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RE: Orwell Would Be Proud

in #marxism8 years ago

I think white people are seen as the oppressors mainly because during the last few centuries they have been the oppressors, at one time it was the Egyptians, the Romans, the Chinese all of them have been oppressors, and religions are also oppressors, and the upper classes in any country are also oppressors. Marxism is just another means of oppressing people, you have to understand these oppressors are quite resilient and find new ways to screw up the majority, thereby a small clique controls most of the wealth and power. And yes Marxists are a piece of shit but so is almost everybody else. I'm not a Marxist by the way, I actually relate to neither religion or political system so I don't really care how they are perceived.


and by oppression you surely mean invention and proliferation of the ideas and technology, that has allowed people to attain a standard of living that has allowed the global population to increase to it's current unprecedented levels. the oppression that has allowed humanity to begin to free itself from the chains of living in tribal primitivism, enslaved perpetually by superstition, and dying of waterbourne illness in infancy. white people are such a scourge on humanity! after all they are the first ones who even thought of abolishing slavery. oh, the horror.

Boy do you have your facts wrong, for your information slavery was completely abolished in Latin America long before the US even thought about it, European countries had them up to the 20 th century in Africa, in fact Apartheid which was a form of slavery was not eliminated until the end of the 20th century. As for inventions , as far as I know the all time greatest inventions come from Asia, powder, paper, compass, no progress would have been possible without these three. And I think you are assuming I am not Caucasian, my family is Portuguese and British, white of course.

All of them have been the oppressed too. Its stupid IMO to play the oppressor game, or victim Olympics or whatever one wants to call it.

No, there has always been a small group of people who have rarely if ever been oppressed, like for example the clerical elite of all religions (Pagan, Jews, Muslims, Christians etc),the royal families and the ones we now call bankers, government elites, which is just the same as the feudal lords, the people who owned most of the cattle or in fact here we are talking about the people who have money. Do I not like oppressors? Of course anyone in his senses shouldn't, unless he happens to be an oppressor, I believe we can agree on that.

I feel you are labeling a large group of people as oppressors so you can then play the victim/oppressed to remove responsibility of having negative actions/thoughts towards a particular group based on stuff in the past that the people in the group you are referring to had nothing to do with.
you are peaching the Marxist propaganda of oppressor/oppressed in order to divide and couquer. just like the post is about.

Skeptic, who in your opinion are oppressed and who are the oppressors?

Well I think nearly everyone is or has been oppressed, but I do have a belief that there is a small group that controls most of what happens on a political, social and religious level, I think were we disagree is you believe that Marxists are the essence of this control and I tend to think this has been happening since man began to live socially.

you believe that Marxists are the essence of this control


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