Meme challenge #8 - Entry #1: A Horse's Ass?

I guess this is a bit of an inside joke

understandable by those who saw the Venerable Mr. Tone Vays trying to convince
our Ned and Dan on the Anarchast Show that their steemit project is a scam.



Tone Vays (not even his real name), is the only ASS that under questioning doesn't have an answer, cannot offer an honest opinion, a failure from Wall Street, says ur, um, urr, umm and eventually evades the question (says he's not a tech). Tone is the biggest scam ASS in town. Kick that ass back to Wall Street!

Hello my friend . How is a scam?

I have NEVER said anything like it is a scam. That was Tone Vays attitude. And my Meme entry tries to convey what I think of him :)

thank you my friend . Miami actually enter the challenge, I think, should be a thrilling words :)

Watched that one video where Tony argues with Ned and Dan. Tony Vays is a big Ass!

So then do you think that Ned will vote for my Meme?

This should be good...

(grabs popcorn)

Well, you could have started it out. Nothing to say? Cat got your tongue? Shy?

Well, ok then! I am getting mixed messages here with that meme, or about the inside joke?
Which should I comment on?

Why would I presume to tell you what to do?

Fine! regarding the meme, Tone admitted he has not tried the Steemit platform but calls it a scam. Well, last time I checked no investment is required to join Steemit. Nuff Said...

Now about the inside joke, hate to bow out and just admit that I am small fish with this account and only have been here since the last part of Jan 2017. I will say this...
I feel like I am part of this Steemit Company/Community and absorbing as much information as possible in a short amount of time. During this time I like to call it, 3 month Probationary Period when starting to work for a NEW company. I have about another month left before I can be considered as QUALIFIED or a GOOD fit to continue full time. I am basing this on my own experience and progress accumulated along the way. (Reputation Score, Followers, Post, Followings, Up Votes, Down Votes, Replies, Comments, and of course STEEM, SP, & SBD.)


Give that man a cigar!!!!!

Did you see Bix Weir having a discussion with Tone while you were down there ?

I heard it was a bit heated lol

No, I was in the other conference room during that one. Two venues (A & B) were going pretty well constantly.

Can a white donkey and a "simple" meme light the curiosity of an "old bones" woman about a strange subject called "Tone"? Yes, he can!
"The ways to learn something new can be strange (but funny)"

OK, will have to do one soon before lunch quickly about the one who flag

Oooooooh, I can't wait!!!

Don't have anything too spicy for lunch now then :)

Probably just something light.:)

It seems that you really like this challenge! You are really good!

Your reward for being in Promoted is an upvote and 0.033 SBD extra promotion.
Good job, keep your contents promoted! :)

Well, it doesn't look very good for Steemit anymore. Last summer everyone was defending it because they thought they were going to make thousands of dollars per post. It was basically junkies you were talking to. Ned and Dan will always spin the downfall of Steemit in a positive way so that you the junkie will keep supporting the project that is clearly dying.

Well, since you think it is a dying project, yet you are still here, I don't think that I will bother upvoting your comment :-)
I will save my upvotes for those who have a positive, and not hypocritical, attitude LOL

Here you are condescendingly telling me what I already know: That I am "still here".

That being said, nothing in my comment suggests that I WANT Steemit to fail. Neither do I KNOW it is going to fail. But I see no counter-evidence to the notion that it will fail.

So instead of you telling me that "I am still here", and instead of typing snarky fucking smiley faces, how about you provide me some arguments and evidence for why Steemit, based on your predictions and arguments, will succeed? How about that, sir?

Smiley faces is all you get from me :-)

You provided no evidence or arguments for your defeatist attitude - so there is nothing for me to counter. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Apparently you don't have the stamina for it.

Go in peace.

(it's that time again, all stocked up on popcorn, shares with everyone)

This Horse's Ass Meme is HOT!

Quote from your first commenter on that thread (whom I have upvoted):

"Your only argument seems to be the price has been falling. That's some deep research man. A five year old could achieve the same. Why is the price so low? Because more people sell than people who buy on poloniex. Does that make STEEM dead? Not really.

In reality, STEEM has a very solid blockchain, with NO FEES on transactions. Anyone with an account can write data on this blockchain FOR FREE. Try to do that with BTC, ETH or whatever else you will find on coinmarketcap with a more sexy graph."

Well, there are many many projects which all have "the best" technology, solution or thing that never take off and then vanish out of existence. I think it was some Internet thing invented by a guy (was it Ethernet? Can't remember, but something network related) that he had to go out there and show to people for years before it took off. He dedicated every day for years, and he said that if he hadn't done that, it would never have become the standard that it is today. Assume that this is true -- it would mean that if Steemit does not to what this man did (regardless of what the name of his product was since I can't remember at the moment), it might simply just die like a million other products who all offered "the best solution" for a specific technology. Sure, STEEM might lack transaction fees and maybe it's the fastest, but what does that matter if only 50 people are going to use these things? If the world picked up on the amazing things STEEM provides using its blockchain, then naturally the price would spike and shoot to the skies, but it hasn't, and that is what I base my "defeatist" mentality on like you called it, to which I'd like to say this: I would probably jump up and down for a year should Steemit become mainstream, so it is not that I don't want it to succeed; anyone who writes Steemit does, unless they're a masochist. But this does not mean you shouldn't look at the obvious downfall it has experienced. I mean, the STEEM marketcap has decreased 18 times! And nothing points to it turning around any time soon. There are dozens of coins that shot up just like STEEM did, and then nothing happened ever again. Look at Pesobit, look at PascalCoin, look at Gulden, look at TrumpCoin, etc. Do you see a pattern? I'd love to be proven wrong, which is why I put my word out there, man.

Do you remember 5 years ago when the price of bitcoin dropped from $30 to much less than $2? I kept buying and being positive and promoting bitcoin during this huge market decrease. Did you?

Bitcoin turned around and went up by MUCH more than it went down because people kept working on it despite all the negativity from people like you saying that it was "dead".

Your negativity isn't worth shit.

My recommendation is to go find something that you can be positive about. Although even if you find something now, setbacks will probably cause you to return to your habitual negativity. Good luck with that :-)

One would think your newfound wealth would make you of an inspiring force rather than a feminized Western male behaving like a passive aggressive "woman" on welfare. Apparently it makes you more of what you were, since it perfectly allows you to be just that without interruption. Well, it's a choice. Unlike that, I don't look at Steemit based on emotion. I ask questions regarding what I see because I want to be proven wrong, but instead I'm getting snarky Westernized female passive aggression from you. Well, I guess it's OK. Like stated, one would think you'd spend your money trying to quit being said feminized male, but it is your choice. Can't I even ask important questions about the very project I've invested hundreds of dollars in without some washed up whale making snarky comments? I didn't insult you in any previous comments. It doesn't make me more positive about the project -- something I have been for almost a year now, but thought I'd ask some real questions for once.

If you take a look at my previous posts you would see I've been very positive about Steemit, and it has paid off in small amounts. I think many stay positive for just said reason, and I think it's kind of an addiction. What do they provide other than Steemrush positivity just because they want money? And what incentive is there for large investors to come in and put their money in Steem Power? You need hundreds of STEEM to have an impact on major posts, and that's thousands of dollars, which means people like that probably already are wealthy, so why would be their reason to come to Steemit just for vesting power? Power plays? Psychological dominance? Most whales are already behaving in a way that makes the environment here seem like a playground at some public school (Fuzzy is cool, Blocktrades is cool, etc). Also, the Bitcoin price decrease didn't last for a year, did it? In the case of STEEM, it's been almost a year. I am highly anticipating the next hardfork.

Can you provide some arguments for the above questions without initiating your Westernized, feminized male passive aggressive cravings?

"your Westernized, feminized male passive aggressive cravings"

It seems that you are vainly projecting your inadequacy onto me rather than enduring the emotionally turbulent but fruitful work of facing them in yourself.

You said smiley faces were the only thing I would be getting from you, and I can only call that Western female passive aggression. That's why I called you it, because it is snarky, Western female passive aggression. I don't do that, so how could I have them in me, let alone avoid them? I have lived in a very feminized society, so I know what it is when I see it. But then again, maybe you only come across like that in text. Maybe you don't realize posting smiley faces while not answering questions comes across as passive aggressive. Passive aggression is a very Western-influenced phenomenon.

Looking at what you said about pushing through hard times during the rise of Bitcoin, weren't people skeptical back then as well? Did you snark at them, or did you actually provide solutions when they asked for them? You seem to be suffering from Steemrush.

So, you quickly turned it around on me yet again. Is there a stop to this? Maybe we could address the questions I put forth?

Smiley faces is all you get from me because I do not reward negativity with an upvote like I do almost every other commenter who has at least enough sense to not be negative about the platform he is on.

Thoughtful criticism is valuable, and I reward that too.

Your comments have no value at all for me to reward, and contaminate the atmosphere of those of us working to make steemit succeeed.

Trying being positive! It works!

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