SAT Math Question (12) - A Contest

in #mathematics7 years ago (edited)


Factoring is very challenging for many people, but there are only three different types! Learn them and you don't have to worry about factoring anymore! Here are some good examples with explanations...

The Rules

  • Do not leave your answer in the comments please!
  • Please give the answer to me via this link (, please upvote and resteem. First 10 correct solutions will be paid out in steem!
  • Solution will be posted next week towards the end of contest post (if you do not wish to try to figure it out for yourself haha).
    1st place will receive 5 STEEM,
    2nd - 3 STEEM
    3rd - 2 STEEM
    4th and 5th - 1 STEEM
    6th through 10th - .25 STEEM

Good Examples

  • Difference of Squares

Take the square root of each term to find A and B.

  • Sum/Difference of Cubes

Take the cube root of each term to find A and B.

  • The AC Method for 3 Term Polynomials


This is the one most have trouble with. There is a trick, but this is a proper way of factoring that works every time, unlike the trick. Learn this! Also, after replacing the middle term with the blue numbers you've found, you have to factor the first two terms and the last two terms. If you do not have identical parenthesis in the end, something is wrong. Notice: in the above problem both parenthesis have t-2.

The SAT Challenge Question

Use the above help to factor the polynomial below and find the solutions to the equation:

Hint: You can factor more than once. After you factor, find the x-values that makes each piece zero (4 answers).

Thank you for viewing Steemers! Learn much & best wishes!

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Answer sent :D

Excellent work @remic2005! Thank you for your submission!

Thank you! ;)

Congratulations @pawanregmi28! You are 4th for 1 Steem!

When will the prize is distributed

Converting the sbd I have to Steem now! Very soon!

Problem solved, answer sent.

Haha. I saw you upvote and I knew you would have the answer right away for me! Ding Ding Ding Ding! 5 STEEM to you! The rise in the Steem price is Awesome!

Thanks. I also didn't notice until you had just mentioned it... that's like +50% for Steem in the last 2-3 days. Nice =)

Oh yes! Some people say it may jump to 10... A little overoptimistic for me. Haha. That would be 2000 to 20,000, so I hope so!

If we make x=4 then the answer would be "0"

Read the directions Henry. Lol. Post to me on

Did you want all 4 different answers?

Yes please. Send them to me HERE.

This is why I didn't do well in math. I can look at the equation and see that the answer is quickest as . .. x=4 .
Sure I can go longer routes and solve it the other ways. But, I should have read the instruction and then I would have just totally skipped the math test.

I'll take the D+ and move on.

H. G.

No. Try it out! When you send your first try to me I can give hints. Lol.

I got it . . . I just don't know how to put a little 2 above the five in the first parenthesis.
You know x squared minus five squared ect. I'm going to write something. Thanks for all the fun. lol

Sounds good! Any time! Best wishes to you Henry!

Yeah. I go into Microsoft Word to do all of that, then take a snip, or screenshot. Use the carrot ^ for a power.

Congratulations! You are 3rd spot for 2 Steem! Come back next time!

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