Meetup # 17 - Penang's Steemit Chinese Sharing Session

in #meetup6 years ago (edited)

Hello Penang! We're here again for another round of 100degree Steemit Sharing Session, this session is presented in Chinese (中文) by our speaker, @davidke20 together supported by Team Malaysia Witness, @bitrocker2020, @iipoh06, @vamos-amigo, @francesaw and myself.

Journey Up North

Our journey up north started around 10.30 AM after fetching @bitrocker2020 and headed straight up to the highway to meet up​ with @davidke20 and @francesaw halfway of the journey for lunch.

Traffic is slightly more due to school holiday has just started, but it still not as crowded as the festive season. We reached Sungkai for lunch at one random Chinese​ restaurant called, Sungkai Choy Kee around 12.30 PM.


After our Lunch, instead of using back the highway to Penang, we decided to detour on some back curvy village road 😅 around Bidor heading upward Chenderiang, Tapah and exit back to the ​highway at Gopeng.

We reached Penang around 4 PM before the peak traffic swarming out and checked in our accommodation​ which is near to tonight's venue, Prangin Mall and yes first thing to find in Penang was Cendol but we didn't go​ for the famous cendol but instead,​ we just head straight to Prangin Mall for some alternative Cendol 😬

Penang 100degree Steemit Sharing Session

Early supporter @iipoh06 and @vamos-amigo arrived very early on the scene before we even arrived MSOGO, the ​crowd of participant started to come​ in around 7 PM with refreshment served on the side while the staff of MSOGO prepping up the equipment and seats for the session later.

Small Refreshment

Prepping Up

Participant mingling around while waiting for the session to start

The crowd​ for this session is much ​larger than the previous event but @davidke20 has no problem handling with this awesome energetic crowd and hopefully,​ we'll have even more crowd on the next upcoming session organised by @currykhoo.

Session begins

Filled up with all the participants which are​ around 50+ of them

@bitrocker2020 too join in for the session behind ✌️

The session​ ended around 9.00 PM with a certificate gift for @davidke20 and a group photo together just outside the room. For more photos, please check out @vamos-amigo's post for those awesome captured professional photo, here

The session​ ended and thanks to​ all participant 😆. Photo by @vamos-amigo

Video of Penang Sharing Session

Yumcha Session

Follow up with​ a yumcha session with organizer @currykhoo, this time he brought us to Penang’s Legendary Duck Kway Chap at Restaurant Kimberly along Kimberly Street. Kway Chap is a Teochew noodle soup which consists​ of flat wide rice noodle rolls and served together with meat-based​ broth.

It's something that I haven't eat for a long time ever since the same food which can be found back in KK has closed for business. Beside the Kway Chap, we also have tried the Fried Egg with Oyster and some of the local dessert drinks.

After our late dinner, we walk towards few blocks across the street to have a drink at a bar which @currykhoo is bringing us but in the end, we never reach because we stumbled across this very Chinese style Bar, Man Chu which at first, I thought​ is a Chinese dim sum​ restaurant and my mind went like, we ate just not long ago and now we're eating again?

This is the outside of the bar, deceiving right?

But I was wrong when I went in with the EDM music playing behind those soundproofing walls, this indeed is a​ disguise hidden bar in the city. Inside, the whole bar is very ancient Chinese style decoration, even the waitress is wearing some traditional​ Chinese clothes.

The Bar

Live band, very nice voice

Beers are served in a Chinese mug instead of glass 😅

It's an awesome night hanging out again with @currykhoo and Patricia, and it's time to get some rest as we're heading back to KL tomorrow.

Wefie. Photo by Patricia

Journey Down South

Morning Steemians! Getting ready up, check out from accommodation​ and head over Lee Huat Cafe again for some breakfast. This time, I tried the Lor Mee which is somewhat​ different as it's not served with the thick noodle but the ​thin yellow noodle

Back here again

My Breakfast

Ready to head back

After our breakfast, it's time to head down south back to KL which took us around 4 hours with a halfway stop for a ​drink at RnR Tapah. Along the way, a ​new idea of competition struck​ us while exchanging conversation and watching some video. Stay tuned for upcoming post update about this competition that I'll be hosting 😉

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The venue screen seems small for the audience behind..
Btw, it is very grand!! Awesome!!!

Thanks @pizzapai, yea slightly small

Amazing photos.... your skill have improved

Wow the food photos, especially the kueh chap makes me hungry at this hour! Great effort you guys, and may the Chinese writing community on Steemit expand! Welcome back to KL, @aaronleang ! :) Looking forward to your upcoming contest!

Thanks @happycrazycon, yea that kueh chap definitely nice, gonna go back next round for it 😂

You guys are the best! Working to help out the community. Thank you for your hard work @aaronleang.

For Team Malaysia 😆

This post has been curated by TeamMalaysia Community :-

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@aaronleang nice photos and thanks for the mention. Btw, it's @iipoh06.

Ah okok, updated 😉

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