More Americans Of All Ages Are Turning To Meditation And Yoga

A survey was recently conducted which determined that about 14 percent of adults reported doing more yoga regularly, and roughly 14 percent that reported meditating as well.

This is an increase of about 10 percent compared to a similar survey that was conducted only a few years prior.

The prevalence of meditation has increased threefold, and more Americans of all ages are turning to experiment with yoga as well. With listed health benefits such as a potential reduction in stress, increased flexibility, a reducing in anxiety and more, it's easy to see why so many might be interested in trying these activities.

Today, you can find dozens of different meditation apps that can help to guide you through the process, whether you are experienced or if it's your first time.

Last year, it was reported that mindfulness training and meditation are likely one of the best industries to get started in business. It's estimated to be $1 billion industry.

Many companies have come around to the consideration of exploring yoga and meditation for the possibility of fostering positive mental health with their employees.

It's estimated that some 22 percent of companies are already offering some sort of meditation training to their employees.

There are said to be at least 18 million Americans who are practicing meditation on a regular basis, turning to dozens of different meditation apps to help them become more familiarized with the practice.

Some cryptocurrency efforts have even considered allowing people to earn crypto by meditating.

According to a previous study on meditation, researchers have even suggested that we might be able to alter our genes with these activities. Researchers have found that meditation for example, might be able to suppress the expression of certain inflammation-promoting genes in the body. Not only that, but it's also suggested that practicing meditation might help to protect against psychological disorders, and more.

They are activities that just about anyone can partake in, and researchers suggest that practicing for about 10-20 minutes, 2x per day would be ideal. It doesn't take much to start incorporating more yoga or meditation into your life and there are tremendous benefits that could potentially be reaped as a result.


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Some Meditation During The Holiday Season


Yep. Finally realizing medication is nothing compared with meditation.

Posted using Partiko Android

@DoItVoluntarily ALL=ways like Your Posts because You create/choose to write about so many diverse topics that widen a person's awareness.

Really thought it's interesting that there is a crypto where You can earn by meditating... quite fascinating.

Thanks Again DiV !!

thanks for the kind words✌😄 appreciate you stopping by

Pat Robertson is not going to be pleased... ha.

I know that a lot of people assume that meditation is something that you have to join a group to do. To learn- yes but you do not have to buy anything or take classes, etc. Start simply. Anything that draws your attention back to it´s center- breathing is usually the point of focus at first. Then the experience of just being in the moment as a living witness and then as part of the greater whole. This can be done differently and with purpose also. It is empowering as it is calming and giving you access to intuitive awareness.

I do not personally have experience with Yoga but I have never encountered any negative comment about it. It is good practice and even more interesting when you reach toward the source of the teachings, where it is not considered as or taught as exercise, but rather an alignment, in way of sacred geometry.

Then there is the commercialization of freedom and well being. Maybe you can disrupt religion as an institution but you cannot and will not commercialize genuine spirituality or choice or spiritual practice.

I think that might be what repels some people because no one can own or sell these. Nobody has to buy it.

From my view point, instead of the stupid, illogical stories they told me in sunday school, they should have taught me about meditation.

It is just THAT beneficial! For your life, especially your spiritual life.

However, back 20 years ago, meditation was considered a kooky thing to do. Done by weird people in orange robes. People laughed at the thought of doing meditation.

So, i am glad that the view on meditation is changing.

And you still have some ignorant people such as pope Francis from Ireland who says Yoga is the work of the devil. #faceplam! epigenetics is really starting to demonstrate the influence of such activities on gene expression. If stress and anxiety have been proven to have detrimental affects on health via biology and psychoneuroimmunology, and that is generally accepted on the whole, then why is it so difficult for some people to accept that the opposite of those two would have a beneficial effect on health!

These activities are very good, I have practiced yoga and the truth that helped me in my problems, stress and anxiety in almost everyone is practicing was a nice experience, it is to have good health

@doitvoluntarily hello dear friend, thank you very much for sharing this information, I must admit that I was always curious about these two disciplines, however I have never practiced, every time I listen to more people who join, it is a pending issue for me
I wish you a great day

So YOGA is can have a best benifits in my health so this is the I will aplly this to my daily routine

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