Metal Weekend #2 - PLAY IT LOUD and share your metal songs

I am following @detlev ’s initiative and having a #metalweekend.


We will see a collection of metal songs from my Spotify list.

So , here we go. Bang your heads .

Diamantis Picks of the Week

Amberian Dawn – Maybe

Amberian Dawn is a female fronted melodic power metal band and we see a track out of their latest release “Darkness of Eternity” ( 2017 ). Maybe one of their best songs…

Beast in Black – Born Again

This is the band guitarist Anton Kabanen created after he was fired from Battle Beast. The sound resemblance between two bands is striking. I think someone has something to prove. On another note the vocalist is Greek and named Giannis Papadopoulos. Track from “Berserker” (2018).

New Releases

This week , according to my New Releases Spotify list , which is great way to discover new songs, we had new release from Kalmah, Axel Rudi Pell, Borealis Dokken, AmorphisThe Crown and Riot V amongst other. Let’s see a couple that stood out for me.

Order from Chaos – Night Terror

A classic metal with female and growling vocals from Canada. I discovered them recently, by that I mean yesterday and really enjoy this three track EP they released.

Delirium - Dem Schicksal entgegen

This is a German rock’n’roll band but cannot say more because their page is in German. I liked their first album I give them to you.

Blast from the Past

Liege Lord – Fear Itself

We go back at 1988 and Liege Lord’s “Master Control” classic. Not much to say play it loud.

Fear, it tempts our lives
There's nothing to fear
It's just a lie
Fear, it's in yourself
There's nothing to fear
But fear itself

These are my picks for this week .

Listen to music , listen to HEAVY METAL !

Play loud and STEEM ON !!!



I liked listening to the recordings on your musical post. All things deserve due attention. You have a very good taste. But from the group Beast in black - Born Again, I'm just delighted. In general, all the records, each in its own way, have their own magic and charm.

Didn't release you are a heavy metal fan. Rock on , Ludmila !!! :)

Yes, Ilias, you can say so.

I would not have imagined that you were into metal! hehehehehe what a surprise you are ;)

Well ... I am full of suprises ... And let me tell you I am more into metal than most long haired, bearded , full of tattoos wussies ... :)


I'll take your word for it!!!! I don't know how I would check... Because I know nothing about metal hehehe

Heading to bed now...night friend :)

Easy , you cut us and it spills liquid metal . :)
Good night , sweet dreams . :)

Never dreAms.... Only dreEms 😉

Η ΕΜΥ έβγαλε έκτακτη ανακοίνωση για καταιγίδες αυτές τις μέρες δινοντας συμβουλές στους METAL-άδες να έχουν πάντα μαζί τους το αστάρι για τη σκουριά. :)

Δεν μασαμε . Ειμαστε ανοξειδωτοι απο την μαμα μας...

Xaxaxaxaxaaa......eisai fantastikos....

Great choices.


To oneiro moy na paw se sinablia toys....🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘

Ειχαν ερθει πριν μερικα χρονια , που εισουν ???

Xaxaxaxa...oute pou thimame..😀

thank you . :)

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