🌴A Bali Menē Unboxing 🌴

in #mene6 years ago (edited)

I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked home and saw it sitting on my doorstep.

Right there, in front of my very own eyes, was the long-awaited plain brown box that @goldmatters said was coming.

Except, this box wasn't so plain.

Look closer.


Could this be a hint as to what's inside?!

Surely this box isn't delusional enough to think it's elegant, is it??

Let's see.

I needed to open the box, so I went in search of the proper tool:

The Chinese water torture device.

Turns out it was the improper tool. It takes too long to wait for the water to drip enough so that the box will open, so I had to find a different proper tool.

That's when I realized the proper tool was in my mind all along:

With just one minute of intense staring, I was able to blast open the box using JUST the force of my sheer willpower.

The mind really is a powerful thing.

I peeked inside and saw a TINY blue box!

Turns out the not-so-elegant box contained a very-much-so-elegant box!

Even though the elegant box is tiny, I was about to find out that this tiny box was packing a LOT of value for its size.

I grabbed the tiny elegant box, opened up the top and held it...

...into the sunlight for a better look:

I held my breath in anticipation and opened the bag to find this:

It glittered in the sun and was literally more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.

I slipped the charm back into the blue bag so that no one would see my precious valuables, but it was too late.

The Balinese dragon had seen it, and insisted on taking my Menē to the temple guard!

The temple guard said because I had gold at the temple, I HAD to give it up as an offering.

That’s when I reminded him that in Bali, you can get bad karma for stealing, even if it was for an offering. The Balinese gods don’t want stolen goods as an offering.

That would be an insult.

Luckily, the temple guard was more reasonable than he looks.

He soon realized that I was speaking the truth, and agreed to let me go free with the Menē charm in hand. I should have known it wouldn’t be this easy.

Just as I was lulled into a sense of security...

...I discovered another unexpected obstacle that I would have to pass.

The gate.

The gate snagged my charm!

Luckily for me, the gate was no match for my opposable thumbs!!

I was able to just thumb that bag right back into my hands and there was nothing the gate could do but stand there and try to intimidate me by looking all menacing.

Ironically, the stolen beach art tried to steal my charm.

She said “N” stood for nose ring which was obviously missing from her nose. After all, she did already have golden earrings, a crown, and a necklace.

But, Karma again, proved who the real owner was.

The stolen beach art broke in half as punishment for her thievery. Bad karma will get you when in Bali. And, just when I thought it was safe, a flower tried to take the charm from me!

It just snatched it up and popped it into its little flower-mouth.

See it in there? I told the flower to spit it out and give it back, or else he'd end up like the stolen beach art, so he did.

But then the tree tried to pull a fast one and thought he could hide the charm from me high up in his branches!

But karma was on my side again, and the wind knocked the box down right out of the branches curling fingers and into my hands, safe once and for all.

What’s up with all of the Balinese trying to steal my Menē today?? I thought they believed in karma!!!! All of my stuff has been safe with the Balinese until now.

Is Menē SO awesome that they’re willing to risk bad karma for it?!?!!!

It seems so!

And I can't really blame them.

Because Menē IS pretty awesome!

Thanks SOOOO much @goldmatters for making this happen!!! You are beyond the best!!!!!!

Why is Menē investment jewelry BETTER than other gold and platinum jewelry you can buy?!

Well, this picture from the Menē website pretty much tells it all:

It just makes sense to invest in their jewelry because you have a better ROI!

If you want to get in on that, sign up right here to start earning credits toward Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry. It'll take maybe 40 seconds.

You can get your first $5 credit just by signing up!

P.S. Disclaimer: He actually sent this with a friend of mine who came to visit. It was already "unboxed" so that she could fit it in her suitcase and I found a random cardboard box to put it in. Also, funny story, she forgot that I told her to expect a package and she opened it thinking it was for her! lol so no ribbon on the blue box either haha


Greetings, dear Nomadic

Before writing about the post, I wanted to know where you were born. Are you American?

Coming back to it, pretty cool this box deal, had already seen in another post and I imagine it should be a good wait until it arrives and cooler still open.

The nature you put in the last photos is beautiful as much as you.

Thank you and good afternoon!!!!!

YES!!! I can’t believe we finally made this happen! First Mene unboxing in Bali :) hilarious post @nomadicsoul :)

That is how Chuck Norris would open the box! (no kicking)

LOL, I was already asking myself why a Mene ring would come in a random hyper super big box from another brand.

I was nervous watching you play with something so valuable! I knew everything ended ok or this post would have a much more tragic title, but I imagined you dropping it into a sewer or in a random unrecoverable place.


Now, I laughed so much when you mentioned trying to open the box with the "Chinese water torture device". My mom even got curious and came to see what I was laughing about. <3

I wish I could afford some goldies :D! Definitely in the future.

omg hahaha I love that your mom heard you!!!

I also love how you seem to just KNOW how clumsy I am and how likely it would be for me to lose it in a sewer or something!

The worst that happened was I dropped it in the dirt behind some trees that made it hard to reach without getting scratched up by branches. Oh well

Very nice un boxing post, and congrat's on the nice charm!

Thanks so much!!

Such a fun unboxing post!! I loved your hilarious play by play!

Thank youuu <3

Looks awesome...
I am glad that the Temple Guard didn't took it as offering...

I can kick the temple guard's butt haha

The charm is super cool!

It's fun that he placed the "elegant box" in the "not so elegant one", you gotta dig deeper to find the treasure. lol.

Even the innocent looking flower wanted to rob you off of your cute charm? Well, I am glad they didn't succeed! Thank God it reached home safely!!

I love the fun story!

Thank you for reading it! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

My pleasure!

Great unboxing, nice article, beautiful Mene 24K Letter N Gold Charm!

Thanks so much! Yeah I was pretty excited about it!

Thanks!!! I like it a lot!

Now Ledge, perfect for the blockchain.

lol it really is

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