Why I will not be going to Mars... Its too small

in #mars8 years ago (edited)

When it comes to habitable planets, among other things, size does matter when staying warm.

As can be seen above mars is significantly smaller than earth.

With it being smaller than earth it has a larger surface area to mass ratio. As a result it cooled much more quickly and to all intents and purposes its once molten insides are now effectively frozen.

Without an internal rotating core the magnetosphere collapsed and there was no longer protection for its atmosphere from the solar wind.

I will not be going to mars because I have no inclination to live inside a microwave oven

Without a rotating core and magnetosphere, aside from loosing its once almost earth-like atmosphere, it is subject to constant bombardment from cosmic rays

Approximately 5 meters of martian soil will be required to produce the same amount of protection from cosmic and solar radiation our atmosphere provides.

I also don't know that I could live like a mole.


If Arnold can do it, I can do it.

In reality, what's the point... bragging rights? People will land there, then 40 years later people will say, "Didn't happen! NASA is a hoax!"

Mars...bunch of rocks and craters and shit. What a nice life. 'Duh lets go to Mars just because. No man has gone there before! It's the virgin vagina of space! fuh fuh'

If I wanted to go somewhere to look at rocks, I'd go outside. I'd go to Mars though, if it paid well. I'd want to skip training though.

Without a rotating core and magnetosphere, aside from loosing its once almost earth-like atmosphere

Are you aware that this process took millions of years? So if we artificially restored the atmosphere we'd have many, many, many times the total duration of human civilization to date before it would become a problem again.

Precisely, and it also takes millions, actually billions of years to get an atmosphere to the state ours is in, and in just a few centuries we are creating all kinds of complex unintended consequences with our own that we can barely begin to understand let alone control.

Precisely, and it also takes millions, actually billions of years to get an atmosphere to the state ours is in

Not artificially. Most of Mars' atmosphere didn't escape into space, it was absorbed into the soil. It would outgas and form a breathable atmosphere if Mars were sufficiently warmed.

We've learned from messing with our own climate how that warming occurs. It's not that we don't know how to warm another planet's atmosphere, that's actually much easier than slowing or halting warming already in progress.

Basically we just need to pollute the fuck out of Mars.

Water, CO2, Methane ice in the soil I can accept, hydrogen ice I'm not so sure, upper atmospheric Hydrogen is what would be stripped away by the solar wind and a thick layer of hydrogen is what is needed to shield from cosmic bombardments.

So long as we can breathe the air, radiation is a secondary concern. Buildings can be designed with integrated shielding, colonists can wear wide brimmed hats lined with lead fibers, etc.

Also most likely due to the enormous cost of sending prefabricated habitat modules to the Martian surface from Earth, most of the living space will be pressurized underground tunnels and caverns. Radiation isn't a concern underground.

The main problem as I see it is where to get enough greenhouse gases to get a feedback loop started on Mars. I've seen serious proposals to just nuke the fuck out of it in order to vaporize the polar ice caps. That would cause temporary warming and, it is hoped, enough of an atmosphere released from the soil to build upon.

Perhaps I am just too skeptical whenever simplistic solutions (not yours...the ones in the media)are proposed to highly complex problems

No worries, I don't think there is such a thing as "too skeptical". Someone else mentioned Musk advocating for the "nuke the shit out of Mars" plan. You and I agree that is probably too simplistic and will have undesirable, unanticipated effects.

I don't claim to have all the answers. I mostly just came here because you replied to a few people saying the atmosphere would bleed away soon after being generated. That's not the case. Whether it's possible to regenerate one at all with current tech though, that's still a big question mark.

I've heard of the idea of siphoning atmosphere from Venus, but if we had the level of tech necessary to do that, we wouldn't need planets to live on.

Well actually what I did reply was

the newly created atmosphere will last as long as the old one

LOL on the Venus comment...

So My Daughter's Ex running over and killing a Martian on the Highway was probably not true?

Calling them Martian is not PC... but then again running things over and killing them is probably worst ;)

Ah darn that's that option out of the window. I'll knock Mars off my travel bucket list! Really interesting, thanks for sharing. Hope and hugs.

Elon Musk has plans that nuking the planet strategically will create an atmosphere and over time will create vegetation and such. Read on it here: http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/2/9441029/elon-musk-mars-nuclear-bomb-colbert-interview-explained

Sure it would be a great endeavor to teraform a planet. But without a magnetosphere the newly created atmosphere will last as long as the old one.... and we can see that atmospheric management is not an easy task (highly complex). One look at our own experience here with climate change etc. tells the story.

great point i think that the idea of traveling too far into space is just totally unrealistic based on some planet of the apes (the book) type theory that time speed and travel quantum physics idk put those last 5 words together and you know what i mean. I understand mars is closer and i understand people want to terraform mars and blah blah but damn we cant even fix or take care of the planet we have you think we're just gonna create a livable habitat on that other rock. end rant lol o yea typo i'm guessing or should be our

Thanks for the catch on the typo

In the case I have to choose between a microwave oven and a destroyed Earth, I will pick the microwave oven...

We will not be going to mars because of an important science that hasn't been developed yet. (Maybe NASA has developed it and never told anyone about it)

Anyway, the people researching this area are called kooks and unscientific. However the field is resplendent with healing affects and body self regeneration. Without this, no man will survive the trip to Mars.

Sorry, I am being enigmatic. But I use this as my barometer if anyone is actually doing what they are saying in space.

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