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RE: Drama is Going to Happen, But We Need a Better Place for it.

in #mediation8 years ago

You make a lot of good points. I think some sources of conflicts are being eliminated by improvements in the site or in introduced solutions to problems that are causing conflict.

There was a lot of drama about malicious downvoting recently, but @seraph seems to be helping counteract that, just as @cheetah and @steemcleaners are helping with the plagiarism problem. Kudos to @anyx for @cheetah and @seraph and to @anyx and everyone else involved in @steemcleaners.

I think people are being conditioned to expect drama by reality TV and cable news. I know I found some of the Steemit drama quite entertaining and some of it necessary if that's what it took to deal with abusive personalities. When I believed I understood what the conflict concerned I knew I was understanding the site a little better, and I also felt a bit sucked in by egregious behavior.

But yes, it would be nice to have another way to handle conflict that won't show up in Trending. I think your point about how Steemit appears to the wider world is important. That negative stuff is going to be out there, and people reading it won't necessarily know the site was in fast-moving beta stage at the time of the conflict.

Some of the posts reporting problems could be eliminated if it didn't take so damn much work to understand where to go for what.

I would love to see well-developed FAQs at the entrance point to Steemit--a limited FAQ pinned to the top of the page you see when you come to the site as a non-member and a more well-developed FAQ sent with a confirmation email to new people who sign up, divided into sections so you're not overwhelmed with info.

I know Steemprentice is developing information and other help for minnows, but I don't know if there is a plan to get it to minnows immediately. Even before people sign up, they need to know they're going to given a very long random password, and they have questions about how the site works. Based on the link a friend sent me, I initially thought Steemit was solely an anarchism site.

Starting on Steemit is a lot like showing up for a new job in a big building and being told at the front door to find your office and figure out your job duties. If people are suffering in silence because they don't know how to solve problems, their suffering may eventually boil over into a negative post.

Correcting misconceptions from the start might eliminate issues that result from unrealistic expectations, especially regarding earning money.

Mediation done right requires certain skills. How do you think that should be addressed?


Honestly i wasn't thinking of minnow drama when i wrote this. But all your points are still valid. (Except usually minnow drama doesn't make trending pages)

It's late so I'll keep this brief and expand later if i miss things.

That is the Google doc for the Faq. It accepts suggestions so anyone can contribute. But it gives good basics for brand new people. We do have a bunch of other resources in the #Steemprentice pin tab (rather unorganized atm).

The group has let other projects know are there to direct people to. (Like abuse channel, curie, rhw, and project newbie who even has steemprentice mentioned in their channel and comments . Exposure has really been our biggest limitation, which working with the other groups helped.

Some of our members also watch for newbie or frustrated posts ourselves and reaching out to them with an offer to answer questions or help.

Recently virtual growth, kriptik, and gonzo have all done posts to advertise the group and successes.

I'd love to see something pinned for those being onboarded to see, or have steemprentice be a default chat channel...but I'd not really thought on that one, seeming out of reach for now i guess. On the up side, we're at 157 members in channel and we launched only 3 weeks ago. :)

Certain people have mediation skills already and others can quickly learn. To some degree it's like the mentor group in that many joined because they wanted to help. I'd suspect that similar would occur if a need for mediators for escalated conflict.

The vast majority of all conflicts solve themselves through simple discussion or someone offering to help. It's the high profile, prolonged issues that might prove useful with mediation

I do see your point about minnow conflicts not making the trending page.

Thanks for letting me know that anyone can offer suggestions on the FAQ.

No prob, it's really a minor minor point out of the whole thing. I probably needed to be more detailed in the types of issues I was thinking of, but at the same time I don't want to really see those things back in the limelight...hence not mentioning it.

I has seemed that in the last month or so the 'frustrated' or leaving steemit posts have gone down. I don't see them floating around the chat room like before. Which ideally means less frustrated people. (and unfortunately I'm sure some left)

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