Some Meditation During The Holiday Season

Meditation is a practice that has been exercised by people of all different faiths, ages, economic backgrounds etc, for thousands of years now. And there are millions of people around the world today who practice meditation regularly.

Numerous studies show that there are a variety of benefits that are said to be associated with meditating on a regular basis,..

such as helping to improve focus, boosting immune system function, improving productivity and self control, and possibly helping to reduce stress, depression, and more. Meditation has even shown to be able to alter your genes.

A variety of successful individuals, such as Tony Schwartz (CEO of The Energy Project), Bill Ford (Ford Motor Company), Russell Simmons (Def Jam Records), and many others, have frequently attributed their success to practicing meditation on a regular basis.

Billionaire Ray Dalio has said that meditation was the vital ingredient involved that contributed to his overall success.

There are a great deal of meditation apps available today for those who are interested in learning about a variety of meditation experiences. They are apps like The Mindfulness App, Smiling Mind, Calm, Headspace, and others. Whether it's breathing exercises, sleep stories, a myriad of different meditation exercises, there is a wide range available on the market today.

For a growing number of people who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed today, they are turning to meditation and mindfulness to try and seek some relief. And with a great deal of successful individuals claiming that meditation played a detrimental role to their success, it's not surprising that it might prompt others to go looking to see what it's all about.

There are a growing number of corporate events taking place in this space, whether it's meditation retreats, yoga classes at the office, or a variety of meditation programs being offered, it's a big trend right now in the corporate space. With companies like P&G, Yahoo, Apple, Nike, and others, all embracing the meditation experience in their corporate work environment.

Aside from the work meditation experiences, there are also millions of people who are meditating on their own as well, and we can see the rise in popularity with the increase in websites and apps that have sprung up to cater to this market space.

You can also find a variety of meditation flash mobs that are planned in various places around the US and elsewhere. There is one such event planned for this afternoon in Miami, at Sunset Plaza, for anyone who might want to seek a little relaxation in the midst of their holiday preparations.

Whether it's trying to reduce stress, decrease depression, or just find a little peace and quiet during the holiday shopping and gatherings etc, there are many different reasons why people are turning to meditation. And research has shown that even practicing brief sessions might bring with it some valuable benefits.


The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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Thanks for the much valued post.

Wow @doitvoluntarily I definately need some meditation around this time of year. Great and informative post

I could definitely try out some brief meditation sessions especially while its nice and quiet here at work on the graveyard shift ! LOL! I mean it cant hurt and its bennificial to reduce stress and all around promote better health so why not at least give it a try Right !?!? Im going to check out if there's any free apps ! Thanks for sharing @doitvoluntarily ! And don't forget to let me know your picks in the #popcontest later Sunday night ! There's 24 entries I believe so far , its been a very busy week for me !!!upped and resteemed !

I work in the Retail Space! Meditation helps me Survive esp this time of

It's so inspiring to see this kind of content being circulated and acknowledged by so many people! Meditation has profoundly impacted my life, motivating me to work towards a career in which I can introduce it to others, for both personal and professional results.

With may be struck with Great and whole life changing idea.

my whole life I dream to learn meditation, your blog contributes to this

I practice meditation and mindfulness don't know how I would do without it! Great post I learned some new things about it merry Christmas my friend❤️

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