The Whale within - #2 series on Meditation

in #meditation7 years ago

You ever think what’s it like to be a Whale in Steemit? While pondering that question the answer came to me; the Whale is within and that is all that matters. We are in this one big ocean swimming together through life. The feeling of peace comes from going within; while listening to the inner voice; everything is perfect, there is nothing you really need, not even from Steemit. Let things happen naturally. This came as a relief to me; Steemit is a place to share and grow.


There are a lot of people in here writing about meditation, some even have books. The information is available in Steemit and if you don’t get anything else, read some of these posts and start practicing meditation.

The universal truth is you can’t find peace in the world, on the Internet, or anywhere else for that matter. Peace only comes from within, once you receive this peace everything else falls into place.

I read someone’s post on meditation about how he started meditating a couple of hours a day and everything came to him. That is exactly how it works the more in tune you are the more things flow. I’m not saying you have to meditate two hours per day. What is being said here is by keeping calm through meditation the law of attraction brings a lot more into your life; what we put out comes back to us.

Some people look like they’re living the perfect life, whereas in reality they are miserable on the inside. Don’t trust anything out here on the outside; only trust what is inside yourself. The truth is it doesn’t matter what type of meditation you do; how much money you have in the bank, how big you are in Steemit. What is most important is you get peace in your life and enjoy your life.

Start meditating and have someone hold you accountable
Start meditating a few minutes a day and you can increase from there; someone you love or anyone really can make you accountable for meditating that five minutes. That is what I did in the beginning. I would tell my husband I am going to meditate for five minutes today. He would come to me on a daily basis and ask did you meditate for five minutes. This is how the journey to peace inside can begin.

Schedule your meditation time
Another important point is to schedule your meditation so you’ll do it, otherwise the day will just take you over. In the morning is a great time before you fill your head with tons of thoughts and of course in the evening to quiet your mind before you go to sleep.

The basics can be found on my first post on meditation; it’ll be listed at the bottom of this one. On the first post we review basics on how to meditate and share some relaxing music.

Remember you already are a Whale inside.

We will continue this series and later go over guided meditation with some suggestions for healing, relaxing, and letting go.

We are one and if I am helping you I am helping myself.

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Thank you for reading feel free to follow for future postings.


Rebecca Be

Quiet the mind - #1 series on Meditation


Meditation is such an important part of my life. Keep me positive and focused.

Thank you for the post


hey @harrynewman thanks for the comment .. it let's others know it does help :)

I knew I was a whale deep inside. Thank you :)
I meditate every night when I go to sleep, that counts right?

Hi rebecca. Gr8 blogand i like your analogy on the whales. I found a a nice video on the topic once:

Hope you like it!

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