August 23, 2017 Market Watch: Today's Top Cryptocurrency Market Gainers and Losers

in #marketwatch7 years ago (edited)

Today's market watch will showcase the top cryptocurrency market gainers and worst losers in terms of market prices.


1. Ripple - Increased by 39%

2. Stellar - Increased by 22%

3. Expanse - Increased by 18%

4. NXT - Increased by 15%

5. Stratis - Increased by 12%


1. Bitcoin Cash - Decreased by 12%

2. VCash - Decreased by 9%

3. Vertcoin - Decreased by 7%

4. Nem - Decreased by 7%

5. Vericoin - Decreased by7 %

For daily market-related news, please follow @georgetan93.


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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.13
JST 0.032
BTC 61383.17
ETH 2915.78
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.61