Mastodon - the Twitter-chillersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #mastodon7 years ago

So the hot new entry in federated networks this week is Mastodon - a GnuSocial compatible network consisting of a decentralized federation of instances, a lot like Diaspora and Friendica, but where these two networks look like G+ and Facebook, Mastodon looks like Twitter.

Even a quite fancy twitter...

I am trying it out right now, and as is the nature of micro-blogging it feels like 1,000,000,000,000 people shouting. None the less, if you want to try it out it's easy to make a profile.

I am on this instance:
And you can find me here:

I know that @shortcut is there. Anyone else?


There are an massive move from Japan to there.
But I have to say: How they will monetize it? Server needs a lots of money.
Steemit solves this problem by blockchain and its own altcoin. (I'm new here and I could be wrong but I think the altcoin is there for a reason.)
How they will solve that?

There is no need for monetizing. That's the whole idea actually. It is run by small independent servers that connect through, federation. You could run your own server from home...

Diaspora, Friendica, and others have done this for years.

Here is a problem.
This one in japan, a home server, who got millions in one day.
Way too much for a home server. To the point he has to hire an server to run it.
1 student alone administrating millions of accounts is same as only 10 people to administrate whole twitter. It WILL fuck up.
Now there are . This one running by Pixiv, an private companny.
And it's already seeing an censorship incoming for those who draws lolis stuff.

  1. Pixiv (Kind of dA what allows porn.) indeed begun to censor hentai drawing with fictional loli. (not photography)
  2. There are already people in other instances saying "We should block japanese instances because loli." EDIT: It's the Gargron, the guy on the pic, who said it.

But I know how we westerners hate this stuff (I prefer big tits) but censorship is censorship.
So I'm quite a feared to suggest here as an alternative. What kind of backlash it would be?
Because I know many people who thinks banning the idea itself in order to erase the pedoshit.
Well, it's true that if you erase a entire idea of "harming" a child, no real child will be harmed but
It needs to go full Orwellian hell brainwash in order to be accomplished.
I would prefer have billions of fictional anime lolis being tentacled than the world go full Orwellian.

Thanks for your comment. I have been following that too. But I do not see it as a problem really.

Nobody needs to take a million users. You can just close new sign ups. (Japan went amok, and the poor sod did not react in time :)

removing content from a private server is not censorship, not even on Facebook. You decides who gets to camp on your property. If you want to make a hentai-loli instance you can do it... preferably not in a puritan country like Australia or Sweden. If other instances does not want to federate with you it is their choice. It can be compared to the Steemit's flagging-system.

I agree that making laws against drawings, no matter what they depict, is treading on thin ice when it comes to freedom of speech, but that does not have anything to do with federated networks.

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