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RE: Message In A Bottle.

in #messageinabottle7 years ago

Hi, Tony,

It's late, Christmas comes in a little over a day from now, I'm out of town, but glad I came across your message this evening.

My friend, I hope your remarkable and insightful message in a bottle reaches many of the right people.

However, what I fear is that it will reach mostly those like me who have had their eyes opened to a great degree, who can see that the world is controlled by dark powers, and who will cheer you on. Those who really need to hear this are still deluded and don't want to know.

As you already know, my ultimate hope for a better world lies in my faith in Jesus, the God who mankind is nominally celebrating at this time of year. Sadly, even that celebration has become a commercialized parody that almost completely obscures the truth.

I do see some hope for individuals and families in taking back their power economically as cryptocurrencies and distributed organizations are on the rise. But I still at times despair when, even very broadly speaking within the segment of the population that identifies itself as Christian, as followers of Jesus, there are so very, very few who actually follow his teaching that we ought to love our neighbors as ourselves, that we ought to treat our neighbors the way we wish to be treated.

In any case, my friend, I nevertheless want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you will find the hope for yourself and your children that you are seeking. I will continue to believe that hope is personified in the God/Man Jesus, and will remind you of that when I have opportunity. I will continue to encourage you to read John's book and consider the things that Jesus said. I will continue to try and be your friend.




My friend,

Thank you so much for your very kind words and wishes and the time you have taken from your own life to write them in order to share your experience of this life with me. Whilst I am afraid I still haven't reached a point where I can say that my belief in Jesus Christ as the son of God is secure, I can promise you that my belief in, love for and confidence in my father is far from in doubt. I may have my doubts as to Jesus' position in life but I have no doubt about the truth in many of the teachings attributed to him and try as best as I can, failing often, to live up to them.

Unfortunately, I feel you're correct in your assessment of our current situation and have written before about the difficulty of attracting new men and women to this type of information. It's normally a thankless task and any appreciation is usually from other like minded individuals who already knew what you had to say in the first place. Every now and then, though, there is a comment from someone who is coming across the information for the first time though and that helps a little with staying positive but I definitely hear what your saying and feel the same frustrations as you, which I must admit I am not always good at dealing with. They say ignorance is bliss and while I don't agree, I can certainly see the attraction at times. The little I feel I do know only serves to confuse me even more and can be a burden at times which has a big effect on my life and relationships.

As I am not religious and see as you do the commercialism that has overtaken this time of year, I am not really a big fan of Christmas at all but my own view is that it is our way of setting aside some time to appreciate everyone and everything we are blessed to have in this world and I would also like to wish you a Merry Christmas and let you know that I appreciate everything you have done for me, not just those things you have done for me personally, which is more than you know but also those things you do every day to make my world and my life better.

Thank you for your friendship, @creatr. I'm a better man for it. :)

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