
Thank you for the detailed instructions! Love beets and the photo of your stained hands :-)

Slice up the onions and break them up with your hands - you want maximum surface area exposed for optimal fermentation. Cry as you need. Purge out your grief and your unrequited loves. Make a note to go and rewatch Babette's Feast. Cry a bit more, just to be sure.

I literally burst out laughing after reading step one! You are hilarious @artemislives

Thank you. :) I happen to love Babette's Feast - brilliant film about pouring one's anguish and one's love into food. Never sob in the arms of anyone, but chop onions when you are overwhelmed. :) It works adn hey, onions are always here, right?? :)

Yum - can't beet that!

p.s. I really do love them.

Thank you Sam :) I will prepare for you when you visit. :) x

I love beets and this looks amazing! Going to try it out myself. Thanks for the instructions!

Hey Kinberly - thank you! Following.... I have the soul of a poet - slightly given to melodrama :) but awake and open and love to the depths. :)

Thank you!
Yes, I'd say I'm pretty dramatic too :)

Haha... I was just pondering whether drama is simply a mechanism to try to engage someone (or a world) which is repressed, closed, tightly veneered and unable to really FEEL?? I may have the answer by my next life! haha.... Poetry? Yes please. With wine. :)

oh MAN this is the BEST. When Ifirst met Jamie he was like - what, you eat beetroots? I've never eaten one! - like what??? Hard for an Aussie to understand - beetroot on ya sanga, anyone? I love beetroots. Your hands are VERY Lady Macbeth! I'm going to do this when my beetroot crop comes out the garden. Awesome.

Happy to make you happy today. Aussie beetroot is usually from a can and lost all its taste too. :( Lady Macbeth? Oh yes! Now THERE was a chick who did drama well!! Something to aspire to, she laughs. :) I have to wait till the end of the rains to plant here or they rot in the ground - but I WILL! For now we buy them grown from elsewhere - organically - and they're pretty wonderful. :)

Oh yeah, but these days you get grated beetroot more often than not, at least in the places I eat lol. I love roasting beetroot and throwing in ACVwith olive oil, but I reckon lacto fermenting in the way to go.

Out, damn beetroot spot, out!! Will all the perfumes of Arabia not sweeten this little hand, or will I smell like onions and beetroot forever? xx

It's 7 in the morning and I really want pickled beets right now! What a great discriptive recipe @artemislives.

Thank you for that. I think I'm going to think about it all day at work, but won't be able to try making it just yet... we're not home until thursday evening!

By the way what's too hot a temperature for the jars?

Anything over 50 C tends to inhibit-kill the bacterial growth, as does anything much below 20C. In the cool months of Dec-Jan-Feb here I wrap by jars in towels to keep the temperature constant during cool nights. Most of the year I never have to think about it though - the warmest I have experienced here has been 47C and still very much in the fermenting temp range.

Thanks for the support and stopping by! :)

Oh my... 47C!!! I'm dying here at 32c.

Thank you for the info 😁!

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Sincere thanks - I shall be gifting a jar of the probiotic beets to you and the lovely @iamjamie in the next week when the fermenting process is done. Damn - looks like another brunch coming up.... :)

this is great, I love beetroot, I am slightly addicted to fresh beetroot juice with a splash of apple yum, definitely going to try this out though, thank you xxxx

Stained hands? A badge of honour. I prefer not to contaminate my foods with so-called sterile rubber gloves.

love this, I hate rubber gloves x

So simple yet so powerful and delicious - great post!

I especially love beetroot grated with apples and walnuts in a salad 😊

Beets certainly are red-fire-medicine-food. Add the fermentation and what a powerhouse! Do you make beet kvass? I've tried. I love the earthy flavour but would appreciate a good recipe. I've just googled ;)

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