The effects of stress on the body

in #medicine8 years ago

Stress is a normal physical and psychological reaction to the previous life-style modern, more developed. When the brain perceives a threat, signals are transmitted to the body and releases a burst of hormones in order to fuel the body's ability to responds to stress. Without proper management of stress, often body alert remain and affects the body ȋn many ways. You should not wait  the stress to have a negative impact on your health, relationships or the impact on their quality of life. The human body responds to stress by activating the nervous system and specific hormones.

The hypothalamus sends signals to the adrenal glands to produce cortisol and adrenaline and they are released in blood. These hormones accelerates heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and metabolism.  It  frees glucose of liver and sweats to cool the body . All these physical changes prepare a person for this to act quickly ȋn a situation that requires an immediate action. The response to stress is critical in emergency situations, but it can be also activated in a milder form. 

                   Symptoms of prolonged stress

 Stress can affect the body and behavior, but also individual thoughts. Prolonged stress can contribute to health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Also, if you have chest pain, especially if they appear ȋn during  physical activity or accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness, nausea, or pain radiating in the shoulder and arm, you have to get help in urgency as they can as signals of a heart attack.

 Other symptoms: 

• Memory Problems

• Anxiety • Irritability • Depression 

• Diarrhea or constipation 

• Nausea, dizziness 

• Chest pain, rapid heartbeat 

• Alcohol abuse 

• Insomnia 

• Isolation 

                         Stress management 

Stress can not be eliminated in an individual's life but it can control how much is affected by stress. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation and deep breathing are a way for active relaxation response. Practiced regularly, these activities lead to a reduction in stress levels and also bring the ability to remain calm in situations  more stressful. 

• Try to rest in periods of stress 

 • Regular exercises help people manage stress 

• healthy dose of optimism can help to seem this period less stressful

 • Solve first small problems because they give a sense of control and then you can develop certain abilities regarding stress management. 


Its very incomplete make an update after studying what stress does to hormones, especially in woman

this is another interesting subject. At women raises the level of prolactine

Yes but the problem is progesterone almost no doctor corrects this level you see it turns into estrogen as a part of the natural defense system

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