Hope for Migraine Sufferers

in #migraines7 years ago

If you or a loved one suffer from migraine headaches, read on to learn how I reduced the frequency and severity of my own migraines. 

The day after returning from my honeymoon 10 years ago, I experienced my first migraine. It was quite an experience. Trying to get treatment was a complete joke. The doctors wouldn't treat what was clearly a migraine because I didn't have  a "history of migraines." Ohhhhkayyy......

For the next few years I didn't experience more than a few migraines a year. We lived in California at the time. Then we moved to Texas. My migraines quickly became very frequent and quite intense. I was miserable for 3 days at a time, a couple of times a month. 

Thankfully, the healthcare system is head and shoulders above that of California. I was referred by my doctor to a headache clinic. The doctors  there require patients to attend a class about headaches before even scheduling with the neurologist. The migraine class facilitator recommended a book called Heal Your Headache: the 1,2,3 method. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who experiences frequent migraine headaches. 

The book helped me understand how migraines work, and gave me tips for reducing the frequency and intensity of migraines with a few lifestyle tweaks. The class and the book empowered me to take control of my condition. 

I am not 100% migraine free, but I have greatly reduced the frequency and severity of my headaches. I am no longer down for the count for days at a time. I can usually manage quite well and get on with my life in a matter of hours. 

One thing I learned was that heat and humidity are an enemy of migraine sufferers. Since we  had just bought a home in Belton, Texas (halfway between Waco and Austin),  leaving the state was not an option for me. Hormones can also contribute to migraines. So, hubby got snipped and I went off of the birth control shot called Depo Provera. The longer I was off the hormones, the better my migraines got. I also made other changes such as eliminating certain foods from  my diet. 

I tried giving up coffee, but chose QUALITY of life over quality of life...if that makes sense. I had made enough small changes and gotten my migraines under control that I no longer felt I needed to give up my daily vice. 

I am in some migraine support groups online and I hardly visit them any more. I grew wary of the victim mentality so many suffers express. I tried to offer help that I had found in the Heal Your Headache book, but they didn't seem interested. Personally, I would rather feel hopeful than helpless in managing my condition.   


I find that the best remedy is prevention. Getting good rest and drinking water, not eating too much after midnight. Hypertension and irregular sleep schedules are the primary cause of my migraines. I have chronic hypertension and when it hits there's not much that I can do . I use meditation as well as tapping technique's for dealing with pain. I find hot showers and exercising with free weights can help with the symptoms.

Exactly! Prevention is what it's all about. Getting adequate sleep and managing stress are key. I've heard of tapping, but I'm not familiar with it.

Tapping is a form of autosuggestion where you're telling yourself that you accept the pain; perhaps try to get your brain to stop sending the pain signals. I use it when i'll try anything.

Detox helped mine out a lot. We consume so many toxins on a regular basis, that sometimes we get overwhelmed by them leading to disease. Once I focused on cleansing my body (on the lymphatic level), my migraines of 3 years faded away.

sometimes i get it really bad and i heard something about using oils to help? like sniffing the peppermint oil or something, i'm interested in natural remedies. thanks for this post!

I suffer from migraines and still haven't figured out the triggers. I do know that when I feel the pressure in my left eye I'd better pop a few pills before it gets bad...because ignoring it doesn't make it go away.
I've also tried sitting on the edge of the tub soaking my hands and feet in water as hot as I could stand it with an ice pack on my neck.
I have noticed that when I am overheated one day I'm usually more susceptible the next so staying cool and hydrated definitely helps. And I will NEVER give up coffee. Damn the migraines. Give me java. LOL

I suffer from chronic migraines for 6 years. I went to neurologist and did plenty of migraine preventative medications. Nothing works and gave me side effect. I've got fed up with medications. I stop having red wine, beer (big migraine trigger). I found Asian acupuncturist and did treatment with herbal medicine. It reduced huge amount of migraines. Drink lots of water. Get enough sleep. I do have migraines due to hormonal but it's only 4 times a month. I used to have 20 migraine days.

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