Steemit Meetup in Hollywood, California!

in #meetup6 years ago (edited)

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Meeting more awesome Steemians!!

So, while planning for the @SoCalSteemit meetup in Riverside, Ca I had heard about another meetup that was being put on by another group called @steemitla in Hollywood, Ca the very next day! So I decided why not make it a back to back meetup session and I signed up for the Hollywood event on

After having such a super fun time at the BBQ meetup in Riverside I was pretty tired the next day, but I was determined to go still! I didn't want to miss an opportunity to meet other Steemians. So I threw on a Steemit shirt and jumped in the truck. I left about an hour and a half before the meetup was supposed to start because I thought it would be plenty of time but... L.A. traffic and impossible parking thought otherwise. I'm to mellow for this big city stuff, people kept honking at me... I'm clueless to why... lol! Sooo I was about a half hour late, but luckily for me most people were also just showing up and the presentation had yet to begin.

Driving to L.A.

Arriving at the WeWork Vine office building where the meetup was held

I made it up to the 6th floor where the meetup was being held

I thought the golden skateboarding Pug was cool, had to get a picture. lol.

As people arrived we found our way to the desks where they were getting ready to start a presentation

Alright now, where to sit... I decided to sit right up front.

So I found my seat and they started the presentation. It was mostly just a lot of basics. How to sign up, how to post, what is Steem, what is SBD... quite boring stuff for someone like me who has already been on Steemit for over 8 months now, but there were A LOT of new users there so it was good for them.

Going over the basics

They didn't really talk much about content creation, networking, curation guilds, good tags, or any of that kinda stuff and seemed more focused on getting everyone signing up on their website and signing up to get upvotes from their bots. This had me a little apprehensive, but I listened on as they talked about the different bots and how to use the best bot at the best time. Many people had questions and I asked a few myself. The organizers @woodrow and @cryptohustlin were there to answer them all.

A chart showing the different voting bots

@cryptohustlin answering questions from the group

After the presentation was over is when the fun began! The room immediately lit up with conversations. As a user with quite a bit of experience on Steemit I was answering lots of questions for people. I really enjoyed talking with hip-hop artist @riggsyfort, and I had a real blast being part of @geniuslife's Vlog! I also enjoyed talking to @allsthefoods, @brian.rrr, @virtualgrowth, @flysky and his wife, the organizers @woodrow and @cryptohustlin, and I know there were more, but It was hard to get everyone's names as there were quite a lot of people to meet and it was already getting late so there was not a lot of time for meeting! But we all made the most of it, and I was really glad to make the friends that I did! All the people who stayed around afterwards signed our usernames on a poster board and got a few group photos, and then it was time to go. As I got outside of the building I realized it was starting to rain lightly... quite pleasant actually! And now that it was later in the evening the traffic on the drive home was not nearly as bad.

Me, @genuislife(mid Vlog), @allsthefoods, and @riggsyfort, chatting it up after the presentation
(sorry about the blur)

Signing our usernames on the poster

@flysky holding up the usernames poster

Getting together for the group photo

I got home super tired and fell asleep right away. The next morning I decided to check out @steemitla a bit more and jumped on their website so I could learn about this whole bot thing, because when they explained it at the meeting it was still pretty confusing even for me. I'm sure the new users had almost no idea really how it would work. At the meeting I had asked @cryptohustlin about how he planned to maintain the voting power of the bot as more people joined the group. As I would think more votes = draining the power, but he explained to me that the more people sign up the more voting power the bot will have. I didn't question him much more on it, but then also I remembered that during the presentation they were saying something about giving them your private posting keys... but I didn't think to much about it at the time, I was just having so much fun meeting the other Steemians! But once I was back home and I took a look at their website and their Steemit Guide it all came together for me and I was unfortunately convinced that this was not really something I was interested in. To register for the website you must first give up your private keys (thus allowing them to post, comment, and vote with your account). And using each members SP is how their bot will be able to upvote all the members without draining all it's power.

And giving up my keys is just not something I want to do. So... I might miss out on some money by not utilizing the bot votes, but I'm ok with that. I was really more there to meet and talk with other Steemians! So while I'm not going to sign up, I am following @steemitla now and looking forward to attending their next meetup and meeting even more awesome content creating Steemians here in SoCal!!

images.duckduckgo-2.jpg Thanks for reading!! images.duckduckgo-2.jpg

*All photos by @derekrichardson

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#SoCalSteemit is building and supporting the Steemit community of Southern California. If you are from SoCal and are into creating quality content here on Steemit, we'd love for you to follow us @SoCalSteemit and join our group on Discord!


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Dude, this post is awesome, such a full recap of the night. This is gonna be a great memory capsule post. Man, I had some questions about the voting bot, but was so excited I signed up right away during the presentation. I also am more in favor of doing my own voting, and now it's kind of funny to see right when I post that it gets 12-13 likes. I liked the idea of creating content and getting upvotes from the folks that really appreciate it. I may have ask to remove myself. Thanks for the insight!

Thanks man! It was definitely fun. I just wish ALL my selfie pics didn't come out blurry! I just had to go with the least blurry one. lol. I'd be curious how the bots workout for you payout wise, and I'm also curious if you'd noticed any dip in your voting power because of the bots? Hope to see you again at the next one!

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

Awesome days from the sounds of it. Yea that website sounds like It's not a bad idea for people who just can't be very active. They can still earn with the bot, but I don't like it either.

This is an awesome post @derekrichardson... You're already all up in the BLOOOOG LIFE #boss!!! Im still slowly getting the hang of this?... so much to learn! really appreciate you and @riggsyfort!

love and light!

Sounds like another botnet...

Glad you enjoyed meeting some other users though.

That office looked awesome. Great to see another successful meetup happening around the world!

I say giving up your posting key is a personal choice and no one should think less of you. I am taking a wait and see approach myself. Personally I prefer personally voting for things even though I have little steempower. Kind of a more human touch.

I know other people who have had issues with the lack of emphasis on content, but there will he other meetups. Perhaps we can push for that to be the subject of the next one. I know people who want to host meetups themselves focused on content and community building. I will definitely resteem anything like that if I see it.

Thanks @twirble. I also like to do my voting manually. And I've never been into using bots either. I still plan to go to the L.A. meetups. I definitely had tons of fun meeting all the other Steemians! And I'm sure the presentations will probably get better over time.

I do not mind bots per se. I signed up for minnowsupport and sometimes use various bots to boost my post if I spent a lot of work on it and no one notices it. It is all about how you use it. When people use bots on posts they put little to not effort on it is extreemly annoying.

Agreed 100%. I actually just started using minnowsupport on a few posts here recently, but that's all I have in bot experience. I don't really mind them when they are used decently and not abused, I just don't feel right about using them myself. It just kinda feels like cheating to me. But I guess it's part of the game now, so... who knows how I'll feel about it a week or 2 from now. Just have to keep rollin' with the punches. lol.

Some have said that until the issue of the bots is dealt with, it is better for the community to use bots for quality contend you put hard work into. So, if you have confidence your work is quality, you are helping out the entire steemit community by using a bot to upvote it. Always lots to research on here before I can form firm opinions however.

Yup. I've heard that argument and it's a good one that I'd have to agree with. I just don't see bots being able to be dealt with. I think they're probably here to stay. I wouldn't even know where to start with that. Do you know of any proposals for solutions to bot abuse? How could they do that while maintaining the decentralized nature of Steemit? ...we live in interesting times... lol.

oh man hollywood brings back some crazy memories. L.A. in general is still calling me in this weird and haunting way. Looks like your meetup went was a success. I think I might try a CO steemit meetup.

I'm just not into that big city stuff. (heading to EF right now lol) I avoid LA whenever possible. A CO meetup would be badass, you know many Steemians there?

L.A. is a jungle of it's own! I got over big cities after living in the bay area for several years. Austin and Portland are more my size of "city". But yeah, now I'm WAY in the sticks, and it's nice. And the best part about CO, is that when the sticks are starting to crowd you, you can get even further away. I only know of @davedickyyall, but I bet that would be enough. ;)


Oh no! I'm so sad that I missed it :( hopefully there will be a next time soon!

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