Got a nice gift for having gone gold with Steem Monsters: Mene Unboxxing!

in #mene6 years ago (edited)

I'm not a fancy guy. My friends who have known me for 30 years call me uncultured. Apparently citing pathfinder rules doesn't count as "culture." Anyway, @goldmatters sent me a pretty awesome gift. It's a little sculptured gold. You can see what he sent and why he sent it in the unboxxing below. I did this in two takes. I found the little gold piece, but I didn't realize that there were notes and other pieces to the fancy gift box.

A couple of things about this. I honestly did feel like a million bucks opening this. It's packaged beautifully. My kids are in the background holding their mouths shut so they don't go dropping a million ooohs and aaaahs. They were stoked. I'm clearly pleased. I don't dig on fancy, but this made me think twice about it because the whole experience was quite nice.

The other thing was that a friend of mine growing up had a Picasso in her house. He was pretty prolific so it's not like those are million dollar pieces, but I've wanted one since I was in 9th grade. These pieces are designed by Picasso's grand daughter. It's a Picasso. I'm not sure that would count for anyone else, but I think it's cool af.

Opening the first round

I had to come back and film again after I realized there was more in there

Gold as a business

It was interesting to talk to @goldmatters some more after this whole thing was sent. He's working for Mene that's trying to make it easy to use gold as a store of value. Not just paper gold like what's traded a lot in the USA, but actual real life solid gold that isn't derivatives. They are also working on crypto storage. So, I dream of the day that I can convert my Steem at all time highs to Gold to store the value, ride the wave down, and get more Steem after everyone else has panic sold down. They also have a credit card system, so maybe I can buy some lunch with all this stuff at some point too.

Gold foils lead to gold

So, I'm pretty stoked that our choice of adding gold foils to the cards has inspired this gift. We're trying to make Steem Monsters something that will benefit this whole community.


I consider pathfinder to be the most cultured of all the d20 variants.

@goldmatters is such a hardworking, it was through him I even know that gold and mene existed and how it can become resourcesful and well beneficient, I wish it was me unboxing lol

Thanks so much for your support Aggroed!! I truly enjoyed talking to you about Goldmoney and Mene and working towards our mission to democratize access to gold for all! Finally a way to re introduce real money - gold, in to the monetary system. WIth some incredible crypto solutions coming as well :) thank aggroed for your great unboxing and for introducing the world to gold steemmonsters!

I am proud of you!!

This is another big step for the mission :)

Congrats, you made the #steemitminute for today!
Click the Image Below to see the Video!

There is an amazing Picasso exhibition, in London, England, right now called "Picasso 1932," and it exhibits all these works done by Picasso, at the height of his powers in 1932.

As you wander from room to room, you are struck by the overwhelming passion Picasso felt for his mistress, Marie-Thérèse Walter. Every painting, every sculpture is a tribute to her, who proved to be the greatest love and the greatest muse of his entire life.

That golden "G" of yours is designed by Marie-Thérèse's granddaughter, Diana. Small world. :)

Helo The Biggest Deal, The primary spot finisher will get the biggest prizes, et cetera down the positions. The more STEEM & SBD raised by the offers of packs, along side any designations got, mean greater prizes! Prizes may likewise be arbitrarily granted to fortunate members who didn't put

Sehr schön
freut mich
finde das Spiel wird rießig werden

I wanna buy some. I don't know how to figure out how much sbd or steem equals $5. Lol. Sad but true. Just catching on. Haha.
Congrats on yours!

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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gold business is good business and gold is a good object for value (trade) standardization.

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