Meme Challenge 17 Entry # 2 ! " Drinking Buzz beer !"

🐴 😂 Haha !! Sorry had to do it ! LOL ! Hope you guys enter the contest put on by @fibra59 ! This weeks challenge is being judged by @buzzbeergeek ! And its a lot of fun !

🐴 😂 Heres the link to my first entry !

Heres the link :

🐴 😂 Here's my 2 nd. Entry ! : " Drinking Buzz Beer ! "


🐴 😂 Hope you guys liked my meme ! Thanks for all the up votes , Or resteems and support , its much appreciated !



LOL I would think you would be celebrating after your big win lol well done :)

Hahaha ! Thank sim glad you liked it ! 😂 🐴

True! Seen it with my own eyes!

He heh he ! Me too LOL ! 🐴😊🐴😊

One BuzzBeer 4 me, please :D

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