Chef Life Magazine Issue #54: March Meetup with Steemians at Big Hug Burgers!

in #meetup โ€ข 6 years ago

This month has been such a great month meeting so many fellow Steemians especially since it's at my restaurant! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

End of February

After last month getting to meet witness @firepower from India and his buddies @shenoy and @varupinto together with @sjennon from Netherlands which you can check out on my post more on that day, seems like it's beginning to be a come to place whenever you're visiting Kuala Lumpur. I'm so honored and privileged to be hosting them at the burger joint.

2nd Week of March

So this month was filled with surprise visits and impromptu meetups as well. Mid last week, teammalaysia Steemians @bitrocker2020 and @elizacheng met up to give a more business perspective on accepting STEEM as payment. The end news was that the events organizing company that Eliza is working at will be implement the acceptance of STEEM as payment for events now! Didn't think the 'Big Hug Initiative' would inspire others to want to adopt STEEM as payment. It's not as easy as it seems but to inspire others is a side thing that is pretty cool I guess ๐Ÿ˜Š

(no pictures for that meetup. sorrrrieee!)

A few days after that I got a message from @aaronleang that there are some international Steemians that he'll be bringing together with @joannewong to Big Hug again!

So I rushed with @hooiyewlim from the central kitchen where we do our preps and supplying of our meat and sauces, down to the burger joint which is about 5-10 minutes away.

We got to meet @nomadicsoul, her husband from USA and @macchiata from Indonesia. Was another cool meetup talking all things crypto, our favorite alt coins, politics, and of course Steemit and our journey so far on it. Was a super fun meet up which I hope we'll see each other again in the near future to talk about life! We're always connected on the blockchain anyways so I guess we'll buzz each other whenever and wherever we are ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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I was gonna post about the last 2 meetings but it seemed they all came in such quick succession that I decided to cramp everything into one post ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Earlier in the week my wife @happycrazycon told me that @viverridae would be coming with some other Sabah Steemians to Big Hug as well. I was like, "Wow!" When I first heard it.

(@viverridae with @happycrazycon & me)


I decided to invite some other central Malaysian Steemian buddies as well since the more the merrier ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

So today I had the pleasure to host @viverridae and meet @veenang and @gelfire for the first time. They are here for the Matta fair as they have a travelling agency services. @veenang is also trying to implement STEEM payments for his services so that's really cool. It's challenging being early adopters and with no other template to follow but I guess there are first steps to everything. Great to have a fellow Malaysian as crazy as myself to do such a thing ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

(@veenang & me. Blur pic. He has a better one on his phone.)


Of course the regular culprits @aaronleang @joannewong @zord189 @littlenewthings @karinzdailygrind and @orangila who seems to have become the official unofficial photographer of #teammalaysia hangouts. Thanks guys for coming from near and far to my humble establishment. Your support and presence are always an encouragement to me. Really appreciate your time and effort of coming always!

We also had one of our newest Steemians on the platform @bethrao and also one of the youngest Steemians ever @littledrummerboy was there for this meetup as well.

(The guys getting to know the youngest Steemian)

(@aaronleang w @littledrummerboy)


(@orangila w @littledrummerboy)


(@zord189 w @littledrummerboy)


(Getting drilled on how expensive the burgers are by @littlenewthings and @karinzdailygrind........ just joking ๐Ÿ˜ƒ)


(Us guys with TED)


Oh let's not forget @imchriscjw, @kahveen and @bzbzbz who are my managers of Big Hug Burgers outlets. While we were busy hanging out and chillin', these guys were busting their butt, serving and cooking for us our burgers! Without these guys there will be no Big Hug and no burger joint that accepts STEEM as payment. Hopefully they'll soon be more able to blog and surf on Steemit as the business gets better and more sustainable.

They took the pictures as well so they are really a sacrificial bunch of people I get to work with on a daily basis with.

Here's the group pic we got together ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


(probably the lucky picture that all of us were looking at the same camera. There were like 10 phones to use to take. Gathering problems)


(@zord189 reminding everyone with a smile not to forget to upvote!)

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Here's to more great memories and adventures ahead with #teammalaysia and the Big Hug Initiative (@bighugin)! ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”


photo credits to @aaronleang and whoever else that took pictures

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Lovely meetup indeed
I. Wish to hold more meetups like you someday so I could get to keep the stemmit flag flying.
I'd love to attend a meet-up of yours someday
More achievements come your way ๐Ÿ‘
Here's a meet_up of mine I conducted few days back, would appreciate you kindly check this out

Wow! That was fast...! Was great to have met ALL of you in person.

Thanks @danielwong @happycrazycon for having us. @veenang @viverridae & I really enjoyed our burgers ๐Ÿ” Iโ€™m still full from dinner! @littlenewthings was right, I think Iโ€™d be full till lunch later! Haha...

Btw, I applaud your Big Hug Initiative @bighugin, keep it up! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ We still need to learn a lot from you guys too. Letโ€™s continue to support each other! ๐Ÿ˜‰


hahaha! Kan?
Today I do not need breakfast at all, thanks to @danielwong's @bighugin and @karinzdailygrind 's Tea Live lol

Wah so serious meh guys?

No problem. Its an honor serving you guys from so far away. Always welcome as you guys make up what Big Hug is too :)

I think @bighugin is going to be an official meetup place in the future. ๐Ÿ˜.

Thank you so much for the warm hospitality guys. It was indeed a fun meetup.

we have the subang outlet which is also an equally cool place to hang out with open kitchen concept ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I always had that in mind. Now seeing it happen more and more is really amazing. Thanks for all the support!

Another great meetup at THE best place for a meetup. So fast you wrote about this event. Ur No.1 Fan here!

Thanks man! Always good to see ya and hang out. Hope to spend more time with ya next round. Always too many people to chat with whenever we meetup... hahaha...

The Steem Hub aka Big Hug Burgers :D

Got more opportunities one! Btw, we should play CSGO during the weekends :) It's been awhile since I game!

@danielwong Absolutely a nice meet up there, must be lots of fun :D

I love all the pics of everyone with @littledrummerboy

Thanks @nomadicsoul. The youngest on the blockchain XD

so darn cool you can pay with SBD and STEEM - ahead of the curve! :)

onwards and upwards @teamhumble !
Steemit has great potential to grow, all we need is a little faith and an adventurous heart!

It's crazy and risky but I guess things have to start somewhere. I'm just facilitating further the wave we're all already riding :D

someone has got to take the first step ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
thank you for seeing and sharing the vision together ๐Ÿ’ช

Wow. so many meet up at @bighugin now. So great for having supporters from all around the world. yay!๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘โœŒโ™จ๏ธ

Excellent happy moment...really so much enjoyable time..i like it.

Thanks @sumanbiswas. We had a really good time :)

Hey @danielwong,
you got an upvote from @Sndbox-Alpha for Philanthropy & Meetups.
Keep being awesome on the steem blockchain!

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