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RE: Art & Mediocrity: A (VERY) Short Treatise On Crimes Against Art and Taste

in #michelangelo7 years ago

Lol! Barely surviving, frankly. And you?? That's why I'm so relieved to have found Steemit and have a place to share my thoughts and my work (I'm a singer-songwriter--threw up a couple of videos already if you want to take a look). Hoping to find more people like you to share with!


I'm a hermit. And a writer, which often amounts to the same thing.-laugh- I'm also trying to survive, but not so much society, as other things.

Right now, though, I'm just trying to survive this headache. I think it might be allergies, because it's particularly miserable. >_<

Oh, I am so sympathetic.. I have thyroid and autoimmune disease, and have suffered from severe fatigue for years! I'm so grateful for Steemit as an outlet and place to really share, as it's something edifying I can do from home. I am a writer, poet, and singer-songwriter--seen any of my videos? Honestly, so happy to connect with you on here. Let's stay connected as we both grow, okay?

Sorry to hear about your health issues. I can somewhat imagine, though. I'm too poor to find out what's wrong with me, and at this point, in the worst case scenario, it may not do me any good to find out.

Speaking of which, I've been on my computer waaaaaaay too much the last few days, and now I'm hurting pretty badly from it. So I'll probably have to kick myself off of here, for the most part, for the next few days or so. It's a pity, but I've learned that one has to do what one has to do, or one is almost always sorry for not doing it! x_x

But I should be back sooner or later. May peek in, here and there, but I've got to try to behave myself! ^,^

By the way, you have a pretty voice! ^_^ It reminded me a little of the Daughters of Mary. Ever heard of them? They're nuns who do absolutely beautiful singing. You can find them at the link below (I think it might be their official store), and for those whose lives have them often calling to heaven, I can't help but recommend especially their "De Profundis" That one's in latin, but for those who know the verse ("Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord..."), it's a beautiful prayer to sing, and as I said, you probably have the voice for it. (I know that I don't! -laugh-)

Their singing is just so heavenly. And such beautiful words to be singing, too!

I wish we could chat more--is there a private feature on here? I want to hear what you issues are, if you wouldn't mind sharing a bit. I might be able to help you find some solutions. I am so very sympathetic with the poverty aspect of illness.. that's a long story for me as well.

I'll try to write more tomorrow!

Sadly, there doesn't seem to be a private message feature. Weird, huh?

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