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RE: Vaccination (immunization) Can Save Lifes

in #medicine8 years ago (edited)

Basically this is Rx propaganda designed to benefit pharmaceutical companies and harm human health. Some facts presented are based on CDC coverups and manipulations supported largely by kickbacks (pay offs from the pharmaceutical industry). Yes we can prove it. Many people are getting injured. This is very serious.

There is plenty of evidence leading us to believe this article is really rich in pharmaceutical propaganda designed to promote the profits of a corporation at the expense of the public's health. Author is not addressing concerns in the comments thus far. If people are to be informed and make the best decisions they are going to need good information and a health scientific discussion.


I work in a laboratory. Last year three doctors died because of a flu. I have an example from this year about immunization

Are you willing to consider some of the information presented in the comment of this post? Just consider it, you don't have to believe it. You might find some real value in joining #vaccines on Let's be professional and explore this stuff in small doses over time. If you say you already considered it then I suggest you might want to explore the evidence or conclusions you have formed for a moment. See where it leads..

I dig deep and tell myself to be confident when I confronted crazy information I am uncomfortable with. I remind myself I always have the ability to make up my own view points. It helps me accept new information at least temporarily so that I may change or not change my view points but at least strengthen my experiences. If it is all wrong no harm done I simply use my original ideas. If it is better information than before I benefit greatly and poses something more valuable. I have nothing to lose by learning something new. If you can do this I'm I would like to support your efforts with good votes even if I don't agree. Let's just get in the same ball-park on the topic so we are not so far apart.

Seems every time I do any digging into this subject it always comes up the same. Vaccines are relatively safe and the anti-vaccine people are usually relying on the latest in bad science. I haven't ever come across a single valid criticism that would lead a normal person to not get vaccinated.

Anecdotally, I've found that most of the anti-vaccine people out there are uneducated yokels that tend to believe in other unfounded conspiracy theories. It's gotten to the point where "digging deep" on this issue is a waste of time.

I'm not trying to insult, I'm just calling it how I see it.

Well, thank you for putting in the effort I know there is a lot to sift though. Try Vaxxed it is pretty new.

I just watched this the other night. Always good to hear from both sides, for sure and I find it to be a genuinely fascinating subject. I guess it's a simpler matter for me because I just look at it the same way I look at circumcision: Whether there are benefits or not, I have no right to cut or stab people without their consent. That would be assault. If my kids grow up and want vaccines for themselves, so be it (same goes with any other drugs) but I certainly won't force them.

I see vaccine injuries first hand. At someone one just needs to open their eyes. Keep in mind the profit makers have money to fund this kind of debunked reports. So, I recommend to follow the money when you see the debunk reports.

Have you ever bothered to do some digging into that movie? Do you routinely type 'debunked' when searching these topics? I've found appending 'debunked' to your google search queries can be very enlightening.

When I search for 'vaxxed debunked' I find a whole variety of highly reputable sources citing experts that have thoroughly debunked the film. Am I to believe this is a massive conspiracy? I differ to my previous comment now.

Have you ever bothered...

I'm not using this tone with you..

In response to what you said @contentjunkie. First thank you very much to take the time to ask clarification on this important subject. You said:

It would appear though that there is a link if one is the tell tale symptom of the other. Is that what you are showing now? That there is a link between the two?

I'm not showing that there is a link between the two. I'm showing the facts. I'm not implying any facts. I've just put down the facts. I even quoted the exact words from the sources and provided all the sources to the facts.

I'm showing the facts.

Now the facts beg one question important question that hasn't been answered: how is it possible if vaccines can cause death through encephalitis that it couldn't cause autism which is less that death?

(in response to this comment)

Haha I still really don't like the structure of that question but I'll upvote it for the time you're taking and nice formatting.

I couldn't answer the question you ask above there. He is your question:

Why are you connecting encephalitis with autism? Is there a link between these two conditions? Does one lead to the other?

My answer is in this comment I made above. Not above the question you asked but a new comment I just made. The link to the comment is a the bottom of this comment.

I'm not linking the two. I didn't link the two. I provided link from the leading vaccine manufacturer which state vaccine cause some encephalitis and then provided a link to a study done by the John Hopkins University which said brain inflammation is a hallmark of autism.

John Hopkins University is one of the leading university in medicine.

Encephalitis is most often referred to as brain inflammation.

Thank you very much for your interest and respectful question.

Okay, but if you aren't linking the two then the question doesn't make much sense. That's why I think he isn't answering it. Why would you bring up autism next to other if there is no link between the two?

@contentjunkie in a comment below you said :

Okay, but if you aren't linking the two then the question doesn't make much sense. That's why I think he isn't answering it. Why would you bring up autism next to other if there is no link between the two?

Because it seems like I didn't had to; the leading manufacturer of vaccines state on their website that vaccine cause encephalitis often referred to as brain inflammation and largest study so far of gene expression in autism (2014) concluded brain inflammation is a hallmark of autism.

I didn't link the two. I just stated the facts.

"How is it possible if vaccine can cause death through encephalitis that it couldn't cause autism which is less that death?"

I'm referring to this question that was bold and caught my eye. I don't think specific question makes sense if there is no link between the two. I mean you could insert anything less than death instead of autism and it would make just as much sense.

How is it possible if vaccine can cause death through encephalitis that it couldn't cause toe fungus which is less that death?

That question is an absurd example of what I'm talking about. It would appear though that there is a link if one is the tell tale symptom of the other. Is that what you are showing now? That there is a link between the two?

The highly contagious disease that primarily targets children has reappeared in Romania, where 3 have died as a result.

According to the Romanian Ministry of Health, a third measles casualty was recorded this week, following an unusually high number of measles cases registered in the country over the last 8 months.

"In the first eight months in Romania were recorded 675 confirmed cases of measles in 23 counties. Two children have died. A third death suspect of measles was recorded in last few days, but a final confirmation is awaited. As compared to 2015, the increase is more than alarming. Last year there were only 7 confirmed cases and no deaths from measles," a translated Ministry news release reads.

##According to authorities, the measles outbreak is the result of "irresponsible campaigns against [the] vaccination of children." These campaigns have attracted the support of many Romanians, as many insist the measles vaccine causes autism in young people. Despite the availability of safe and effective vaccines, measles remains one of the main causes of juvenile mortality. In 2014, approximately 114,900 people died from the disease globally, mostly children under 5. Measles is a highly contagious disease that transmits via bodily fluids. There is no specific treatment, and in most cases people recover within 2-3 weeks. However, the disease poses a threat to children who are malnourished or have weakened immune systems.

If the parents listen to you the children will die like here. I know that immunization is necessary if you know something in medicine. I do not support those who make big contracts vaccines but we need them.

We never really doubted you. The trouble is we have strong evidence of fraud in the official reports. Your experience certainly matters and I we should pursue solutions like vaccines. But if we get the mainstream media science and reports without questioning them we become vehicles of deception even if we are the most honest well intended people in the world (I see you being very genuine here).

On a lighter note.. I'm not saying anything about intent on your part. I casted a negative vote being sure to not affect your reputation (I have not been blogging with jamesc so because my rep is lower it will not affect the author's rep).. Fortunately your material has not been removed (would not have it any other way) .. but it is deceptive given the knowledge I have acquired and the evidence shows it is harmful and dangerously one-sided and to a disturbing degree not open to debate. I would not flag any healthy debate on the topic..

I welcome healthy productive debates..

Please consider removing the downvote.

Nope, fraud on the part of the CDC relating to the info in this post is not much of an opinion, I think it is pretty clear. It is fair, I did not affect the author's reputation.

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