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RE: If I Forget (Original Poem) - [Alzheimer's & Dementia Themed] - daily memento

in #memento7 years ago

Such a heartbreaking story and I feel for you and your family.
This illness is cruel in so many ways and I really wish they will find a cure.
To not remember your love once and be aware is a never ending pain state.
And for the family close its heart breaking to se
I also gets frustrated hearing about him not getting the help he deserves and need I hope that will change and that he will get the best care and miracle can happen so a wish for better health.
So sorry you have to go through this my dear friend 🤗 well written and must have been hard to share.


Thank you, sweetie. It was a bit tough especially since I sometimes feel guilty being so far away as I know she could use me. In all honesty, she does not have a ton of support from nearby family which has caused it to take even more of a toll. I do hope that a spot opens up and that he can get the help he needs and deserves even though I know he is fighting that thought, which I completely understand. But, she also needs help and this can't be on her as much as it is.

I am, however, very thankful that I have gotten a chance over the last 7-8 years to get really close with my Grandmother. I never knew I would get a relationship like this where we can just talk back and forth honestly and I love it. Thank you for your comment and your thoughts darling. I really appreciate them.

I understand that guilt and I think it's something we all struggles with in different ways, feeling we're not there enough, other things gets in the way.
But I'm sure they know and understand.
Sorry for your grandmother not having many around her, but I'm so glad to hear you two have gotten close and talk so much 😊 great feeling and means the world to you both I can guess.
Me and my grandmother made a photo album together, talked to every cousin and aunt and got everyone's one thing that defines them on their pictures, so whenever she feels lonely she just opens the album and looks at the pictures and the comments and texts about every one 🤗 really cool.
Thank you for sharing this and I will always be here for you, you know 😘

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