What Do You Talk About After 25 Years? (Marriage)

in #marriage7 years ago (edited)

*photo from pixabay  

This year we will celebrate 26 years of marriage.  When you tell people you have been married for that long the first response is usually:

"How did you do it?"  

My first answer:  We just didn't get divorced.

We just didn't get divorced.  Did we make mistakes and fight?  Yes!  We had fights or disagreements over money, kids, discipline, household chores add many other important and silly topics.  Sometimes we resolved the problem quickly with great skills, other times an issue would raise to the top over and over until we "did a better job at resolving it". 

Another common question, "What do you talk about after 25 years?"  

This question is much easier to answer.  We have lived together for most of our adult lives.  We share the same family, friends, history, music, bed, we know the details of each other's careers, hopes, dreams, and disappointments.  We know the same jokes, stories, etc.  We have seen each other at our best and worst, sick and well, winning and losing.  We talk about the mundane and the "big stuff" fairly calmly now.  We talk about whatever is on our minds.

Tonight my husband gave me the regular weekday call, it starts with the same words each time..  "I am just leaving the office...."  I noticed when my phone rang, I felt excited.  I wanted to share with him some interesting details of my day.  During that call we exchanged some quick information and he is going to run an errand on his way home.  After all this time, I am excited to hear about his day, tell him about mine and we will likely talk about whatever else comes up.

Tonight's agenda will likely include:  The activities in the Crypto-Markets, His Day, The NBA Basketball finals, Our daughter's upcoming wedding, and dinner.  As well as whatever else comes up.

I don't know what tomorrow brings and maybe I will be writing about divorce next week.  For now I am looking forward to my friend getting home from work.  

Some people including my Father, (irony) think that marriage is outdated.  By the way, Dad and his "girlfriend" have been together for 36 years.  Grins.

What are your thoughts?


Marriage is not outdated!

I think marriage is a state of mind more than it is, a piece of paper. You can have a certificate framed and hung on the wall for the world to see and still not think anything of the person you're married to ...

I completely agree.

This was so sweet to read. I look up to couples that do not divorce just because of one disagreement.

Aww, thank you for reading it.

Love to read real life stories. Don't really know what to answer to your question. Guess for some people is ok, for others may be a relic of the past. Depends how people are on the inside, I suppose :)

For now I am looking forward to my friend getting home from work

When you said the above,I knew you hit a great point. People stay friends for years with some one for the same reasons they stay married or dating. They stay friends and communicate. Congratulations to you and your best friend hubby and your daughters up coming wedding!

nice one especially for someone like me who is just going into marriage. well i think divorce is not a common and acceptable thing where i come from as culture and religion abhors it, however there are incompatible unions which i see and feel cannot work especially those built on lies and deceit. You a great guy with a great post and sense of humor as such i am following you being new on steem. need more inspiring posts from you...keep it up and hope you follow me too as i have great contents to share...

Hey Ken, I wish you well in your marriage. I agree there are times a match looks incompatible, but I also think some people give up to easily.

You are right sir. I love your faith in marriage which is different from the look of things from western societies...hardly you find a home that is complete as such the kids suffer and grows up seing broken homes as normal...
Glad am following you and willing to upvote your posts as the contents am sure will be great. Keep advicing us newly weds, we need experience...bless you

I hope my husband and I are going as strong are you and your husband are in 25 years. We dated for 7 years prior to getting married and there were sometimes we treated each other more as a roommate than a partner, but once we figured it out, we got better together.

We have gone through that phase a couple of times. :) I think it is part of it.

Certainly. Balance in a relationship can always be a struggle.

My wife and I have been together for 25 years. We've been through a lot, most of it pretty rotten, but we get through it because we are still each other's best friend in the world.

What has helped is that we are both interested in different things but have a common worldview to process it through. So, while I'm obsessed with politics, economics and societal shifts, she's interested in anthropology, biology and pretty much anything else that comes her way.

I write, she gardens. I live in my head, she solves problems we both share in the responsibilities of our hobby farm and but with a clear division of labor. She has a PhD in Redneck engineering and still surprises me with everyday with how she sees the world.

@goldgoatnguns You and your wife sounds like my hubby and I :) but i am the one in my head while he solves things :) Now Following you :)

Sorry to hear much of it was rotten, but I loved hearing how you describe your wife and your roles. The love and admiration shines through.

I love it when we still surprise each other.

I also like to play on my hobby farm. :) I gave you a follow.

Thanks. What makes the rotten palatable is each other. She's still the best person I've ever met and I'm lucky to have her in my corner.

Thanks for the follow.

Great achievement... But I think till my 25 years of marriage world would have vanished.... Can't see a world surviving with so much to come... But yes... I'll live and love from the first day of my marriage.... Cheers :)

The world might be different, but I think it will remain. I hope you do live and love for the rest of your life.
I hope I do too! :)

Amen :)

Wow that's beautiful. Well done for putting up with each other for 25yrs, and here's to the next 25 :) at lets hope none of us will be writing on steemit about any divorce's anytime soon :D

He shouldn't be proud of what he has done because after all she is her half life..... She. It comes to love... You can't get credit alone

Agreed, when a marriage lasts, there are 2 people involved. :)

I absolutely plan on doing my best to continue to not get divorced. :) There is something very comforting about spending time with someone you have lived and loved with.

Nope you are my New Friend so you are not allowed to even think that horrible word :) Think Positive :) Never ever give up on eachother :) @whatsup :)))

@whatsup :) Did you see this one :) I am not sure which one is messing on your end :)

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