much.

follow back if you like 😘😘😘

Congrats on the following! I agree with your outlook on communication and what's going on in the world. The steemit platform is such a positive community encouraging freedom of communication and freedom to create, and I'm so grateful that it's neutral and not controlled. I've followed you and look forward to hearing more about your views on these things :)

Appreciate the support. All we can do is be ourselves and share and seek more from life. Communication and freedom of expression will allow us to do that.

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