"An Evening on a South Georgia River II"

in #memories5 years ago

Ohoopee_T Smith8.jpg

Evening on the banks of a river in South East Georgia,
Is a magical time, unlike any other place on earth.
The sounds, the
Smells as the day ends and the night begins,
Emanate peace from every direction.
The sun,
Setting behind the dense trees,
Shines one last time
On the treetops, as the
Whippoorwills of the night begin
To replace the birds of the day, the
Mourning dove, with its plaintive cry, as if
lamenting the end of the day.
Owls begin to hoot, as Tick Birds that we called
“Pond Scoggins” fly overhead on
Their way to roost for the night.
Added to all this
Magical transitioning, is the
Smooth gurgle of the river itself, the frogs and crickets, the
Whine of the cicadas, make a veritable
“Symphony of Nature”.
White sands,
Water the color of iced tea…it is
A mystical experience.
I highly
Recommend it to everyone.
Nature has a language.
Anyone can learn it.
In fact, you know
It already.

“Evening on a South Georgia River II”

Jerry E Smith
I grew up on the banks of the Canoochee River, in the middle of S Ga USA.
Well, not quite the middle, we were 60 west of the Savannah coast.
The image here is of the Ohoopee, one county over, but the same type of River.
The image was taken by my cousin Tom Smith, used with his explicit permission.
These are indeed my memories, a time gone by, as development and pollution
Have changed much of this landscape; it is painful for me to return home now,
As this paradise is in my memories alone.
I'm bringing this back specifically for @ironshield, who posted about Cicadas
Yesterday. I hope you enjoy it.

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

This .gif was created by @elgeko


I can almost hear the "symphony of nature" as I read this poem, well done! The nature language plays all the time, if we'd only listen.

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You got it. It's the whole package; the sights, sounds and smells
That together make a synergistic essence for me.

Hello jerrytsuseer!

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I tried, I really did, too many hoops, to many circular loops,
Log in here, create and account there, link your steemit account,
Now link your twitter account (which I NEVER USE, I don't even
remember how to log in there) so thanks but no thanks.

Awesome nature poetry.. although I'm weirded out by that river photo.. nothing on your part.. our rivers in Florida are different. I've only been to one river that had that brown color as the water.. all the other rivers I have ever been in are crystal clear and fed by natural springs and when I say crystal clear you can see all the way to the bottom!!!

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I went to some of those crystal springs as a child, but I barely remember it.
I've seen photos though. The "tea" color comes from the tannin leached
into the water from tree roots, and decaying leaves and stuff as well.
You know what WC Fields said:"Never drink water, fish fuck in it"

Haha.. I'll have to find some photos of the rivers here.. I have some somewhere

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Lovely peaceful place... as are the words...

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