MEME CHALLENGE #61 - ENTRY #1 What's it to you?

Does a picture tell a thousand words?

I sincerely hope so, because I just don't feel like writing much
about the new wave of two-year-old style foot stamping
and negativity and nonsense cluttering up the blogs.


I can respect people who don't like our platform enough

to want to stick around and find solutions to the many problems we face (probably nearly as many as the countless problems that we have already overcome)

as long as they QUIETLY move on to where they do hope to contribute their talents.

But the deeply offended outrage

displayed by some quitters as they leave
reminds me of the temper tantrums of two year olds
who don't get their way in an adult world.

The really funny thing is how many of them

end up returning after an interlude.
Some have even gone on to become very successful on this platform.
(Did you think this was the first wave of deeply offended quitters?)

Most two year olds do eventually grow up.


ouzo and out,


The one who quit dont deserve this platform.

I have been struggling here for quite a while and everyone who he is staying here is struggling as well.

Success doesn't come easy. Steemit has given me so much. People just see the monetary outcomes.

I was blessed to meet amazing friends on steemit, i was blessed to explore myself on steemit, I found so many new talents of mine, removed my weaknesses, I worked on all the areas where I lacked, steemit furnished me into a new person, gave me so much that people leaving steemit can't understand.

There will be more people coming and those who deserve it will only stay.

Let us all see only the positive side of steemit. Negative sides are slowly and steadily worked upon and soon will improve and those who stayed together on this platform will only enjoy the benefits of it :)

Thanks for this wonderful post @onceuponatime :)


I saw people signing up for steemit and people quiting their job.

dollar up on that Bitcoin thing n ppl will be again like

I'm quiting my job

Absolutely, himshweta :) Here here... As you said, "success doesn't come easy." The blessings of steemit take time, as I'm learning too here in my what - 9th day active here... So many new friends and thoughtful interactions and exchanges of brilliant ideas.

As I posted a few hours ago in my post, BELIEVING IN YOURSELF, "I've lived my life by a basic belief that the difference between success and failure is that a failure fails and gives up; whereas a success fails and gets back up and keeps going until he succeeds. Thus, interestingly, a success actually fails far more than a failure does, because that's what it takes to succeed." All the best

Agreed, it takes time and there are so many people we can interact with and we can grow all the time with so many people around the world and it take work but it is worth it.

It is a little challenging also, because so few ever reply to comments. I guess they get so many it is too time consuming. Thanks for the comment, @joeyarnoldvn :) Have a great day

Personally, I love hard times in life.Cause only when things get tough you can separate the hard-workers from the quitters.The warriors from the boys-scouts.People tend to choose the easy way but they don't know that the hard way makes them strong and rock solid.I don't care what the SBD price looks like or how many Steemians are with me on this platform.What I really care about is to see people who love to spend time in this website, write good (so I can learn to write better myself) and love to meet new people that have the same passion to express their feelings and stories.After all, I believe that is what's Steemit is all about.

Yes, if they would stop worrying about what other posts (which they consider inferior to theirs) are making, and instead concentrate on networking and improving their skills they would become successful too!

if they would stop worrying about what other posts (which they consider INFERIOR to theirs)
Perfectly said @onceuponatime!!!!!

Success is a hard and lonely road @onceuponatime . Not everyone can get that. Some people just prefer to blame others for their disability to be successful. But we shall not forget, the best response to hate is success so keep on Steeming my friend!

Absolutely,@unshakeable! I'll steem to that... :)

Here here, @unshakeable :) Well said!

Agreed, no pain no gain, no oatmeal no honey, as we climb up mountains towards rainbows.

People hate investing time without getting instantly rich. They feel like the world owes them. I am a whiney person myself, I can be easily spoiled, BUT I can also be stubborn and persistent. And that's one of the qualities this platform needs, persistence, patience and NOT GIVΙΝG UP in front of every difficulty.

Why try and make a quitter stay? Maybe we should make more space for others willing to fight their way to the top. And by quitter I don't mean the blogger who can't find the time to blog or goes through a difficult phase and doesn't have the mental strength to focus on the platform, but those drama queens who give up easily, just because they joined a couple of months ago and haven't become famous over night.

Do I sound too hard?

Not nearly hard enough on the drama queens who talk shit about this platform as they leave instead of just leaving quietly and finding something better for themselves.

Very true, @ruth-girl. You hit it on the nail saying, "Persistence, patience and NOT GIVING UP in front of every difficulty."

I am reminded of how to purify gold/silver or make steel out of iron ore it has to go through the fire... and Steemit is ONLY STEEM... LOL.... Thanks for adding to the pep talk... :)

It really difficult to survive on steemit during the starting days but if you manage to stay here for atleast one month will be addicted to it ..I was lucky that i joined steemit in december and suddenly price start pumping value increasing and i earned good just by commenting on people post. We are at very early stages of this platform ..more things are yet to come..those who quit will definitely going to regret in future.

It's all an issue of expectations... Money... Fame... Social Life... Creation...
Most expectations provide boosts but also disappointments...

True... "It's a long way to the top, if you wanna Rock & Roll." Great Braziliera cover band too. I had to go to YT to like them there...

Quitting this platform because of the issues it's got or the hardships is really not in it.
I posted for two weeks and earned nothing, it didn't stop.
As much as people cone for the money, they also have to stay during the difficult times, the system isn't a Money maker is a blogging and earning platform of which you have to work your ass out to make anything

Due to problems of my professional life I had this bad feeling more than one time! But I didn't quite and I won't either!
Not only in financial concerns, due to this platform i have found nice people like you do! Therefore, I wish we all will be here so long time!
(I hate to say ONCE UPON A TIME, I was a blogger of STEEMIT :D)


Who's quitting? I know for sure it's not me this time 😂

What steemit is for me? Hmmm, well I'll be honest steemit is PURE HOPE for me to fullfill certain (financial) goals I haven't managed to achieve yet through the "ordinary" social activities (some call them "jobs") dominated and set by our oligarchic goverment. Steemit is the hope my goverment stole from me.

I will admit a few things publicly here:

  1. Being an adult male or female and ranting/bitching in public is embarrassing! TOTALLY! I mean....I had my moment too (and I've already semi-quit steemit once so shame on me) but I didn't go as far as this dude. I understand, we all have bad or even HORRIBLE days but acting like a baby won't take you anywhere. Fortunately for me, I learned my own lesson by a wise man and I am grateful for it now!

  2. As things are now, Steemit is BETTER than ANYTHING our contract economy (especially in a country like Greece) has to offer. I don't know if something changes drastically in 6 months or a year from now, but as things stand now, Steemit is wayyyyyyyyyyy less disgusting than any job out there.

  3. I do not agree with anything I've just read in that post, but I will admit that the selection of the photo was quite seductive. Or it's just me needing a new girlfriend ASAP? One way or another, I go to dive the cold waters of Corinth to calm down from the drama and that fine arse!!!! :P

Yes, I've heard that cold water can be a (temporary) cure.

I am here for the free women and free booze I was promised. Still haven't got any but a man can always hope!

Get someone to introduce you to stellabelle :-)

Ok let's see what happens 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Screenshot_20180319-182702.png

I think that you are on the right track :-)

Most two year olds do eventually grow up.

Hehehe owk this is new to me. Do we really have quitters on steemit? Talk more of quttera who do so with rage? That's ridiculous . Why would anyone have a reason to rage and quit steemit? That's plain childish and even more childish when they come back which will obviously happen. ...we will be here to welcome our quitting babies back. Hahaha

batman :) nice

Thank you follow you and vote

You replying to @sistem or to me?

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