
Oh, I need all the help I can get :D. You say that now, but my writing tends to get a little long-winded haha. But I have the first 6 chapters of A World Long Sundered on my blog if you care to take a look.

I will try to read through them soon. I do a lot of my reading as night without Internet access. ;-) As for being long-winded, I enjoyed reading Moby Dick when I was in 6th grade. That doesn't scare me. I used to go through the library and borrow the thick books, because I was only allowed 10 a month and they lasted longer.
Whether some of it needs to go, that's another question. ;-)

You are definitely my kind of reader. All my favorite authors write 700+ page bricks that no editor seems to want to touch haha. My first chapter was around 6k words, then with @rhondak's help, I cut it down and broke it up into 2 parts. Take your time, there is plenty of work to go around at the Fiction Workshop. I don't want to burn you out!

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