From a slave to a master, chapter # 8 - The plot I made, inventing a soul-lover, in order to manipulate my mind

in #memoir6 years ago

A Memoir


enlightenment was a too abstract concept for me. I could not grasp it in my mind. Actually, it was so elusive that I even could not know that I was actually seeking enlightenment. I needed to bring that concept to a level where I could grasp it, work with it. I needed to find a goal, a trophy, bigger than myself and my current life then, to inspire me, to lead me in the nose, so to speak, slowly and surely on the road with the yellow bricks that I was about to walk, until I will stand, face to face, with enlightenment, and be ready for it. So I invented a concept, a notion.

I invented True Love. And in this article, I describe the characters I gave to it.

Disclaimer: romantic relationships between two people are gender-free. Meaning, a man-woman relationship is the same as a man-man or a woman-woman relationship, for the purpose of this content. In my writings, I relate to man and woman for simplicity's sake.


Credit: nomad-magus

I coin the term soul-lover as an expansion of the old aged word “soul mate” in order to emphasize the special focus I put on the creation of the romantic relationship. A soul lover is a human being who is connected with another human being for a very specific purpose – a romantic relationship. This individual is not just a friend or a close relative but carries unique and specific attributes that make him or her our most intimate lover in the world, in this life and even beyond that. Because of the fact that the phrase soul-mate does not describe well enough the love connection that two souls share I will adopt from now on the term “soul-lover” as my loyal companion.

I am about to lead you towards a personal journey, perhaps the most intimate one that you have ever done. Although your path is carved according to your unique characters I do believe that my words will strengthen your spirit and encourage you whenever a new challenge will come upon or the uncertainty might try to lead you astray, off the main road.

Before we take the first tangible step it is essential that you know what awaits you on the other side of the journey for you may realize that enlightenment (and True Love) is not something you choose at all and therefore it is not your wish to spend the required efforts to achieve it.

Your blood family is not your true family

Your soul-lover is your true family. Indeed, you live your lives amongst your seed family with a father, a mother and perhaps siblings. From time to time you all gather together at big family events where you meet distant relatives whom you have not seen in ages. At such occasions, you are surprised to realize that you do not feel any significant closeness to those people albeit the blood relationships. On the contrary – some of your friends with whom you interact every day most surely fill a bigger part in your life and touch your heart deeper than those distant relatives. And the truth is that it would be very practical to say that **the family you were born to in flesh and blood is Not your true family**.

Your true family was left behind at your real home far away in time and space. Sometimes, at night, when you lie supine in your bed, eyes fixed upwards and your soul wanders towards that distant and spacious home of yours, you make the connection with that family that you left behind. The dreams of such nights may bring you closer, and further reflect that place if you only could remember them. And then you ask yourself, how do I go there, to my natural home, away from this harsh life that I live daily?

Bring home here

The truth is quite the opposite. Your journey towards enlightenment and the love that you seek is not going to lead you back home but rather **it is you who are bringing your home over here**, to your current reality. That home has already begun its journey towards you – for your calling had been heard – and it is your responsibility now to accept it. All you need is patience and awareness.


Credit: deviantART

The essence of the soul lovers

  • If you are a man, your soul-lover is your best friend; she is the most beautiful woman you could ever conjure up in your imagination. Close your eyes – how do you perceive her hair color to be? And her smile? And what her demeanor would be? You must enquire to your self about all that for it is your soul-lover that awaits you. This One of yours is the closest person to you of all human beings on earth. She knows your doings and deeds since you were born; she is aware of all of your plots and games, good and bad alike, and she accepts them all with unconditional love. For you see, your best friend has nothing in her heart but full acceptance, complete compassion, and desire for you.

  • If you are a woman, your soul-lover is the same prince-charming riding a white horse of whom you have dreamt in your childhood and whose figure you shared with your entourage of fairies every time you summoned them to listen. Can you recall the times they caressed your head, promising that your dreams are indeed real and not just a fatuous apparition? But when you grew up and life got harder, you dismissed your faithful entourage, while blaming them for deceiving you. “Handsome princes and white horses do not exist”, so you repeatedly tried to convince yourself. But you see, your soul-lover is a true gentleman. He is always by your side, escorting your courageous steps with his glance and worries for any potential hazard on your way. He is the one who opens the doors for you but at the same time leaves you to handle your own choices. Kindness and benevolence are well rooted in his essence. He will never treat you crudely, never curse you, judge you or be mad at you, no matter what you do. For he knows what life is and how tender your heart is.

Know - both of you - that your soul-lover understands all your actions and never judges your past or the arduous path that has led you to this point. The soul-lovers are the most faithful persons that can be found and their love towards you surpasses any ingenuity. Their whole existence revolves around you. They are indeed coupled with you in powerful ties and every word they say or thought they think are connected to you in an enchanted and mysterious way.

But mind you, that is not to say that they lack independent life or self-sufficient existence. For they certainly do and more than any other human. Only their lives are experienced through yours as much as your essence is enriched by theirs. When finally, you two meet, at the end of a long day, you both feel how deep the love is. Much as you find yourselves amongst a heavy crowd and your connection cannot be broken, a short eye-contact fortifies it. And should you signal to your lover, with a slight move of your head, that you miss them and needs them close to you right now, they then would break the fine threads they had woven with others and rush towards you. Such is the nature of your connection with your soul-lover.

Can you feel your soul lover right now? Try. It is simple. Picture, feel and envision a person with whom you feel totally comfortable, the most peaceful, with no need to justify yourself or to explain your actions. Such person is your soul lover.

Regardless, do not delude yourselves to think that your soul-lovers will manage your life for you and instead of you, for this is not their job. Your lives – are yours. Indeed, they will be by your side, accompanying you at the harsh moments, advising you and reassuring their unconditional love. They will be there to offer their everlasting support and by so doing easing the path and perhaps neutralizing a pitfall or two. All that they will do and more to ensure the best conditions for you to make the appropriate decision on your path. Your soul lover will indeed be the lover that you so long for. You are one body, are you not, and the physical attachment will serve as a valuable sign for developing your trust in yourself and in your expected breakthroughs.

Are you beginning to have a clue, an indication, of the genuine essence of the soul-lover? Can you feel the inklings in your immediate now moment that hint about the existence of your personal and intimate soul lover in your life? Perhaps they are not physical yet, but have no doubt – they are real indeed and one day will come to ally with you.

As it is.


Sort: do I go there, to my natural home, away from this harsh life that I live daily?

From my perspective I live in US and my blood family lives in Europe. There was probably two days in 15 years when I was apart from my wife and there was only two times in 20 years I saw my blood family. If someone told me 20 years ago I would see my family only two times I wouldn’t believe it. And now here I’m. My wife is too afraid of flying, I got her few times on the plane and belive me these are very funny and memorable moments since she is not afraid to show her emotions at all. Fortunately, I’m in contact with them almost every week thanks to today’s technology. Sometimes I have a dream when I’m at home with my blood family. When I wake up I do miss them a lot, but my wife is my true love and I already made a choice. However, my blood family always remains my most important people in my life along with my wife and my family here in US.

Close your eyes – how do you perceive her hair color to be? And her smile? And what her demeanor would be?

There are special moments and memories I think about my true love when I close my eyes...😊.
I couldn’t describe it better, your soul-lover understands all your actions, never judges your past, is the most faithful persons, whole existence revolves around each other and every word she says or thought she thinks are connected to me. In other word the bond is so deep you just can’t pretend it. Yes, when I leave for work she is the first person I want to see, kiss and hug when I get back.

Regardless, do not delude yourselves to think that your soul-lovers will manage your life for you and instead of you, for this is not their job.

That’s the thing I have to remind my true love “wife” sometimes 😆. I’m pretty sure you know what I mean, “you give hand they take your arm...” If you alow it to continue, you as well can become a butler 😂. However, there are times when I literally become a butler, but I laugh at it, her reactions are priceless.
Thank you for this “very deep” description of true. I completely relate to it.

Thank you for grounding my posts 🙏👍

כשאני עושה את מה המלצת עליו בפסקה האחרונה עולה לי הדמות של סבתי זכרה לברכה, מה זה אומר ?

הנפש שלך, אותו חלק שאני מתייחס אליו שנמצא איתך ומעונין להתחבר יותר, משתמש בדמות של סבתך ז"ל , כדי להודיע על נוכחותו. כנראה שהיה לך חיבור נפשי חזק עם אותה סבתה.

As always... your publications often cause a little tremor in me, this subject pleases me, because I feel I must climb a step up with respect to choosing my new partner, I feel that there is much to learn, I will quote something that calls my attention...

Know, both of you, that your soul lover understands all your actions and never judges your past or the arduous path that has led you to this point. Soul lovers are the most faithful people you can find and their love for you surpasses any ingenuity. His whole existence revolves around you. In fact, they are attached to you in powerful bonds and every word they say or think they think is connected to you in a mysterious and enchanted way.

Can this really exist? Is it really possible to have a person with so many virtues? I'm sure it's the closest thing to my concept of true love, but far from being pessimistic, we human beings lack much to love with such purity, so far the true love I have achieved, is that of the mother to a child.... thank you again, happy sunday

Can this really exist? Is it really possible to have a person with so many virtues?

Start with being such person yourself 😊

Lol, I think I'm very demanding.

But you see, life is simple.
You can't ask to be with someone who has virtues you don't have yourself. The clash would come quickly and strongly!

of course, many times I demand and I don't even give and I think it goes on all levels of relationships, thank you happy evening, although I think our schedule is different

Hy @nomad-magus
A little story about what exactly the essence of love (about love and all its consequences according to the angle of view)
This morning I found a little terbagun because of a bad dream, than not being able to sleep and then I'll be a little dumbfounded tells the gist of my nightmare. Still a lot of people asking about what the true meaning of feelings that supposedly could destroy the world. Well love: what is love? Certainly many people who question it, but more appropriate to question it is usually while grieving, or while experiencing it early.
Why why love can be regarded as a nightmare? I will tell you more.
According to my personal love is a situation where someone shows you all the attention and emotion to whom he felt as if life is not complete without his presence. Love is a sensation that comes from the soul and inner feelings which miraculously produced when matching people come. Love is the divine power of God which automatically develops in one's mind. It cannot be forced.
Love through meaning literally refers to the intimate bond between two people who are indeed made in such a way that they feel as though someone has taken out all the liquid from the body when they are away from their loved ones. This intimate bond does not have a physical presence but binding two souls with very strong. When a person starts to live with someone, by itself bring forth the feelings in their minds for the other. The good properties of people automatically dominating the bad and are reflexes generate a feeling of devotion to that person. In this way love can be considered as an option.
When a person becomes so important in our lives until there is a presumption that life without him would be a mess, every minute without him being such a boring day, so we can say that love has a macrocosm. How to assess a person's different for different personalities. Everyone has unique features and properties. When we make our minds to interested in someone, we scan every possible quality people ituyang range from the way he dressed, the way she reacts, how he cared, everything. In this process, if one feels as if there is something that does not fit then he has full rights to disagree over their decision because when we think to live with that person then the sensation of compromise to make things get worse .
If a note of love also remained incomplete when decisions are taken in a hurry without proper thought. The conclusion is drawn without consideration of worthy always generates problems and disagreements. When someone will be attracted towards anyone, he had to spend a great time with the other to check the compatibility of the two levels. If someone fails in this case then he should be responsible for the upcoming difficulties which will be encountered along his partner. These decisions should always be taken after a long thought process.
Rate love could be seen as something that has its existence in the life of all people on this earth and has a unique position in his life. Without love, life becomes hell. Sometimes love can also be defined differently by different people. Each of us would certainly get a different aspects of love at different stages of life. When we are born, there is a part of a great love for our parents who inspire us to be people who behave well and be successful in life.
Thank you @nomad-magus

It is my first time coming across your posts. I must say, you're an astute writer. I really do love this masterpiece, however I think the generation we are currently in has redefined the actual essence of love. Now it is mostly based Money and social status. But it will nice to experience what you described in your article.

Welcome and thanks for the kind words, mate 🙏

You're mostly welcome. I have followed you, so you will get used to me,haha.

Awwwww. I like reading love and romantic articles. This is another good one @nomad-magus. I like the bit of your blood family is not your true family. I perfectly feel this lately and I guess it's because am in love. Do you know this strange love where you love your soulmate and he even makes you forget about your original family and you go ahead to feel like you cannot live without this soulmate but then you can live without your original family. Love is usually interesting I must say.

You line of thought is good, but the world we live in doesn't appreciate that kind of affection anymore. Men marry based on what they see, the beauty in their eyes while women marry for social standards.

I like it these words just call it dream talking

What do you care what the world does. Walk your own path, mate, and triumph. 👍

This is just too perfect, their is no need to struggle in love when the soul lover comes around, because everything would be coming naturally from you both. No need to struggle to love, it will flow naturally out of you

He or she is worth waiting for, for the fact that he or she has not come does not mean he or she won't come.

No matter how many years you have spent with wrong person, once he or she showed up, nothing would matter to you than to go with them, you don't care about anything again than to stick round them.

Thanks friend, this is indeed helpful.

True love will not regard its shortcomings as weakness, ugliness but as a beauty.

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