
@janton has helped someone? Let me write that down on the calendar, ROFLOL!

Yes a lot of health problems are easily resolved with simple weight loss. Most type 2 diabetes can be resolved that way. A large part of back pain is from carrying to much weight, and is easily reversed by loosing the extra weight.

But, this is the first study I have seen that linked it to auto-immune problems, and That is Huge too (all pun intended too)!


Right. If I get off enough weight, I'm hoping it will relieve my prostate issues too...

Weight loss unloads the system, and allows it to do better repairs on what remains. The herbals fennugreek, longjack, and moringa are also a good idea.


Herbals to help the prostate. The Moringa is more of a super food that helps the body heal generically, and gives an energy boost.


I've heard of pumpkin seed, saw palmetto, and am currently in my stinging nettle phase. None have done much. Have you had any luck with these others?

No, I have not, the fenagreek is touted to help, but I only know it helps with Diabetes.

I figured you would have these major herbals located. The only major player you have missed is Licorice. Less than an ounce a day of this. The pumpkin seeds should be a half a cup a day. The Saw Palmetto should be two grams a day.

Pygeum (50 mg twice a day) and stinging nettle root extract (3 teaspoons a day) are both listed as mid level herbals for this problem.

The most common reason for non help, is too low a dose. The only one with side effects is the licorice, too much can cause lethargy.

The Longjack was recommended for men's health by a Chinese friend, but I am still looking for dosing information on it. It seems to be too "Far East" to be in any of my books! Not sure on dosing on the fenugreek either, but the Moringa I take 6 "00" capsules a day.

Hope this helps some!


Thanks. I may up the dose on stinging nettle capsules. I also tried a teaspoon of cayenne stirred into a glass of warm water this afternoon, that I'd read was helpful (and seconded by several on the same forum) so, we'll see.

A half cup of pumpkin seeds a day is beyond my finances. Saw Palmetto and pygeum bark never did anything for me...

Let me know what else you may find out about Longjack. I've never heard of that one...

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