Orwell Would Be Proud

in #marxism8 years ago (edited)

Orwell wrote 1984 to express his idea about what Stalinism and communism could do to the world. Orwell identified as a democratic socialist, but hated Stalinism, and any form of totalitarianism.
I don't know what his feelings on Marxism were. It would stand to reason if you hate communism and Stalinism, you'd hate the foundation in witch they were based on, and that is Marxism. However, he was a socialist, and Marxism is actually a philosophy based on the implementations of socialism. some might ask, what is the difference between a socialist and a communist. The best answer I heard is "A communist is a socialist in a hurry." and that's basically it, but then that depends on your definition of socialism.

His ideas, like doublethink and newspeak, were just observations of what he seen in the communist party.

The reason I bring this up is because I have noticed, whether it is feminism, any of the social justices for that matter, all of which is based on cultural Marxism, its all about the language.

Karl Marx is considered one of the three architects of modern day social sciences. His unique Hegelian dialectic and eristic dialectic has trickled into the minds of those who now study the social sciences. I believe the way the social sciences are now taught, it actually begins to brain wash people, and I'm not exaggerating. One of the reasons, in my opinion, that communism was so hostile to religion, is because it, being based on Marxism, was a religion, or at least it does to the mind what religion does to the mind; that whole reprogramming the mind, changing our eyes to see things differently, rather then how they are. It creates a new paradigm in with all observed events unfold.

Imagine if you will that I am holding up 4 fingers, but you see 5, because you understand that when I say I am holding up 5 fingers, the number 4 now means 5, but only because I say so. Thus this sleight of hand in the mind is the new reality, it all makes perfect sense according to its own logic. When the mind is bent in that way, old things have new meanings. Marxist philosophy has the same effect religion has on the brain, it just bends and warps reality. And it seems to be wrapped up in the grammar.

Patriarchy, Rape Culture, Privilege, Objectification, Rights, Equality, Ect....... These aren't words to them, in the way they are to you and I. These are now religious concepts. They have double meanings, and which meaning they refer to is now dependent on which ever one supports their argument. And if they make a second argument , and then must change the definition of one of these words, and you bring up their own former definition, and point out how argument 1 and argument 2, are using key word that must not be able to hold the same definition, they then argue on the vagueness of their first statement. They keep doing this and dancing around what and given word means and what and given statement they made actually means. They keep dancing around this until you become discouraged and stop talking to them.
In the rare occasions you make some progress with them, and get them to rationalize things, and you win the battle here and there, the next time you talk to them and attempt to continue your argument, they have completely forgotten their defeats, and you have to start all over again with a hour conversation on what the definition of any given word is. And again, if you should win the battle, and then try to resume the war the next day, they will have forgotten the entire battle of yesterday. It is impossible to talk sense to a Marxist.

Cultural Marxism seeks to divide people and then divide those people, and continuously create division, until there is no loyalty to nation, not by mechanism of patriotism, or culturally reinforcing religion. It creates divisions , calls the majority oppressors, the minorities oppressed, and encourages hostility towards the main stream, amplifying alienation.

They use of flamboyant words, and many of their common place words having double meaning. They swing all this shit together and the observer will be a little befuddled over the long winded string of complex words, yet totally mislead by the hijacked words with double meanings. This has an interesting effect on people. It makes them assume one thing, while being horribly vague about the details, and all the while acts as something of a secret code to the "in crowd" who also speak this language. I'm not trying to say that they actually practice and rehearse a secret language. It's just something that happens. The "in crowd" get it, the outsiders are confused.

It's like these people use a couple of catchy words such as freedom, equality, justice, and claim that's all they are about, and how their opponents are completely against it. They draw you in with lots of hooting and hollering and arm waving. They prey on your sense of resent, your sense of alienation, your neediness to belong and be accepted. When they have used their words to grab you off the street and into their club, you may inquire exactly how their opponents limit freedom, equality, justice . And they will point out all the unfairness, all the imperfections of "the system". Then you will ask how they have a solution. And they will hit you over the head with such long winded words, an endless tirade of the most obscure and flamboyant words like a religious person in a church falling to the ground and speaking in tongues. And you wont know what any of it means. And slowly but surely you will get inducted further and further into their circle, until you are now one of them.

I sometimes think these people are aware of what they fight, but they are clueless as to what they actually stand for. And when asked what it is they stand for, other then naming the things they are against, all they have is hollow rhetoric they spout like a fanatic speaking in tongues and getting high on the sound of their own rhetoric. I swear, Marxism is like a cult.

And all of its trappings, all of its smoke and mirrors, is capitalizing on the resent of the disenfranchised, or marginalized, as they put it, an its the language. It's all about the language.

Again, the entire smoke and mirrors of this ideology, is its language and the vagueness of the specifications.

In his essay Politics and the English language (1946), Orwell writes about the importance of clear and precise language, arguing that vague writings can be used as a powerful tool of political manipulation because it shapes the way we think. In Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell described a totalitarian government that controlled thought by controlling language, making certain ideas literally unthinkable.

I think I should mention that there are many words that don't necessarily take away your ability to have certain thoughts, but they certainly take away your ability to speak certain thoughts. Words of bigotry like sexist, homophobe, islamaphobe, racist, xenophobe.
These words connote an unreasonable hatred of a demographic of people. And the cultural Marxist, or more accurately in this particular example, your average leftist, will turn every issue into a social issue, once it becomes a social issue you have to stand on the politically correct side of the fence or they will brand you with one of those deadly forms of bigotry which can cost you your job and more.

In our Marxist social justice warrior culture, it's a one way street. Only whites can be raciest, only men can be sexist, only straight people can be phobic, only this majority can be this negative keyword and so on.

Just look at what Adria Richards has to say

In Cultural Marxist philosophy, there is an oppressed, and an oppressor, and all attacks onto the oppressor class are justified.

Once the disenfranchised, who's mind has been corrupted by Marxism, labels you an oppressor class, you cease to have rights. All bigotry and injustices to you shall be ignored by the cultural Marxist, and in any case where it cannot be ignored, it is justified as deserved hatred, deserved discrimination.
The end game for cultural Marxism is to divide society into many different classes, each one proclaiming victimhood, each oe demanding the government step in and make things equal. Thus a big government ruling over the people with an iron fist, and giving everyone their equal rations, handouts. And corporations now being controlled by the government, being told who to hire and who to fire and how much anyone can be paid for any given thing, thus the corporations now being owned and controlled by the government. Cultural Marxism is a means to total Marxism. Again, it's pushing for communist nation by destabilizing the nation by creating division among the people. But back to how the Marxist, leftists, turn political issues into social justice issues, then insists that any social injustice an oppressor class experiences is either non existent, deserved, or is actually a government based class issue; not a social issue.

They constantly try to turn political issues into social issues, so that if you stand on the wrong ide of the fence they can hammer you with accusations that you're some kind of an ist, some kind of phobe. Then notice when some "white guy" gets the balls to stand up to this shit and point out one or more injustices to whites, the social justice warrior, or liberal, or leftist of sorts, will then back pedal and tell you not to be challenging this on a social level, its not a racial struggle it's a class struggle, it's all about fighting off our tyrannical government. Notice when some man gets the balls to fight back against feminist bullshit and starts pointing out some very real injustices to men, the feminist social justice warrior immediately tries to tell you it's not a gender struggle, its not a social struggle, you're wasting your time fighting feminism, there are bigger fish to fry, its a class struggle, its the government, its the system.

Isn't that amazing how that works out? They, meaning any branch, any division of the Marxist tainted left, take things like guns, abortion, illegal immigration, things that have nothing to do with sex and race, and turn it into a social cause involving sex and race. And yet when you, being cis, heterosexual, white, male argue them on a genuine social issue, they do the polar opposite and try to tell you its not a social issue. Anytime a person who has been labeled as a member of the so called oppressor class fights back against this social justice Marxist shit, they are told not to fight back against the people that attack them, fight back angst the system there are better fish to fry.

Am I the only one here seeing dishonesty as the number one trait of Marxism?

The confusing convoluted flamboyant language, the use of vague words, and vague concepts, all the double speak and double think, the constant changing definitions of every word, the deceitful tactics in arguing. Come on, if there was one word, just one word to describe all of this, it would be "dishonest".

I guess I have to point out, when I refer to these leftists, calling them cultural Marxists, I am generalizing. I am aware that not all lefties are like that. I am also not claiming that everyone who has ever voted for the democratic party is Marxist. But, if you re in that social justice warrior club, and you champion political correctness, then yeah, you're a fucking commie Marxist piece of shit.

Cultural Marxism is a one way street, men can only be the oppressors, whites can only be the oppressors, heterosexuals can only be the oppressors and so on. Until heterosexuals are a minority within the government heterosexuals will always be the evil oppressive class. So long as the western world is made up mostly of white people, or white people being the most numerically significant of the collective people, and this also is true of the governments of the western world, white people will always be considered the oppressors. And while men are by a fraction a minority, they still make up the majority of corporations and government, thus their power is direct power. Thus they are the oppressor class.


damn, man. if only we could get some of these tumblr tards to read posts like this one, we might make some headway in finding some rational discourse in this world.

i regret that i have but one vote to give for this post. resteemed.

Thank you.
I doubt they could understand it just in the fact that I had one in the comments trying to pull the oppression games when the whole post is about what they are trying to do.
Its weird and I don't fully understand how such a level of mental gymnastics is possible.

i replied to that comment. no reply yet.

blame whitey! that way, no one has to take responsibility for their own actions.

I guess they got to blame someone and personal responsibility doesn't seem to be an option for most people now days.

I believe it was Jordan Peterson that said something I like about the radical left. It was along the lines of, the left never really liked the poor. They just hated the rich. They feign compassion for those in need, as leverage against the rich.

In the end it comes down to hierarchy. Those at the bottom of hierarchy are always going to be looking for ways to topple those at the top and put themselves in the position of power.

I think that is why I love Peterson's lectures so much, as it breaks down this stuff from the abstract to the personal. We are hierarchical creatures by nature. Accepting and understanding this can open our eyes to what others are trying to do when they undermine us. It's a battle for dominance in the hierarchy.

Oppression Olympics.
Peterson's breakdown of sjw's is amazing.
He mentioned a gulag archipelago and I have been reading it the last week. Its like 1984 x1000 and its all real. Fucking insanity the direction we are all headed.

I think white people are seen as the oppressors mainly because during the last few centuries they have been the oppressors, at one time it was the Egyptians, the Romans, the Chinese all of them have been oppressors, and religions are also oppressors, and the upper classes in any country are also oppressors. Marxism is just another means of oppressing people, you have to understand these oppressors are quite resilient and find new ways to screw up the majority, thereby a small clique controls most of the wealth and power. And yes Marxists are a piece of shit but so is almost everybody else. I'm not a Marxist by the way, I actually relate to neither religion or political system so I don't really care how they are perceived.

and by oppression you surely mean invention and proliferation of the ideas and technology, that has allowed people to attain a standard of living that has allowed the global population to increase to it's current unprecedented levels. the oppression that has allowed humanity to begin to free itself from the chains of living in tribal primitivism, enslaved perpetually by superstition, and dying of waterbourne illness in infancy. white people are such a scourge on humanity! after all they are the first ones who even thought of abolishing slavery. oh, the horror.

Boy do you have your facts wrong, for your information slavery was completely abolished in Latin America long before the US even thought about it, European countries had them up to the 20 th century in Africa, in fact Apartheid which was a form of slavery was not eliminated until the end of the 20th century. As for inventions , as far as I know the all time greatest inventions come from Asia, powder, paper, compass, no progress would have been possible without these three. And I think you are assuming I am not Caucasian, my family is Portuguese and British, white of course.

All of them have been the oppressed too. Its stupid IMO to play the oppressor game, or victim Olympics or whatever one wants to call it.

No, there has always been a small group of people who have rarely if ever been oppressed, like for example the clerical elite of all religions (Pagan, Jews, Muslims, Christians etc),the royal families and the ones we now call bankers, government elites, which is just the same as the feudal lords, the people who owned most of the cattle or in fact here we are talking about the people who have money. Do I not like oppressors? Of course anyone in his senses shouldn't, unless he happens to be an oppressor, I believe we can agree on that.

I feel you are labeling a large group of people as oppressors so you can then play the victim/oppressed to remove responsibility of having negative actions/thoughts towards a particular group based on stuff in the past that the people in the group you are referring to had nothing to do with.
you are peaching the Marxist propaganda of oppressor/oppressed in order to divide and couquer. just like the post is about.

Skeptic, who in your opinion are oppressed and who are the oppressors?

Well I think nearly everyone is or has been oppressed, but I do have a belief that there is a small group that controls most of what happens on a political, social and religious level, I think were we disagree is you believe that Marxists are the essence of this control and I tend to think this has been happening since man began to live socially.

you believe that Marxists are the essence of this control


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