
Hey, @make-a-whale, since one of our 40 members is still waiting to get her rep up (she’s almost there, though), maybe we could let @theleapingkoala in at this time? Because she fulfills all the membership criteria and she leased SP from @minnowbooster specifically to be able to join this project. I think she’s earned a spot. What do you reckon?

I actually added her yesterday. Feel she has been supporting all the way and fit the requirements. Now we are at 41 in total. =)

Never fear my friend! See that 1 in brackets next to our member count? That was there for you =) welcome to MAW! Added to the upvote pool =)

Oh, this is awesome. I am very happy that you had saved a spot waiting for me @make-a-whale and thank you very much @oleg326756 for recommending me :D

Thanks you both :D

PS: Where can I find the rules for make-a-whale to follow them, please? Thanks again :)

The rules are basically to stay awesome and post good content. Upvoting the daily MAW post and then sit back and relax. We manually check all votes each sunday, so you can set up steemvoter for automation or upvote manually. Up to you, skipping more than 4 days in a week will result in a reminder. We also have a discord channel so pm me or @gingerninja for the link. There are some promotions and extra gifts in the channel =)

Thats super! Many thanks for the reply/explanation and for being awesome too :D

Oh, yes one last detail. The fair scale was designed to make sure we always give back more than we get at the minimum voting weight.

The math is 50000 / (your steempower) = (your required voting weight)

many thanks. will keep that in mind :)
I voted Today's post with 100% and yesterday's post with 50% (since I wasn't part of the group yesterday)
I wasn't sure if I should vote all the posts prior to that or thats good enough and I continue forward from today on?

Yeah no worries, starting from today will be just fine =)

Many thanks to you @em3 and all MAW members for having me aboard :D

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