Steemian meetup in Tallinn, Estonia

in #meetup6 years ago
Once upon a time in Steem chat.. “We have booked a hotel already..” there was an idea (for five seconds..idea) to meet in the middle between Finland and Latvia, in Tallinn, Estonia. You know, bunch of strangers with one thing in common? Steem. What could go wrong? Nothing really, because Steemians are amazing people, despite our decentralized approach when it comes to planning or praising anarchy with our decision making, somewhat introverted traits, lack of sleep, or absolutely horrible sense of humor.

After few people bailed out and few did not make it, we were a company of eight, representing four countries - Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Netherlands. Wandering around city and making memories.

Visiting places like fifth fanciest bar in Tallinn according to google search, Patcave which greeted us with sticky tables, filthy, moldy bathrooms, cheap booze served in somewhat clean glasses and bartender who looked for cocktail recipes and lost smile after @rubencress was done ordering. “Hey, it’s a shithole, but we like it!” said @beercake sitting at the bombshelter at the Patcave, laughing at the grimaces people made trying their cocktails lacking alcohol in them, while others were slightly concerned for food poisoning chances and @thebunbun joyfully adding “I am so proud of myself for finding this place!” Oh Patcave, we will never forget you!

No, no, no, no! We of course also had serious crypto and steem discussions about the issues, such as lack of curation and support for curation projects like @ocd, bid bots and delegating to bid bots, vote buyers, trending and overall down feeling we all have been feeling while waiting for “soon” on SMTs and communities, and Hardfork 20, and landing on Moon. We are Steemians after all and we love Steem, and these are important issues we all should be concerned and talking about. I now feel even more dedicated and bullish to fight for the beautiful idea of steem and community of wonderful people coming together not only to have fun, but to build and create together, support each other to develop and grow. Somehow I sense that not all quite understand these issues or the effects of them on whole Steem experience and ecosystem. So probably look forward to more Steem and Steemit rants from me.  

Sometimes you have picnic at the park, sitting on grass with a “coffee” (gin & tonic) in your paper cup and eating cheese, meat, baguette and plums, fancy glass carafe (bought on the way) with delicious cocktail containing blueberries made by one and only @rubencress, observing spectacle of photoshoot from 70’s, with steemians slowly dying repeating “Why?” while newly wedded couple was grinding the light pole or hugging blooming bushes and @beercake again saying something perfect along the lines of “At this point it doesn’t really matter ‘why’. This is entertainment.”

Weather was treating us nicely, no rain, little bit chilly at nights,  but nothing warm cup of coffee couldn’t take care of. Tallinn was absolutely lovely and heavily packed with tourists to our surprise.

“Where are you guys?”
“We are in Hell..”

Got to say, it seemed like a lovely place to be. Not too hot, delicious food and beer selection was fantastic.

“You all look so similar..”
said the waiter at a restaurant when we told him where we all are from

Must be the blue, black and leather jackets?

@celestal @kristves @rubencress @eveuncovered @escapist @m31 @beercake and @thebunbun

There are definitely more untold gems like @celestal’s newly discovered love for french fries, but I will leave those for others to tell.

While we are all very different personalities (despite us looking the same), we still managed to not to kill each other and have a lot of fun on this tiny adventure. It was really pleasure to meet you and learn more about you all. Without Steem we probably never would have.

Thank you all! Hope to see you again someday soon!

Song of the day: AC/DC - Highway to Hell

Really nice write up! Im still trying to piece together the events and write them down :D
And yes in my opinion it was all about the memories. These ones we won't forget for a while :D

Thank you @beercake! ^^ Well once I sat down and began writing it just came to me.

It was lovely, I just wish I was less socially awkward around other humans.

I have the same wish... I'm much better than I used to be, since I started teaching... But still very much a hermit.

Hmm... I think maybe I should make an effort to see if there are people here in Salvador who use Steemit...

This sounds like so much fun! Found myself grinning at your experiences even though I know no one personally, it seems entirely relatable. Especially about the wedding photoshoots.

Ah yeah, it was really hilarious at times. So many pearls, hard to remember all, hehe. It is never boring with Steemians. It is like we know some things we read here on Steem about each other, but then in real life, actually seeing them in person is quite different and yet so familiar. Fun times! ^^

Great trip! It looks you had a blast, guys! Always good idea meet another steemit friend in "real life" ;)
Btw. I have acdc song in my head now :DD

Hi m31. Sounds like you guys had some good fun. Without Steemit this wouldn't have happened. Shows you there is a community at heart on this place.

Hi @cryptoandcoffee! ^^

Well, it should be. People in community should take care of each other. At current times it is rather difficult to stay optimistic about some really serious aspects of Steem, but for me people, individuals are far more important. I wish I could do more for community.

Nice!! I’m glad everyone had a good time!

Yeah, those will be fun times to remember! :)

Guuurl, we're just squattin'. 😂

Exactly, haha!

Sounds like everyone had a great time!!!

Hey, hey! :) Indeed. I was giggling a lot and usually it is good indication, lol.

This covers like - every thing - of our trip! It was really nice to meet you in person anddddddd sorry for being late Friday :( That Appletini was not making up for it either right? lol!

Aww It was really nice to meet you too @rubencress. All is good. After seeing those amazing shots from the ride you guys had outside Tallinn it is understandable :) I am glad you enjoyed your time at these parts. Despite my grumpiness (I blame lack of sleep and just not being ready to be with people in general) and shyness, I did too.

That appletini was priceless because of @escapist's face after tasting it, lol!

I didn't know there is such thing as bad alcohol...!

hahaha!!!! I missed that face because I was waiting for mine expired alcohol drink.
Oehh, I am going to post mine from the trip most probably tomorrow! Yeah, I wish we would have some more time with the crew. Danger Zone for life!


Siempre disfrutando de sus grandiosos post, hermosas fotografías y buena anécdota, me quise tomar el atrevimiento de hacerle una imagen para que la disfrute, saludos :D


Woow, fantastic images and good that has gone so well, knowing new cultures is charming, Steemit will continue to grow thanks to your grain of sand, greetings and blessings.

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