Why do we, as a society, feel that its ok to judge a stranger’s appearance, to their face no less?

in #mentalhealth6 years ago (edited)

Ok steemians, please don’t be shy with your opinions on this one:

Why do we, as a society, feel that its ok to judge a stranger’s appearance, to their face no less?

Let me set the scene that has really annoyed me: I just went across the road from work to grab a coffee. My hair is thrown up in a ponytail, I’m wearing black pants and a company polo top. Despite my “under the radar” ensemble I still had to endure 4, yep 4 of the café staff discussing my clothing choice, size, body shape etc.

I JUST WANTED A COFFEE not a head to toe critique. Seriously am I out of line to expect that going to a café shouldn’t make me feel like I’m on America’s next top model? Or should I give in and accept that strangers have the right to pass judgement on appearance, positive or negative?

I’m sure people will think if they are complimenting me what’s the problem, I should be flattered right? And sure, you have a point, but do I really need to be exposed to this while I’m ordering a coffee? Cannot I not just expect to have my order taken and a “have a wonderful day”? Just because they are commenting on my appearance in a positive way doesn’t make it ok. I was embarrassed and uncomfortable to have a bunch of people discussing my body and appearance publicly.

I doubt those staff would ever say to a larger person “wow, look at your body in that top” yet because I have a slender build I must endure it?

Really keen to hear people’s opinions on this topic…



I doubt we will ever have a judgement free environment. As long as people have mouths, they will open them.

In regards to the staff in particular, i've always believed in a degree of proffesionalism regardless of my job and this is pretty shabby to say the least, at least wait until you're gone! 😂

Personaly i couldnt care less what strangers think of me, positive, negative or how vocal they are, my life will continue without them regardless.

I must admit, I laughed this one off because it was just so ridiculous.
Your attitude towards this is spot on and I will be taking a leaf out of your book! Thank you.

No problem, i must admit sometimes i think i come across as dismissive, or i know i've been dismissive. Now, i know im not an arsehole (90% of the time 😆) but its just how i go about life, if think somebody is chatting shit then i instantly lose interest as its not worth my time, if they are persistant then i'll dedicate a few moments to annoy the shit out of them and carry on with my day.
Stupid questions, gossip, people projecting their insecurities, i instantly switch off 😂
I have tons patience and advice but ultimately i prefer solutions!

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