Mysterious Moonstone - Keeper of the Feminine Goddess Energy

in #metaphysics7 years ago

"The Stone of Mystery"

These translucent stones come in a variety of colors, each with it's own special attributes. Each one enhances the intuitive senses in a unique way. Often, it is used by women to help balance the hormonal system. Moonstone aids us all in recognizing the ebb and flow of our lives, and to see the different cycles that one enters into throughout their journey.
Below you can find a little bit about each variety and see which Moonstone resonates with you.

Metaphysical Properties

  • Key Words - Goddess stone, Intuition, Cycles
  • Color - Translucent Milky, Pearly White, Gray, Peach, Tan
  • Chakra - Sacral - 2nd, Third Eye – 6th, Crown – 7th
  • Astrological - Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
  • Element - Wind

Cream / White Moonstone

This is an intense psychic variety that will assist you during the full moon cycle. It helps to stimulate the mind and open up your inner clairvoyant senses to connect with your Goddess Energy. This power-packed Moonstone is a favorite for women as it helps to magnify their emotions to do some serious inner reflection.

If you are working with crystals to open up your third eye, give Moonstone a chance. It is also wonderful to use with Amethyst to enhance your dream state while sleeping. It opens you up to see any underlying aspects of the sub-conscious that may need to be observed.

It is filled with receptive, feminine energy, balancing the yin and yang, male and female energies. If one’s tendency is to be too strong, in either the male or female energy and in need of re-balancing, Moonstone is the go to stone for the job.

Peach Moonstone

This is a very gentle, loving version of Moonstone. It's vibrational energy connects closely with the Heart Chakra assisting one to experience the presence of the Divine in all situations. If you need to soothe a child's anxiousness or balance their emotional body, then choose Peach Moonstone to settle them. This stone is wonderful to aid the intuitive senses of young children too.

Black / Gray Moonstone

Often a favorite of the Shaman to help them enter into other realms during vision quests. This variety is closely associated with the cycle of the new moon and it's mysterious new energies. If you are looking for a stone to help you set new intentions during the new moon cycle, then by all means choose the Gray Moonstone. They are wonderful to help in assisting in bringing forth the spiritual into the physical realm.

Rainbow Moonstone

This is the go to Moonstone for psychic protection, as it will deflect unwanted vibrations and dense energy before they enter into your Aura field. This is especially important if you are doing psychic readings, intuitive therapy or doing hands on work with a lot of different clients. Massage therapy comes to mind, as you are releasing and moving tense energy of another person.

This beautiful stone is wonderful for bringing clarity to a situation while it also clears the emotional body of any blockages that may be hindering ones perspective on a situation. It is a great stone to have to balance the entire Chakra system, to ground oneself and to help you stay centered.

Experience a renewed sense of vitality, peace, harmony and joy while connecting to your feminine Goddess energy with Rainbow Moonstone.


“I AM connected to the Divine Feminine Goddess within me”

Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you enjoyed learning about some of the varieties of Moonstone.

Some of the information in this post is from "The Book of Stones" by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian a comprehensive book on the metaphysical properties of stones.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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I LOVE this post, thank you so much for sharing! Moonstone is one of my favorite stones & at least one is always sitting on my altar. It is very supportive to me when working through emotional flows, especially related to my cycle. I have heard that it can also promote fertility, especially when worked with under the Full Moon. Definitely a great stone ally for all wombmyn to carry!

You are absolutely right @priestesslaura it can be a great stone to incorporate in a fertility regime. I love all the moonstones... of course we would... we are the feminine Goddess in form. Thank you for commenting and stopping by my post. Thank you so much for the re-steem

Lake Titicaca.....Nicaragua! Aqua! For my bunghole....

My favorite stone! Love your posts!

Thank you @kimmydee2 it does have some amazing vibes, especially the different colors too.

its....really awesome.

you're making steemit a great community with your content sunscape! keep it up!

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